Summary for Evangelization Outing Saturday 1 June 2024
June 3, 2024
Summary for Evangelization Outing Saturday 1 June 2024
It was good weather in the square in Watertown, New York. Sunny, warm, and just right for the start of the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It also so happens to be the same day gay pride month starts along with a pride concert in the square. To mark the season (and the spirit of this age), we also found out recently that the Watertown Public Library will be hosting drag queen story hours for minor children. For obvious reasons, I think the city scheduled our competing times separately to avoid any conflict. Nonetheless, towards the end of our event as we were breaking down and removing our signage, a number of people began to show up in the square for a concert commemorating this with their rainbow flags and imagery. One of them was smoking marijuana behind us by the park benches. I offered one of the event staff and a band member with his guitar (they were setting up a concert for gay pride) a rosary and a book on the Catholic faith, but she declined in a subtle way, with the response “maybe later.” The guitar player shook his head in disgust.
Overall, Dave and I had a good day. Although we did not come across many pedestrians, the encounters we did have were very fruitful!
Evangelization Encounter:
EE#1.) Larry approached our table. He is an older gentleman and has been in the Christian faith all of his life. He was raised a methodist; however, later on in life he became a Presbyterian. He is also featured in the attached photo sitting on the left of the table. When he approached our table, I immediately noticed that he was carrying a “Planned Parenthood” logoed reusable bag. When I asked him about this, he told us that he did not know what the bag was advertising and was just utilizing it for its use. My response was that I had used a Target reusable bag in the past, even though they hired a satanic artist to draw up imagery of demons and transgender messages for their children’s clothing line, and when I realized the evil they were spreading, I got rid of it (much later than I should have). I also reminded Larry how satan is pretty good at marketing and advertising as he always attempts to sneak his message in there, even through those who are sanctified. As Larry began to have a deeper discussion with Dave about his faith and what he believes, he took a knee on the pavement. In response, we gave him a chair to sit down in so he would be comfortable. Later on, we also provided him a Powerade to drink because the morning was beginning to heat up.
Larry explained to us how he always prays to the Lord, and how he used to be depressed, especially after divorce. To help him feel better, I explained some details about my divorce when I was an atheist, and what led me to the Church through its process. After some discussion, Larry began to open up: he told us about a time when a stranger on the street did a healing prayer for him by laying on of the hands, and that the prayer was for the healing of his heart and mind. Larry went on to remind us just how fast technology today is for the kids, but whatever happened in that moment, God’s lightning speed of healing and grace came through him instantly and he immediately felt better. Larry also had many questions about the faith, so we gave him information tracts on the Catholic Church and its sacraments, including a rosary that he put around his neck while he talked to us with instructions on it, along with two books I wrote on Christian apologetics.
Furthermore, Dave began to explain the Catholic faith more in depth with Larry one on one seated across from each other. Dave did a very good job at this, and the both men had a long fruitful discussion, even as I had to walk away to use the bathroom at the newly built YMCA (it was a far walk). When I returned, I noticed Larry telling Dave about the time he went to his sister’s non-denominational Christian church after a long period of not assembling with other Christians. When he got there, the pastor was rude to him and embarrassed him in front of the whole congregation. This deeply upset Larry and challenged his faith. In my response, I told Larry that sometimes satan works through other people without them realizing it so as to challenge us and attack us, for the First Pope Peter even had satan enter him and not realize it, when the Lord told Peter plainly, “Get behind me satan!” Larry took this into consideration, while also considering the fact that maybe in that moment his pastor wasn’t doing this on purpose and that something else was at play. Regardless, Larry said he would never look at that pastor the same way again because she disclosed a private matter to everyone inappropriately. However, Larry explained that maybe “I shouldn’t judge.” I quickly reminded Larry that the Lord has given His people the will and knowledge to judge matters correctly, and although we should forgive others for harming us, it doesn’t mean we have to subject ourselves to them in the future for added abuse, for the Lord’s people shall even judge angels!
