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Country: United States
State or province: Missouri

Team Leader
John Findlay

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Team Liberty: Seven Dolors, Pentacostals, and New Life - Liberty Farmer's Market 6/8/2024

June 15, 2024

On a muggy Saturday morning, once again at our favorite shady spot in the shadow of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) noted author and humorist...who ironically had strong opinions on religion.  Team Liberty officially set up shop for the first time in 2024 to evangelize to the masses on their way to the Liberty, Missouri Farmer's Market.  Holding our first event of the year, we conveniently chose our same location next to the public parking lot to intercept many souls on their way to (and back from) the Liberty Farmer's Market.  Our day also happened to coincide with the City's local Juneteenth celebration happening later that day.  Myself and fellow team evangelists RC and Hermann set up our table, briefed, and prayed for graces from the Lord to bring us souls, so we could bring them closer to Jesus.  While most people exchange polite pleasantries and keep walking, we were able to have at least a couple of very fruitful interactions.

Brad, a middle aged gentleman that I recognized from my Facebook friends list and acquaintance from my distant, past political activism, stopped by our table.  I had not seen him in person in many years, but we instantly recognized each other and connected and struck up a nice conversation.  He mentioned to me that he was baptized Catholic, but has been attending one of the large Baptist churches in the area for many years.  As I was listening to him, I internally said a little prayer for his return to the Church and asked for inspiration from the Holy Spirit.  I told him that no matter where he goes to church, he will always be Catholic.  He kind of gave me a double-take.  Recently he has been thinking about Catholicism ever since he visited a historic rural Catholic church that closed about a month earlier when the Bishop combined it with another rural parish about 7 miles away.  His Great great great grandfather was instrumental in founding the church in 1870.  He could not remember the name of the church, he said is was "Seven...something", and I replied that seven is the number of perfection in the Bible....Creation in Genesis, the Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, and he suddenly responded, "That's it, Seven Dolors Catholic Church."  We spoke more about the history and he was grateful that he got to attend the picnic at the church celebrating their last Mass.  We shook hands and I invited him to stay in touch because it was God's grace, and no accident, that we ran into each other.  I extended a standing invitation to get together any time for a cup of coffee and to talk again soon.  Lord, we pray for Brad that the seed planted in his soul bears much fruit and your Holy Spirit brings him back to the Catholic faith.

A young couple in their 20s were walking by pushing a baby stroller with a beautiful newborn boy inside.  Gavin and Olivia just had their first child only nine days earlier and named him John Allen Joseph.  RC, Hermann and I complimented their choice, a strong Biblical name.  Gavin's eyes lit up and he said that John is based upon the Hebrew translation "Graced by God", Allen is Gaelic for "little rock" (like Peter I interjected with a smile), and Joseph is Hebrew for "God shall add".  I asked Gavin if he and his wife were Catholic.  He indicated that they were non-denominational Christians and had recently moved to the area and were looking for a new church.  He was raised in a faith-filled family where his father was a Pentecostal minister to whom he credits his fiery love for Jesus.  I asked him if he ever considered Catholicism.    He said he always respected Catholics and their reverence toward God.  He confessed that he wished that Protestants were more reverent; they can be very enthusiastic and evangelical, but their services lack the reverence that he has seen in Catholic Mass.  He wished there was a way to combine the enthusiasm of Protestants with the reverence of Catholics.  Don't we all.  Opportunity presented itself and I handed him a brochure to our local Catholic parish in Liberty and invited him to join me at Mass sometime and a cup of coffee afterward to continue our conversation.  We exchanged cell phone texts so we could keep in touch.  Lord, we pray for Gavin, Olivia, and John Allen Joseph to find their way to You through the reverence of the Catholic Church.

We always enjoy it when fellow Catholics stop by too...great conversations, kind words, and gratitude toward our evangelization efforts.  But all gratitude, praise, and honor go to God.  His Holy Spirit is the source of all of our efforts and inspiration.  We even had a couple interested in joining our motley crew.  The more the merrier!

Just before noon under the backdrop of soulful Juneteenth music nearby, we packed up our gear after our first successful day on the street.  We de-briefed, prayed for all of the souls we encountered that day, and departed with joy in our hearts.  'Til next time friends!

