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Shreveport - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Country: United States
State or province: Louisiana

Team Leader
Jennifer Nix

Team Badges

Want to get involved? Come to our information meeting!

August 17, 2024

In September, we are starting an evangelization ministry and team at our parish!  The Saint Paul Society is a team of people who have a desire to offer the Catholic faith to people who have never heard the Good News, who have fallen away from the practice of their Christian faith, or who simply want prayers and a few answers.  We will provide the appropriate training and resources, (web-based and material), for those who wish to join this team.  Please join Jennifer and Blaine Nix, and Monsignor Price for an information meeting on Thursday, September 5th.  The gathering will be at 6:00 pm in Room D of the Burleigh Center.  Room D is directly across from the kitchen.  Refreshments will be served.