From there, Dave explained to him how the 2,000 year old Catholic Aposotolic Church throughout the world gives the same formula and similar liturgy everywhere, and that no sermon would ever call out an individual so as to embarrass them in front of the congregation, because this would cause a conflict of interest involving the sacrament of reconciliation to which the Priests are bound to never disclose to anyone, even at the threat of death. Larry considered Dave’s words carefully, while appearing to open up more about considering the Catholic faith. So, as it turns out, one of the roadblocks for Larry entering the Catholic church was his divorce that was very complex, and his lack of knowledge on what the Church teaches and does in this area prevented him from ever approaching the steps of Christ’s One True Church.
In good faith, Dave explained to him how there are canon law procedures in the church to determine these matters of annulment and petition to Bishops for entry. It is a very complex process, and not determined by one sole “mock interview” so as to unjustly judge a person. There are many factors at play, and the Church goes through an extensive review process and investigation with oversight to determine these matters, which are far beyond our authority. However, Dave did give Larry hope in that such a matter does not completely disqualify him, and that if he truly desires to enter into full communion with Christ’s body, he should give it a shot, because the Church realizes people and situations are complex, and that it views these matters on a case by case basis carefully within its context. Furthermore, the Church doesn’t nullify what Christ says on divorce and marriage, however, the Church Fathers through scripture does afford other ways for others to enter the Church such as recognizing a marriage as legitimate and continuing, but that the individuals who are separated shall live celibate and not remarry.
We also explained to Larry that the Catholic Church views other baptized Christians who are not Catholic as Christian brothers and sisters united in baptism through the Holy Trinity. This also led into a discussion about Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, who are not Christian because of their false views on the essence of Christ and His nature and their acceptance of ancient heresies that have long ago been condemned by the Church and all of Christendom. Larry did not like how the Mormons were very aggressive with him from past personal experiences. We told Larry that not even Christ was aggressive in His ministry; that He told people the truth and gave them a choice, to follow or not to follow. We also emphasized the importance of freewill, which is a gift from the Lord to higher creatures such as humans and angels because of election. Larry definitely seemed to be on board with these truths of the faith.
Throughout our time, Larry asked Dave many other questions about the faith, to which Dave responded well, clear, and precise. Finally, the topic of homosexuality came up, and what the Church’s view on such an act is. We explained to Larry that according to the Church and scripture, sexual immorality of all kinds is a mortal sin, especially homosexuality, because it lives outside the law and purpose of God and is opposed to the plan He has for us. We also emphasized that the Church teaches that sex is a means to an end through marriage between a man and woman for the purpose of children. We also explained to Larry that mortal sins shall separate us eternally from the Lord and lead us to hell because of justice. Larry agreed with us and the Church on this view.
He asked us because many pastors of the churches he attended promote these mortal sins as the very essence or being of a person. I explained to him that our passions and our acts are not our essence, and that the desire of a person is not who they are. To clarify what I mean by this to you the reader (I did not go this in-depth with Larry): when the will is attached to a desire, then it becomes a sin! For example - if I beat my wife and somebody told me to stop, would I say, “but that is who I am, an abusive husband who batters my wife!” No, because this would be false, for the acts and passions of a person are not their very essence or existence, but something they did that was a mistake! If I had the urge to hurt my wife, but resisted because it was the right thing to do, then that wouldn’t be a sin now would it! It would just mean that I need to work on my anger more. The Church values life more than this and affords humans more dignity in that we believe we are made in the image of God and worth something special, so we are not reduced down to our lower pleasures, desires, acts, and attributes! Such a view is hedonistic and false.
Before Larry took his departure, he thanked us for the discussion. That is when I pulled out a bottle of holy water and said, “would you like to receive some holy water blessed by the successors of the Apostles? We will also pray over you,” Larry accepted. From there, I went up to him and traced the cross in holy water over his forehead. I announced that I was not blessing him. Dave also received holy water traced on his right hand, and I traced the holy water with the cross on my forehead as well.” After I returned to the other side of the table, we all prayed the St. Michael the Archangel prayer together, and we asked for the Lord to continue to draw Larry closer to Him and for the Lord to free him of past, present, and future depression and negative feelings of despair. I concluded the prayer of petition “in the Name of Christ Jesus, amen!”