God Bless,

John Findlay - Leader Team Liberty

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Team Liberty at the Farmer's Market: Homecoming, Homeschool, Kenya, and the Warning - 10/14/2023

October 24, 2023

Greetings from Liberty, MO!


Team Liberty held another successful evangelization event for a couple of hours on a brisk, cool Fall October morning on Saturday, October 14th, 2023.  As usual, we set up shop under the shadow of the statue of Mark Twain, noted critic of organized religion, to evangelize the good news of Jesus Christ to the masses.  Myself, Hermann, and Arsenio ("RC") spoke to a number of receptive souls on their way to and from the local Liberty, Missouri Farmer's Market.  We were able to hand out a number of miraculous medals, rosaries, "The Warning" books, and brochures to those we encountered.  Lord, we pray that you make an impression on these beautiful souls and bear much fruit.


Veronica is an immigrant from Kenya and Catholic parishioner at our church.  She spoke of her wonderful conversion story and her family's immigration story to the United States.  In Kenya, she had a neighbor that was in the U.S. Peace Corps that impacted her through her charitable works and Christian faith.  In Kenya, she was blessed with the good fortune of winning the Green Card "lottery" and able to immigrate here with her entire family for work and study.  She is now very active in the Catholic Church and organizes and participates in Women's bible studies and the Vincent DePaul Society helping other immigrants.  We gave her fifteen (15) blessed Miraculous Medals to take with her to share with her bible study group.  Lord, we pray for her to continue in her charitable good works and fervent faith.


Christina was a young mother and fellow Catholic.  Since COVID she and her family in their luke-warmness have gotten into the habit of watching Mass on Sunday mornings online from home.  She has young toddler and early school age children that she fears are too much of a distraction if she brings them to church for Mass.  We reminded her that God loves all of His children and desires that we all participate in worshiping together as a family in our church community.  There are many other families with young children that come to Mass and the beautiful noise of God's creation is always present and welcomed during our celebrations.  We encouraged her to come back and go to Confession and bring her family back into the Church.  She parted with gratitude and our local parish brochure, as well a Warning book and a Going to Confession brochure.  Lord, we pray that You fill her with the Holy Spirit to seek reconciliation and the desire to return with her family to receiving You in the Eucharist.


The local High School was having their Homecoming school dance that evening, so we were able to speak to a couple of teenage walkers on their way to the nearby  flower shop to pick up flowers for their dates.  One is a homeschooled young man was Christian, but not Catholic.  He was in a hurry, but was intrigued by our evangelist Hermann's testimonial story of his mother's experience with Our Blessed Mother Mary when she was young following an accident and long illness.  He parted with a Warning book and some food for thought.


Another young man, Jesse, was also a Protestant Christian on his way to the flower shop to pick up flowers for Homecoming.  He has mostly Protestant friends that frequently read and study the bible.  Because of many of their discussions, he had some reservations and misconceptions about Catholicism.  We were fortunate to discuss some of those issues and send him with a Warning book, a Miraculous Medal, and a brochure on common objections to and misconceptions about Catholicism.  He was thankful and mentioned that he also had Catholic friends and looked forward to looking into it more.  Our team was confident that we planted a seed in fertile soil.  Lord, we pray that You inspire Jesse to look deeper into the Catholic faith and have many fruitful discussions with his Catholic and Protestant friends that may lead him on a journey to conversion to the fullness of the Catholic faith.


Our most endearing encounter was with Adrianna, a joyful young Christian mother with her beautiful year-and-a half old daughter.  She and her husband attend the local nearby Community of Christ church and they love Jesus Christ.  Our evangelist RC asked her if she has a bible at home.  She said they do, but she doesn't have her own and has to borrow her husband's Protestant bible.  By God's grace we had a Catholic Bible with us at the table that we were able to give her to take home with her.  Hermann spoke his testimonial story and about his mother's experience with Mary and Adrianna was very intrigued.  She parted with a Miraculous Medal, a Warning book, a rosary, and a few brochures about the Catholic faith.  Lord, we pray that Adrianna is moved by Your inspiration to read the Catholic Bible and literature we were able to gift to her and open her, and her husband's mind, to the beauty and fullness of the Catholic faith.


