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The Journey Led To A Pinky and No Piano!
June 3, 2021
Dear SPSE Members:
We started a treasure hunt about 10 days ago and one of the words of knowledge we had was "piano". Four of us, completely trusting the Holy Spirit with words of knowledge, set out for an adventure to find that piano among other items. We found 4 "treasures" ( people who were openly receptive and in need of prayer right then and there for a major issue) in 3 hours even though we had to ask many, many souls along the way. The first was for a lady ( black polka dots - on our H.S. treasure list! ) in a coffee shop wanting prayers for her husband to was diagnosed with cancer. The next was a lady wearing purple and a large necklace ( on our words of knowledge list! ) who needed prayer for a personal loss and anxiety - she had tears flowing and was in shock that here in this outdoor mall and in front of all these people we prayed for her while one of our team member sang to her in tongues! Next were two people seated in the photo (See purple pants and straw hat but photo taken after we prayed for them - see the joy!) that were clearly in massive internal pain. We showed them the form with "purple" and "straw hat" and said we believed she was the treasure we had been looking for. They both started shaking and about to tear up. I asked the woman what she needed prayer for and she said "My husband just died but pray for him..." as she pointed to the other man across from her that she was holding hands with. I asked him what he needed prayer for and he couldn't speak because of the sorrow. We started praying for him and I knelt down saying " you are the treasure the Holy Spirit wanted us to find! We have spent 3 hours here and God sent us to you!". It was one of the most beautiful experiences to let this man know God cared about him. His mind was completely blown! We prayed for the two of them for about 30 minutes. Now on to find that piano ( we were told there was only one in the whole mall ) in Nordstrom's. We had "men's ties" and "large mirror" on the our list still. We headed over to men's ties and waited for 2 minutes ( that's the limit ) and as we were about to go upstairs I noticed we were standing next to a 4 sided mirror that surrounded the pillar all the way to the ceiling. Just then the man in red ( in the photo who is on our prayer team ) asked if we could pray for his pinky. I noticed it was about 1/4 inch shorter that the right hand. We prayed over it for about 7 minutes. It grew right in front of our eyes! "THANK YOU JESUS! " we all said loudly as we took a moment to pause. Now on to the piano! we went to the information desk and asked where the piano was...... he said " we haven't had that piano here for years!" So it was a Holy Spirit set up! We hunted for something that wasn't there but the Holy Spirit brought us to so many people desperate for His divine love. Thank you dear God in heaven for honoring holy boldness as Catholic Healing Evangelists!
Celebrating Our Faith Within Quaranteen Restrictions
April 20, 2020
Dear Brother and Sister Evangelizers:
Divine Mercy Sunday was approaching and were still under lock down here in Illinois. Masks must be worn in public stores etc.. In order to be in full compliance ( No groups of 10 gathering, 6ft. social distancing, masks etc. ) but still celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday we constructed a platform that allowed us to carry the Image but with us being 6ft. apart. We started at 2:30pm, blessed the church, blessed the Rectory and those within, blessed the school, blessed the food pantry, blessed the admin. building and then at 3pm prayed the chaplet. Only 7 people knew this was going to happen so that a crowd wouldn't form and thereby force us out of compliance. Beautiful day. He is Glorious! His Mercy is Abundant! Can't wait to get back out on the streets praying over people at the courthouse and on the streets. We'll all be back out there soon!
Mark Kollar
Chicago North Shore Chapter
Saint Paul Street Evangelization
Happy Palm Sunday!
April 5, 2020
Dear St. Paul Street Evangelization Team:
Today we drove around giving out palms. As you know all churches are locked down in Chicago except a handful that have special purposes. One is St. John Cantius in Downtown Chicago. A friend of mine was there today at an outside service and brought us a handful and asked us to distribute them. Everyone was so appreciative. Every little thing we all do matters! Keep it up St. Paul Street Evangelization because each and every life we touch matters!
Mark Kollar
Chicago North Shore Chapter
St. Paul Street Evangelization
Prayer For Our Town During Coronavirus
March 22, 2020

Into The Fray Against coronavirus!