On the way out, Larry took us up on the offer to receive a miraculous medal, as we reminded him that many graces are attributed to such a medal. Larry said he would be considering the Catholic Church in the future. Please pray for Larry’s conversion and to draw closer to the fullness of worship!
EE#2.) A man on a gas powered bike named Scott approached our table. I complimented him on his name and told him my name as well! He talked with Dave and I for a brief moment, but was kind of in a hurry. We also complimented him on his bike. I could not guess correctly how fast it went, so he explained to me that his bike goes up to 50 mph! After this discussion, he accepted a rosary and some books on the Catholic faith. Scott is also a Catholic as well but attends other churches sometimes. Please pray for him to remain solid in his faith!
EE#3.) A woman named Macy approached our table with her leashed dog Fergis. Immediately the dog went around the side of the table and jumped over Dave’s lap to lean over and start licking my face. I am pretty sure his wagging tale was slapping Dave around. Macy accepted some religious items from the table. She also made me sign two books for her that I wrote in defense of the Christian faith before she grabbed them up for herself. Now, I do have bad handwriting, but I still remember cursive from school. She explained to us that she moved from Syracuse to Watertown and did not know of any Catholic Churches in the area. She has been attending some of the Lutheran and Methodist congregations. She also explained to us how she received her Catholic religious education at St. Rose of Lima parish school in Syracuse. I thought this was a good connection, so I told her that I took my first promise in the Dominican Order there this April. From there, Dave and I explained to her the many Catholic Churches in the area. It turns out she lives right next to one and said she would start attending very soon.
Before she left, she wanted a miraculous medal for her dog Fergis. She allowed me to put The Lord’s Mother’s medal around her dog’s neck before she left. Please pray for Macy to remain in her faith and to begin attending Catholic mass once again. We also reminded her that we will be out here almost every Saturday up until October.
Thank you!
Summary for Outing 25 May 2024
May 26, 2024
We were in Watertown, New York Saturday morning for about three hours in the square from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The city recently gave us permission to be there every Saturday up until October first of this year. This is great because it is a good chance to follow up with some of the people who came up to our table last year, including the barbers at Db’s Barbershop across the street who came out to meet me, after they all heard a woman’s voice suddenly say to them, “go outside and receive my medal!” I was passing out miraculous medals at the time.
Me and Dave set up our table with Holy Rosaries, miraculous medals, literature on the faith, information tracts about the Catholic Church and the sacraments. Since Dave is a Third Order Lay Carmelite, and I am a Third Order Lay Dominican , I took the time to study some readings from the proper of saints this morning in the morning liturgy (study is a key metric to my vocation as a Dominican). To my delight, I came across the memorial of Saint Mary Magdalene De Pazzi, Virgin, Carmelite, and some of her writing that stuck with me before we went into the square to put ourselves out there for the Lord:
“Just as two rushing rivers intermingle in such a way that the smaller loses its name and is absorbed into the larger, so the divine Spirit acts upon the soul and absorbs it. It is proper that the soul, which is lesser, should lose its name and surrender to the Spirit, as it will if it turns entirely toward the Spirit and is united.”
Me and Dave asked for her intercession in prayer before we began our evangelization mission.
Evangelization Encounter:
EE#1.) An Indian man approached our table. He explained to us that he just arrived here into the country and that he is Hindu. However, he took some interest in Lord Jesus Christ and had some questions about some of the local parks in the area. Dave had a good discussion with him about some places he can go in the city with their times, as well as welcoming him to our country. We also talked about how some of our Priests and nuns are from India and stay in the local area. We also provided him tracts on the Catholic faith and the good news. He did express interest in Lord Jesus Christ and wanted to learn more. We also gave him a miraculous medal, a rosary, and instructions on the rosary. Please pray for this man to have success in a new land and to consider Lord Jesus Christ!
EE#2.) Daniel came by our table on a bicycle. We greeted ourselves and asked him if he wanted anything at our table, but he refused and rode by. Shortly later, he came back saying “At first I said no, but now I decided that I need Jesus Christ in my life.” After a short discussion, Daniel was very quiet and did not say much. He took a Holy Rosary and placed it around his neck and thanked us. Please pray for Daniel to be drawn closer to the Lord.