As we approach late Fall and Winter, we will explore new locations for future events since the local Saturday morning Farmer's Market will close up for the year at the end of the month.  We may look into some local parks and colleges for some potential locations in the coming months.  Lord, we are so grateful for Your love, inspiration, and the opportunity to meet and speak the good news with so many souls.


God Bless!

--John Findlay, Team LibertySPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team Photo



Preaching and Pooches! - Liberty Farmer's Market 8/14/2023

August 14, 2023

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Greetings from Liberty, MO!

Team Liberty set up camp again for a couple of hours at the same sidewalk location near the Farmer's Market two weeks after our first event.  Hopefully frequency will breed familiarity with the community.  Mark Twain's statue loomed over our table display again as we chatted with many passers by for a couple of hours on a nice Saturday morning.  Hermann, Nancy, Tom, and John engaged a number of people, and even a couple of pooches at one point, during our evangelization efforts.   The foot traffic was a bit lighter this outing, but we still had a few quality engagements.

George was a nice gentleman that we enticed over to us with a bottle of cold water and a miraculous medal.  He was wearing a bright green safety vest and I originally thought he was a security worker.  However, it turns out that he apparently has some mental illness challenges and is under the care of County guardianship.  We are still not sure exactly what that means, but he was very cordial and seemed excited to talk and accept some materials about the Gospel.  George said he has a bible at home and is now interested in reading it and learning more about Jesus.  He parted ways with us and continued on with his walk, but then stopped by again later to talk more and he accepted a rosary and a couple of books, one about Our Lady of Fatima, and The Warning.  We pray that he is inspired by the Holy Spirit and he continues to find healing and the mental care he needs.

A couple of ladies parked nearby and unloaded a couple of beautiful golden retriever service dogs.  That was the perfect opportunity to engage them and their freindly, furry companions.  The ladies were Christian and we asked if they had any questions about the Catholic Faith.  They accepted a couple of miraculous medals and I mentioned that if they wear them and pray they may receive wonderful graces.   I mentioned that many miracles have been attributed to people who have worn them.  They politely thanked us for being there and continued on their way.

A group of four or five young adults, men and women, walked by and we offered them bottles of water and miraculous medals.  A few of them politely accepted, and one of the young ladies said that she already had one at home.  I asked her if she was Catholic, and she said she was raised Catholic but hasn't been to church for a long time.  I said that great news is that she will always be Catholic and God is just waiting for her to return to Him with open arms.  I handed her a Confession tract and a brochure for our Catholic church in Liberty and encouraged her to return.  We pray that the Lord leads her back to the Faith.

Another young lady accepted a miraculous medal we offered her as she passed by.  I asked her if she was a believer in God, and she said yes and is very active in evangelization in the Vineyard Church, a Modernist Christian church in a nearby town.  She asked what the medal was, and if the medal was of a saint.  I mentioned that it is Mary depicted on the medal and many who have worn it devoutly have experienced many wonderful graces.  She then emphasized that her Faith is in the only true redeeming power of Jesus Christ.  I mentioned that Catholics believe that 100% too, but we all can draw even more power from the intercession of Mary and the Saints.  She politely respected our opinion and appreciated our presence and evangelization efforts.  We pray that she wears here miraculous medal and Mary guides her to Her Son and the fullness of the Catholic Faith.

We had other Catholic folks, as well as other non-Catholic Chirstians stop by and express their support of our efforts evangelizing about Jesus Christ on the street in the community.  It warms my heart to know that most of the people we encounter are friendly.  However we still get the occasional dismissive or overtly rude interactions.  For example, one young man was walking by with his two young sons and when we politely offered him a miraculous medal and rosary, he quickly hustled them away with a "keep my kids away from the Catholic Church!" comment.  We pray that the Lord softens his heart.

One final parting thought.  We have been handing out many abridged versions of "The Warning" books written by Christine Watkins.  The book reveals prophecies and testimonies of the Illumination of Conscience that astound, entertain, challenge, and prepare those who read it and who believe.   They can be a great "hook" and evangelization tool when offering them to passers by.  I highly recommend reading it for yourself and consider ordering them in bulk (only $1 apiece!) from the Mary Foundation at and handing them out.