March 18, 2020

From Wheelchair to Dancing!
November 15, 2019
To All Those Who Love Christ!
It started out as a really cold evening. We arrived at 4pm. I was meeting a friend at the Leukemia event called Light the Night to celebrate his late wife's fight for a cure for cancer. He brought a friend that you see in the wheelchair. Red and yellow balloons are supporters. Those with white balloons are survivors or currently battling the disease. At the end of the 2 mile walk we prayed for her right there on the spot. I ended up giving her a special large blessed Miraculous Medal with the blue background and told her to wear it.......And guess what? The next day her leg neuropathy pain of a 9 on a 10 scale completely disappeared. She saw her doctor a few days after that and her blood count shot up into the normal zone for the first time in almost 2 years!! The doctors are completely dumbfounded! We recently heard she got out of the wheelchair and went DANCING with her husband the following weekend! THANK YOU JESUS! Keep you posted.....
Ya Never Know!!! Hospitality, Baptism, Healing...
September 23, 2019
To All Those Who Love Christ:
We went out on Saturday, September 21st in Chicago. The day started by parking at 777 Michigan Avenue so you know this day had to be good! First person we met was in the garage of all places! He saw us proceeding to walk out as we were carrying the Catholic Truth sign and his name is Fritz Klumpp. He was shot down and rescued as a Navy fighter pilot flying the F-4 Phantom in Vietnam. He went on to fly 136 combat missions and complete 356 carrier landings. He just published a book about how Jesus saved him and kept him safe and sane while during his service years and thanked us for what we were doing on the streets. In only about an hour and a half we gave out 50 Rosary's. One young girl that was never baptized decided to go back home and get involved in an RCIA program. We prayed over another woman who said she had nothing but chaos in her home and life and after she felt the overwhelming peace of the Holy Spirit envelop her she wept uncontrollably with joy. Another woman decided to go to a Catholic Church in Chicago to get Baptized because of her encounter with us. Not only that but one of our team members said his family will take her to dinner to celebrate the big day and that he would meet her at the church the next day to get her started. One person from Canada was healed of back pain of a 7 on a 10 scale. Another person who was begging on the street from an electric wheelchair was healed of a 6 level constant pain in her legs ( cadaver skin graft area of her burned legs ) and now her pain is zero!! THANK YOU JESUS!! God Bless You All!
At The Beach. Busy Day!
August 29, 2019
Brothers and Sisters In Christ:
What a great day! Warm 74 degrees, no humidity to speak of, breeze off the lake and thousands of people. Most of them exercising by running, jogging or riding bikes. As they whizzed by us our North Shore Chapter was joined by the producer of the movie Fearless (www.fearlessdocumentary.net) We gave out about 40 Rosary's in 2.5 hours. First one we met was a Catholic priest who was reminded to go to confession! Then later on we have inspired a brand new RCIA candidate into the Catholic faith! We had huge breakthroughs about our faith with many non-Catholics and we prayed over many others. Two individuals with the release of deep anxiety with family and work issues with one having a major physical reaction to the Holy Spirit touch which is always amazing to see in person. Another person had a severe headache of an 8 on a 10 scale and felt nauseous and had to sit down but we prayed over her and within a few minutes completely healed! THANK YOU JESUS! What a pleasure to serve our Lord by ministering to the broken, lost, fractured and the ill informed! SEE PHOTOS BELOW.
Peace In Christ
Mark Kollar
Leader, North Shore Chapter SPSE
Relevant Radio Interview February 2019
August 18, 2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
So happy that our story was picked up by Catholic Radio ( Relevant Radio ) here in Chicago. I was in studio with Patrick McCormack on The Front Porch talking about all sorts of issues and one of them being the healings we see taking place out on the streets. I invited Patrick to come join us out there and I hope he takes us up on it!
Mark Kollar
North Shore Chapter
Saint Paul Street Evangelization
Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus, Council 7331
Clearwater Beach Florida, WOW what a day!
August 18, 2019
To All Those Reaching For His Cloak!
