St Patrick, pray for us to share Jesus for the conversion of souls in Coeur d’Alene!
March 18, 2024
What a beautiful, sunny day on March 16th for the St Patrick Day Parade. Donna and I arrived about 2 hours ahead of the parade to set up on the busy street with plenty of green rosaries. It was an honor to be about sharing the Gospel with St Patrick’s overwhelming presence. People were busy walking to places and with people so the length of conversations were limited. Knowing that the Catholic Church was present to the community made an impact for the spiritual economy of God.
Tyler, who took a free rosary, asked for information about the Catholic Church. He attends a Bible church in MT and did not know about the Eucharist. Pointing out the Scriptures John 6 & Luke 22, I shared with him the gift of Jesus Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity present in every Catholic Church. He was interested in this as his church did celebrate communion but only as a symbol. He took the pamphlet of the Eucharist as well as Why be Catholic.
Next, we talked with Brandon who received a free rosary. When asked if he would like to receive prayer, he said yes, he would like God to give him discernment on his future. It was an honor to pray for God to open Tyler’s heart to know and trust God for each day of his life. As a believer, he did not know much about the Catholic Church and willingly received pamphlets and prayer cards. We gave him an invitation to any of the local churches.
A family stopped while the mother received prayer for God to bring healing into her body, soul and spirit, for God to comfort them during the times of suffering for their whole family, 2 teen daughters and dad. They received rosaries, Immaculate medal, pamphlets and prayer cards.
Two teen girls said no and then came back asking for rosaries. We had a good conversation about Jesus, John 3:16, and how much God loves them. They received many items and we referred them to the Spokane Cathedral close to where they live.
We met up with a young man who is new to the area and has interest in SPSE. We plan to connect up to further his involvement in this ministry.
It was a blessed day and we are so thankful to have gotten out to be present to people for God!
St Patrick, pray for us to share Jesus for the conversion of souls in Coeur d’Alene!
March 18, 2024
What a beautiful, sunny day on March 16th for the St Patrick Day Parade. Donna and I arrived about 2 hours ahead of the parade to set up on the busy street with plenty of green rosaries. It was an honor to be about sharing the Gospel with St Patrick’s overwhelming presence. People were busy walking to places and with people so the length of conversations were limited. Knowing that the Catholic Church was present to the community made an impact for the spiritual economy of God.
Tyler, who took a free rosary, asked for information about the Catholic Church. He attends a Bible church in MT and did not know about the Eucharist. Pointing out the Scriptures John 6 & Luke 22, I shared with him the gift of Jesus Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity present in every Catholic Church. He was interested in this as his church did celebrate communion but only as a symbol. He took the pamphlet of the Eucharist as well as Why be Catholic.
Next, we talked with Brandon who received a free rosary. When asked if he would like to receive prayer, he said yes, he would like God to give him discernment on his future. It was an honor to pray for God to open Tyler’s heart to know and trust God for each day of his life. As a believer, he did not know much about the Catholic Church and willingly received pamphlets and prayer cards. We gave him an invitation to any of the local churches.
A family stopped while the mother received prayer for God to bring healing into her body, soul and spirit, for God to comfort them during the times of suffering for their whole family, 2 teen daughters and dad. They received rosaries, Immaculate medal, pamphlets and prayer cards.
Two teen girls said no and then came back asking for rosaries. We had a good conversation about Jesus, John 3:16, and how much God loves them. They received many items and we referred them to the Spokane Cathedral close to where they live.
We met up with a young man who is new to the area and has interest in SPSE. We plan to connect up to further his involvement in this ministry.
It was a blessed day and we are so thankful to have gotten out to be present to people for God!
I used to be Catholic
June 13, 2023
What a great first outing for Lydia with me at McEuen Park in Coeur d’Alene. Again, we didn’t know what to expect on an overcast Saturday morning but it was very good day for our first time together.
The first man who came to our Catholic post was Ryan, a visitor from Denver, here on a work trip. We encouraged each other because he is an active Catholic who had never seen Catholics out in public sharing the Good News. We gave him information about SPSE that he will take back to his parish. We prayed together for successful outing and business venture for Ryan.
The next visitors responded to my question if they would like a free rosary. The two young men came over and had an openness to talk. Matthew said he was spiritual. I asked him to describe his experience which he replied that he was not part of a church but had a spiritual relationship with many beliefs. I replied that Jesus was also spiritual as I offered the rosary explaining the meaning of the crucifix. He was familiar with the rosary because he grew up Catholic and prayed the rosary with his grandmother as a child. We talked about the fruit of the local Catholic Churches and offered an invitation to come to ours. His friend, Brian, was open to learn about our faith in Jesus through the Catholic Church. We explained the true presence of Jesus in each Catholic Church which is the great gift God has given us because of his love for us as his children. We prayed a blessing with them to continue on their journey of faith.
Many people walked by saying no thank you or ignored our presence. We said God bless you with peace and they went off on their walks.
