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Country: United States
State or province: South Carolina

Team Leader
Frank Dirks

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Simple links in the Holy Spirit's chain.

July 3, 2024

On Saturday, a young man who said he worshipped at the Greek Orthodox Church saw us as he was driving by.  He parked his car and walked across the street to talk with us.  He asked for prayers for his discernment for a choice he is feeling prompted to make about whether to apply for US Marine Corps OCS.  I told him my son was just commissioned a USMC officer and shared a bit of his experience.  We prayed with him and asked Our Lady to guide him in his decision.
A while back a young man asked for prayers for what he said was his upcoming marriage.  We prayed, gave him the Miraculous Medal on a chain, as well as a Rosary.  I also gave him the Divine Mercy hand-card.  As he was walking away he looked at the card and made sign of the cross.  The next day, the same young man knocked on the front door of my home.  I live two miles from where we were set up for SPSE and it was unclear on how many others door he had knocked in the neighborhood.  He didn't recognize me.  Rather than prayers for his marriage, he asked for money to travel out of town.  In Charleston, this is a fairly common request, whether true or not, to elicit charity from strangers.  I did not mention anything about the previous day.  I gave him some money beneath which I included another Divine Mercy hand-card and offered blessings.  As he walked away I saw him look at what I placed in his hand.  When he saw Our Lord's image on the card he stopped with a jerk and made a sign of the cross.
God is great and I am blessed to be able to offer a link in His chain.


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