With two brother Knights we went out to the entrance to the beach for about 3 hours. I have never seen so much fruit! Of about every 100 people going by about 30 stopped to talk to us. I estimate about 80 Rosary's and countless Miraculous Medals given out. People from all over the country. Deep discussions of our faith in Christ, young, old and fallen away. So much hope and so much appreciation for being out there defending our faith and welcoming others to it! Two healings and with amazement in their eyes they raised there hands in praise to Jesus! What a sight to see. THANK YOU JESUS!
Mark Kollar
North Shore Chapter
Saint Paul Street Evangelization
Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus, Council 7331
Chicago Water Tower July 2nd 2019
August 18, 2019
Brothers and Sisters In Christ
Tuesday, July 2nd three of us were out on the street for about 3 hours. We gave out about 50 Rosary's and had many deep meaningful conversations with total strangers. We got hugs and kisses for being there. Two people were healed: 1) Stomach pain 2) Lyme Disease ( Had pain everywhere for 3 years and gone in an instant ) Come out and join us next time! What a great way to show our support for our faith by being lighthouses in the storm. Bring hope to the lost!
Mark Kollar
North Shore Chapter
St. Paul Street Evangelization
Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus, Council 7331
DETROIT: Broken Souls In Tears of Joy In June 2019
August 18, 2019
Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
We engaged so many people over 3 days we lost count. However, we didn't lose count of the 14 people physically and spiritually healed! We gave out so many Rosary's and Miraculous Medals we lost count of that too. The best part was welcoming total strangers from the main strip of downtown restaurants and bars to join us at the Detroit Cathedral by giving out candles. Total strangers that we will never meet again... hundreds of non-Catholics, non- Christians and fallen away Catholics and Christians came in and knelt before the Blessed Sacrament..... we prayed over those that wanted it and mobility restored, pain eliminated, internal pain released. Tears, hugs and thank you's all over the place. What a great way to serve our Lord and Savoir by bringing lost souls to Him! Come out and join us! THANK YOU JESUS!
On the streets and amazing things happen!
July 26, 2019
Dear Saint Paul Street Evangelization Chicago North Shore Team:
Today we went down to the Chicago Water Tower to engage people on the street from 1 to 3pm. Yes is was raining but really drizzling. Hundreds walked by. I gave out 20 Rosaries, about 25 Miraculous Medals. Looks like we initiated a new SPSE group for the Wisconsin boarder with a group of young girls we met on the street. They want to come to Basic Training. Afterwards that same group came back asking for a Miraculous Medal to give away to a man living on the street. We also gave them a scarf to give to him. Prayed over one man Darius who has kidney cancer. Helped take a bunch of photos for families by the giant Christmas Tree on the plaza there. Got a hug from one lady blown away that we were doing this. Got thanked by another lady saying "thank you so much for doing this. No thank you for the free Rosary because I have so many at home". She seemed in shock that we would be out there with our ministry. A bunch of people were so thankful with the Miraculous Medal so that they could give it to people they know are in pain and suffering. Two totally separate people work in hospitals and will give them to the next person they see who needs it. Folks, most of these people we met today are not Catholic!
Every time we go out I ALWAYS have one encounter where I say "That's the reason we were out here today!". However, today there were definitely TWO times that I said that. 1) It looks like the start of SPSE for the Wisconsin boarder. 2) The lady living on the street by a magazine hut right on Michigan Ave. named Sam, because I believe a healing took place right there. She yelped at the heat and was shaking intermittently for about 4 minutes. (This was actually the first time I was overwhelmed and a bit scared having prayed over hundreds of people before and where many have pain disappear) Before praying over her Sam had severe back pain. I instructed her to go to the Cathedral on State and ask for Catholic Charities and say she is living on the street and that they would help her. What an incredible day in the rain! Jesus never said loving is easy. I would do this again and again and again every day of my life if I could. He is spreading his love to total strangers I will never meet again...... that's ok with me. What's better than saving lives and soul's? Nothing......
Peace be with all of you.
Mark Kollar
SPSE Leader
Chicago North Shore
Grand Knight
Council 7331
Knight of Columbus