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Atheist Conversation
June 9, 2024
In our last outing at the Matchan Center a man approached our table. I struck up a conversation with him and asked if he was a Christian. He said "No. In fact I'm an atheist." I said really? How do you think everything got here? He said "By chance, over billions of years." I said how many billions? He said "lots and lots". I asked him if he believed we could have design without a designer, laws without a law giver, life without a life giver, and that something could come from nothing. He said, "Yes, with enough time." I said well you can believe that if you want, but your belief is not based on reason, logic, science or common sense. Because reason, logic, science and common sense say the opposite. Furthermore, science says things go from order to chaos, they don't go from chaos to order on their own. It was a cordial conversation and he seemed interested. I think I gave him some food for thought. He actually took a couple of our brochures. He said he'd read the Bible. I asked if he'd read it with an open mind and an open heart. He said no, he'd read it as a critic. I said that's the problem. You have to read it with an open mind and an open heart. Then God can minister to you. Even though he claims to be an atheist, something drew him to our table. I think he's searching. Hopefully he'll return.
April 7, 2024
On March 12 Carol and I ministered at Matchan. We prayed for people with health issues including stomach problems, arthritis, other pain issues, financial problems, housing issues, and family issues. One experience stands out. I had the wonderful opportunity to pray with a young man who had been incarcerated. He was really depressed. He said his mother didn't love him anymore, his grandma didn't love him anymore, and he had recently lost an uncle and a cousin with whom he had been very close. In addition, while in prison, he had gotten involved in a false religion that worshiped a god other than the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I prayed for God to heal his broken heart. Then I asked if he would like to pray with me to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He said yes. So I lead him in a prayer repenting of his sins and his involvement in a false religion. He renounced false gods and prayed for Jesus to come into his heart, to give him the gift of eternal life and the gift of the Holy Spirit. He promised to try from that day forward to live in accordance with God's will as set forth in the Bible. When we finished praying his entire countenance changed. He was filled with the Joy of the Lord. He hugged me and went on his way, a changed person. Thanks be to God!
Praise Report
October 11, 2023
On October 10, 2023, Anne, Dave and I ministered at the Matchan Nutrition center. A lady named Chris approached the table. The previous month we had prayed for her daughter who is pregnant. The doctors suspected that the baby was going to have Spina Bifida, a debilitating condition. They were going to do tests to confirm their suspicions. Chris took a miraculous medal and started wearing it. When the test results came back, they were all negative. The baby is fine. Thanks be to God.
On 10-10-23 we prayed for a number of people, including Karen, who needs a kidney, Eugene, for his walk with the Lord, a family from Haiti for general needs and immigration issues, and another person for general needs. We also had some good evangelistic conversations. God is good!
Hindu Conversion
August 6, 2023
On July 22 I had the opportunity to evangelize at the Ann Arbor Art Fair. It was a tremendous blessing. I had the opportunity to pray with many people. One in particular stands out for me. A man approached the booth looking at the rosaries. I struck up a conversation with him and learned that he was of the Hindu religion. After sharing a while about the gospel and how Jesus died for us so we could have eternal life in heaven, I asked if he would like to pray right now to accept and receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He said yes, definitely. I had the awesome privilege of leading him in a prayer inviting Jesus into his heart. I gave him some literature which he was very pleased to receive, along with a rosary and instructions on how to pray it. He said he would be going to Mass tomorrow (Sunday). Thank you Jesus!