Lord, we pray for the evangelization efforts of all of the teams out there in SPSE, and we pray that all of the souls we encounter will open their hearts to the Holy Spirit and open their eyes to the Light and Truth of God the Father.  Amen!



Team Liberty Inaugural Event - Liberty Farmer's Market 7/29/2023

July 29, 2023

SPSE Team Photo

In the shadow of a statue of Mark Twain (a noted critic of organized religion), our fledgling evangelization team set up camp.  Strategically located in a shady sidewalk alcove along a main street leading up to the Saturday morning Liberty Farmer's Market on the historic downtown square, we placed ourselves well to intercept much of the foot traffic between the nearby public parking lot and the weekly Saturday morning Farmer's Market.  We are in a predominantly Southern Baptist and Mormon area.

Our first street evangelization event here in Liberty, Missouri in northeast suburban Kansas City went very well.  We saw lots of foot traffic.   Fellow evangelists Nancy, Herman, Steve, Gonz, and I after an initial huddle and prayer, offered cold waters, miraculous medals, rosaries, and other brochures and The Warning books on a hot, humid day to initiate some fruitful conversations with passers by.   It is worthy of note, that Gonz (pictured in the orange t-shirt) actually travelled about an hour drive all the way to Liberty, Missouri from Gardner, Kansas just to check out what our team was doing.  He may be interested in starting his own team.  I invited him to join our team mailing list so he can at least stay in the loop with us for now.  Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide him in his desire to evangelize.

One younger gentleman by the name of Andrew and his sister stopped and he spoke with me about his experience being baptized in the actual River Jordan in the Holy Land.  He is active Air Force Intelligence and was stationed in the region for a time.   Now living in Liberty, MO and working out of a nearby air base, I asked him if he was Christian.  He said he is but he doesn't go to church.  However he does study the bible on his own.  He had a surgery a short while back where while under anesthesia, he said he had visions of angels.  Ever since he has been learning about spiritual warfare, angels, and demons.  We spoke about how much of Jesus' public ministry was casting out demons, and he was generally interested in hearing about deliverance ministry and exorcism in the Catholic Church.  I mentioned that nearly every major religion has their own exorcists, including Jews, Muslims, Hindu, etc. but when they encounter difficult full possession cases they cannot adequately deliver, they always quietly refer them to the Catholic Church.  After our conversation, we exchanged contact info and hopefully we can continue our conversations and perhaps even study the bible together.

We prayed for Angela who has was on crutches and recovering from a recent knee surgery to repair ligaments in her knee.

Three heavily tattooed people (one older gentleman in a wheel chair, an older woman, and a younger man...I wasn't quite sure what to expect) stopped and gratefully accepted some cold bottles of water.  I offered them miraculous medals, and the men accepted, but the woman said she already had one that was her mother's and it was over 40 years old.  I asked if they were Catholic and they said they were Christian but her late mother was Catholic.  I complemented the younger gentleman on his tattoos, most of which were Bible verses.  Just goes to show that you have to be careful not to judge books by their covers.  They thanked us for the water and parted with a sincere "God Bless."

We had many local and visiting Catholics stop by as well and they were somewhat surprised, but very complimentary on our efforts and presence.  I was very proud of our new evangelists, in particular, Nancy was very good with handing out the $1 Billion Dollar Bills to many of the kids.  Most of the people we encountered accepted some water, a gift, exchanged some pleasantries, and then kept walking.  But the few who did stop to chat were very friendly and engaging.  One notable exception was an elderly lady who divulged that she is a long time fallen away Catholic that refuses to come back to the Catholic Church.  I asked her why, and she said "because of all the child abuse" and stormed away in a huff.  We will pray for her and hope the Lord softens her heart.

All in all, it was a great day and a great experience.  We will definitely being doing more of these events in the future.  We will discuss returning to the same location regularly with the hope of becoming a more familiar presence in our community.  We are one of the first St. Paul Street Evangelization teams to start in the Kansas City area.  We hope the idea spreads and we see more!  Please for us, and we will pray for you.  Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, and all praise be to God.

--John Findlay, Team Liberty

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