TJ came by and said he would be back for the rosary. When he came back a few minutes later, he took the rosary explaining he had attended Catholic school as a child. He goes to many churches, none Catholic, which implied that he wasn’t connecting with any particular church. We invited him to St Pius and the young adult pizza event Sunday. We prayed that he would sense God’s presence in his life to bring healing and relationship of love. He was very thankful because he said he needed to hear the prayer that day. We will look out for him at church.
We handed out about a dozen rosaries, connecting with a few people. We prayed that our small effort would be meet with the greatness of God moving with grace, mercy and love in the hearts of all who passed by.
Saturday Outing at Earth Day Fair
April 24, 2023

Offer the Server to pray for them!
February 2, 2023
I heard this suggestion by a priest who makes a point, before praying over the food in a restaurant, to ask the server if they have a prayer need. So I have started doing that regularly when we go out to eat. I ask the server their name and explain that we would like to pray for them, do they have a specific prayer need? If not, I suggest a prayer for God’s blessing of love and peace.
Saturday, we were at lunch and I asked our server if he had a need, he thought about it almost ready to say no but then asked our prayer for his family to move back in the area as they were out of state. His dad had taken a job and it was time for him to bring his family back but the details needed to be worked out. The server told us how important family was to him. I explained how our Catholic faith in God brought us into that perfect relationship of love with God our Father. I gave him an invitation to visit our church anytime. Josh really appreciated the prayer and the conversation as he did not have anyone to bring up God to him. It was a short interaction, positive and prayerfully effective with God’s grace.
Be prepared at any moment for God to guide us in listening for someone’s felt need and offer prayer!
Invitation to Come and See!
February 2, 2023
The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few!
God calls us to share our faith in Jesus with those around us. Our team is ready to:
- Help you learn and experience how to talk about Jesus, to share your testimony of faith
- Use non-confrontational methods of evangelization to extend pleasant invitations to visit the Catholic Church.
- Our call is to plant seeds and God will cause the seeds to grow.
Friendly visits in public places encourage Catholics, non-practicing Catholics and non-Catholics to grow in their Faith when we offer our time and pray with them.
Call/text Jane 206-229-6778 for more information. Email Jane.gootherts@gmail.com
Pictures of our team in Renton WA in 2021.
Where two are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them
October 13, 2022
Praise be Jesus Christ! Down here in Long Beach CA visiting my daughter. I went to the At Home store for an item. With no one in line behind me, I began a conversation with Billy at the register. He is a young dad who is a believer in Jesus, reads Scripture with his children, prays with them and leads the family with faith in God. He does not attend church because he says they always wanted money so he stopped attending but did not stop his journey of faith. I reminded him that where 2 or 3 are gathered in the name of Jesus, He is in the midst of us. We celebrated the unity of fellowship right there in the store at the register!
I shared with him my journey into the Catholic Church in 2010 from non-Catholic churches. I talked about my reason for joining was the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist which is only available in the Catholic Church. Since he loves to read Scripture, I gave him the verses John 6, Luke 22, 1 Corinthians 11 to read and understand the very gift that Jesus is giving us in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
I gave him a pamphlet of prayers and beliefs that the Catholic Church has held in Truth for over 2,000 years. He enjoyed our conversation and asked me to return for more conversation. I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead him to a Catholic Church close to his home.
Always be ready to give a defense (encouragement) for the faith we hold and desire to share!
Instagram for Insta-Inspiration
June 6, 2022
Please check out the Instagram stpaulse for great inspiration on what a team does when reaching out to the community. There are great stories of encounters with people that are life-changing. Steve Dawson has a great testimony just a day ago in Portland Oregon.
Downtown CDA Farmers Market
June 6, 2022
Happy Pentecost! Come Holy Spirit!
Let us begin with prayer for the Holy Spirit to fill us, prepare us and send us to go out into the community to share the Gospel of Good news, the Love of Jesus!
Ask God to guide our team in prayer with spiritual protection from St Michael the Archangel. Reaching out to our community with a rosary and a prayer will bring many God appointed meetings.
We will begin by meeting for prayer at 4pm on Wednesdays at the downtown Market.
Contact Jane Gootherts 206-229-6778 for more info
SPSE Coeur d'Alene & Post Falls Kootenai County
May 5, 2022
Romans 10:13-15 For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”But how are they to call on one in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in one of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone to proclaim him? And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Our SPSE team is excited to bring the Gospel of Good News to those we meet in the public square by visiting the local Farmer’s Markets, going door to door in our Church neighborhood and sharing with family, friends and neighbors. We desire to meet people where they are, share in their needs with prayer and invite people to visit the Catholic Church. We bring the message of how much God loves each person that He gave Jesus His only Son as the Sacrifice for sins, so that those who believe in Jesus, may be saved. Many people are willing to talk about spiritual topics, they enjoy having an opportunity to ask questions about faith and often prayer is welcomed for the need in their life. Our testimony is sharing what we have received from God. Simple conversations with people open up great works of God through the Holy Spirit.
Contact Jane for information about our team or any inquiry you may have. We hope to start up an Apologetics discussion group during the summer.
Matthew 28: 18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”