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Palafox Market
May 6, 2022
Our next outing will be on Sat, 14 May at the Palafox Market. We will meet at our usual spot across the street from the Basilica at 10 am. For those who want to car pool, please meet at the St. Sylvester parking lot at 9:30.
Why The Bible is a Catholic Book
January 10, 2022
Palafox Market, Pensacola, FL, 8 Jan 22
January 8, 2022
Our first outing of 2022. It was a bit cold by Florida standards but a great day to evangelize.
Ep. 61 Beachside Evangelization
September 21, 2021
Here is the link to the podcast I did with Brian Lee, the National Director of Evangelization Teams, on 19 Jul 2021. This podcast explains what we are all about and what we have been doing here on the Emerald Coast for the past four years: