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Saturday, July 31st, Outing

July 31, 2021

It was a warm morning since we've had temperatures in the upper 90s all week. The four of us were out at the Manhattan, KS, farmer's market for two hours before it became too hot. I gave a rosary, the pamphlet on how to pray the rosary, and the blue card of the 15 promises to a Methodist lady. We also prayed with her. Her brother had had a second bout with cancer and we prayed for his healing. We met a number of Catholics as well who accepted rosaries. One man who has been discerning for a while accepted a rosary and a miraculous medal and the Why Be Catholic? pamphlet. A few people declined rosaries, but allowed us to pray with them.


Outing for 7/10/2021

July 10, 2021

We went back to the Manhattan farmer's market. We were able to give out a few rosaries, but none of the recipients gave the impression they wanted to talk. It'd been a couple of months since we visited because of family obligations or weather. This is still a learning process. I've been friendly with everyone who walked by, but no one stopped to talk unless it was an acquaintance of one of the team. I listened to a Youtube vid related sales & marketing which talked about seeking an X number of declinations, because without them, you'll never get to the acceptances. That changed my perspective, and the first two we asked accepted a rosary.

One declination was, "No, I don't believe in the Pope." Since introvert don't think well on their feet, I didn't have a response, so after he turned away, I did wish him to have a blessed day. I suppose I could have said, "Neither do Catholics," since his tone implied we worshipped the Pope, but I really doubt he wanted to dialogue.

Our next outing is planned for July 31st.




Another outing

April 3, 2021

I can see I'm going to have trouble keeping a presence here, seeing how I didn't post anything from our last outing.

The Manhattan, KS, chapter went out to the local Farmer's Market today. This is our third outing. We exchange a lot of "Happy Easters" with people walking by. We did hand out two rosaries. A couple of people stopped by. A woman who was selling burritos to raise money for her brother's kidney transplant stopped by. We prayed with her and offered her a rosary and a miraculous medal, but she declined.


First outing in Manhattan, KS

March 1, 2021

It was wonderful to get out on out first SPSE adventure! We went to the weekly farmer's market in a parking lot next to the Mall. Normally for the winter, the participants set up in a buildingĀ  on the other side of town. Due to Covid, they're at their outdoor location year-round. Perhaps February was to early to peddle fruits and vegetables. We had just exited a deep freeze of -18 degree on Monday, so temperatures in the high 30s and low 40s seemed wonderful. Unfortunately, the market was at best 1/4 of its normal size, so foot traffic was sparse. No one stopped by to talk, but we had A LOT of looks & people I could see reading the SPSE sign.