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Manhattan - Midtown

Country: United States
State or province: New York

Team Leader
Thomas Wiener

Team Badges

Welcome to SPSE's Midtown Manhattan Team

April 14, 2023

We continue to bring the Good News of Jesus and the many blessings of the Catholic Church to people on the streets of Midtown Manhattan, our flagship team for the New York Mission.

Please keep praying for the Midtown Manhattan team and contact us using the Contact link to the left about:

  1. Free, quick, and easy evangelization training to join the team as an Evangelist-in-Training
  2. Helping the team as a mission partner by clicking Donate above
  3. Placing prayer requests in our intentions book

To see a brief news clip about our ministry, click St. Paul Street Evangelization Team - YouTube

To learn more about our New York Mission, click

To learn more about our global mission, click

Thank you and God bless you.