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Conway - St. James

Country: United States
State or province: South Carolina

Team Leader
Ruth A

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02/22/25 Saint Paul Street Evangelization Webinar

February 23, 2025

Really enjoyed the webinar on zoom.  Some take-aways.

  1. Stats:
    1. 41% of raised Catholics leave the Church Forever!
    2. 69% don't believe in the real presence of the Eucharist!
      1. In 2023, St. James hosted a Eucharist Conference.  Fr. Chris Alar was there and presented "The Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires!
    3. For every 1 person that joins the Catholic Church, 6 leave!
  2. SPSE Catholic Resource Informational Website & supply store provide extensive, comprehensive training & supplies in English & Spanish!
  3. Brian Lee and Bob Wilson, SPSE Team Directors, facilitate the on-line zoom training.  Love the small groups.  Personally I got more out of this via zoom than in a real classroom as there are NO distractions on line.  
  4. We are offered 4 on-line webinars a year:  1 per quarter.  God is there, delighting in His evangelists.  Everytime I train with SPSE, I grow stronger in sharing the kerygma in everyday non-confrontational life experiences!  

Praise God.  More souls for you Lord!  Thank you Jesus.  God is so great.  So thankful that there is one of these every quarter.  Stay tuned!  



Rescheduled to 2/1/25 due to snow storm.

January 19, 2025

Saturday, 2/1/25SPSE Team Photo.

WHO:  All Joyful Disciples

What:  A day of spiritual refelction, community & prayer

Why:  As Pope Francis said, "Jesus destroyed our death, that we might receive life; for it is this hope, based on Christ who died & rose again, that we wish to celebrate, ponder & proclaim to the whole world in the coming Jubilee."

To register please contact Taylor Lilly at (843)347-5168 X 235 or by email at

Cost: $10.00 per person which includes lunch.

Thank you.








We have been blessed to be now a PARISH TEAM!

December 19, 2024

Thank you Father Oscar of St. James Catholic Church for his "YES"!  The Conway - St. James Team is newly formed & members are utilizing the SPSE resources to evangelize:  1) Listen, 2) Befriend, 3) Proclaim & 4) Invite people into the Kingdom of God.  SPSE has a vast library of training & spiritual resources.  We are looking forward to a very vibrant year ahead.  We are thankful for the Holy Spirit's presence & for what He will accomplish through this team to build the Kingdom of God.

Halleluijah! Halleluijah! Halleluijah!


Beautiful SPSE Rosary Encounter

December 19, 2024

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Christmas Season.  I write for my happiness in meeting  a wonderful young man today while offering him the Rosary Prayer & Beads.  It was perfect timing because we found that we had something important to pray on.  We felt the Holy Spirit, our friend, counselor & advisor's presence.  We both love Jesus.  Thank you Jesus!

As a team member of Saint Paul Street Evangelization, we have many gifts to share which enriches spiritual lives.  I can testify to the power of the Rosary as I was battling numbing intense grief when I was widowed.  Fasting & saying the Holy Rosary each morning healed my grief & grew my faith.  I had been Baptist so this was new for me.   With the Rosary, we contemplate the life of Jesus & relate our suffering to His.  Every Christian can benefit from contemplating on the life of Jesus.  Jesus washed my soul with my tears and they dried up leaving thankful love.  I hope you will watch this video about the power of the Holy Rosary.  God bless you.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you for your "yes" Mother Mary, mother of Jesus.





Rosary Evangelization at Pruitt Rehab

December 13, 2024

SPSE Team PhotoVisiting a friend in rehab, brought evangelization tools:  2 Rosarys, 2 Rosary Prayer, etc.  A nurse came in and I asked her if she would like a rosary.  She was so impressed and picked out one that was her very favorite color....purple.  She said she wasn't Catholic.  I shared  that the rosary prayer is verses from the gospel, meditating on the life of Jesus.  She was so happy as she is a Christian and she was looking forward to learning the Rosary.

Thank you Jesus for Christian Unity and your Love.  In Jesus name we prapy.  Amen!



11/23/24 SPSE Training Webinar

November 27, 2024


Thank you to Saint James for hosting our first team webinar.  SPSE makes it easy to train people in evangelization.  As the website notes, "SPSE has grown from a small team of friends in Portland, Oregon to an international network of over 200 trained street evangelization teams and a world class school of renowned evangelists teaching average Catholics how to take the gospel to a world starved for the good news. The various distinguished advisors and instructors within this organization include Cardinal Raymond Burke, Archbishop Allen Vigneron, Steve Ray, Mary Healy, Peter Herbeck, Tom Monaghan and many others."

SPSE hosts a training webinar every quarter so we look forward to more evanglist training. SPSE Team Photo



10/23/24 - Outing

November 13, 2024

Out to minister, pray & share the gospel, met this gentleman, brother in Christ, who was interested in learning about the Holy Rosary.  He picked out a rosary & was given the prayer with instructions on how to pray & contemplate on the life of Jesus. SPSE Team Photo


10/16/24 Event - The Blessed Rosary

November 13, 2024

SPSE Team Photo1 Peter 3:15 ESV: "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,"

10/16/24 - Lovely outing of meaningful encounters. One that stands out is of a beautiful catholic sister-in-Christ who was feeling defeated because a close friend continues to poke at her catholic faith. We had a blessed conversation & prayer coming to understanding so that she is able to defend her faith. Protestants and Catholics are christians. Catholic means universal christian. We have more in common than not. The devil couldn't beat the church so he joined it and broke it up. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE JOIN TOGETHER FOR OUR FATHER IN ORDER THAT WE ARE STRONGER TO DEFEAT THE ENEMY OF THE CHURCH OF GOD. WE ARE THE FAMILY OF GOD WHO INHERITS THE KINGDOM AS HIS CHILDREN. John 14:2 ESV "In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" AMEN.