EE#3.) John came up to our table in an electric scooter. I asked John if he had ever come to my table before because he looked familiar, but apparently I was thinking of someone else because he had never seen me before. John explained to us how he has not been to church since the 1980’s. After a discussion about returning to church, and how it is never too late, he accepted from me and Dave a St. Anthony necklace that I had trouble fitting around his neck because of a broken chain. He also explained to us how he used to be in a church choir and would sing. Luckily, we had a book of hymns that are sung during the Holy Mass - which is the highest form of Christian worship and prayer - so we gave it to him and he accepted it. Please pray for John to reconsider returning to Church, as we reminded him that the fruit of worship comes from assembly, as the Lord commanded.
EE#4.) Alajendro and his friend came up to our trouble. He grabbed many rosaries and miraculous medals, along with instructions on how to pray the rosary because of the recent baptism of one of his relatives whom he is instructing on the faith. Please pray for his family to draw closer to the Lord and become knowledgeable of their faith so as to put a good defense for it when it is attacked by others!
EE#5.) Jim and Rodney came up to our table after we invited them over. They are from New York City and moved up to Watertown to get a new start. They seemed to be very happy that they moved up here and expressed their satisfaction with the slower pace. Jim took a blood red rosary around his neck and told us how he is a believer and owns many bibles. They were very friendly to us and just seemed relieved to be up here enjoying their day (and not in New York City). Pray for Jim and Rodney to remain strong in their faith always.
EE#6.) Natalie is an older lady and she walked up to our table holding back tears from her eyes. She thanked us for what we were doing, and asked us to pray for the Christian missionary couple who were killed for their faith in Haiti recently. After a short discussion about Haiti, mentioning how the nation was consecrated to a demon and the devil, we all prayed together in the square. She led us in prayer as well. Dave asked her to pray for us after we finished, because we realized quickly just how Holy she is! She only accepted a miraculous medal, and gripped it into her palm saying, “I have the Lord’s mother now, I think I will go sit down in the shade,” as it was hot out and the sun was beating down upon us.
Please pray for these holy souls. Thank you!
Correctional Facility Retreat Conclusion May 2024
May 9, 2024
Correctional Facility Retreat Conclusion May 2024
Prison Retreat Program (Residents Encounter Christ)
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The three day retreat was very fruitful and challenging. Although myself and the Holy Priest who volunteered his time for this prison ministry were only there for the first two days of the retreat, the rest of the volunteers who stayed for the third day were able to successfully bring this event to its conclusion with much success.
Immediately upon entering through security, we had to give up our written speeches (not all, but most of us) and some of our equipment for the retreat due to a frustrating paperwork error that was unexplainable and beyond our control, as some of our important items were not allowed to pass through the gates. When this occurred, I quickly recalled why Dominican Friars and Nuns take the time to memorize their speeches. Looks like myself and the other guys were going to have to “wing it.” However, Father provided a great insight and comfort with his words:
“Sometimes, before Christ wishes to fill us, He strips us bare!”
This reduced my anxiety greatly.
Weird roadblocks were occurring in more ways than one and the frustration was being felt among the group. Noticing this, I had mentioned to one of our volunteers that “satan does not want us to give this retreat, because obviously someone is going to come to Christ!”
When I walked through the metal detector, I kept setting it off, even though I removed everything that would have set it off. This has not happened to me before for the past year I have been entering the prison. It began to frustrate me after repeated failed attempts. When I removed my Dominican Scapular, then the metal detector allowed me through (it's just white cloth - no metal). Father attempted to enter through the metal detector after me, but he too kept setting it off mysteriously. Not until he began to walk sideways through the metal detector, did it allow him through as cleared. When he did this, I declared out loud in a deep confident voice (jokingly), “The narrow gate.” The REC volunteers got the joke and laughed, but the guards didn’t.
Throughout the retreat, the residents were assigned mixed seating with the REC volunteers and this is where we had our discussions and connections. Much fruit bore from these encounters, as we were able to connect with these residents on a personal level so as to understand where they are coming from and where they are on their spiritual journeys in a conversational format. Resident A who sat across from me was on fire for Lord Jesus Christ, and he expressed this to me immediately within the first moments of our interaction together. One of the first tasks of the retreat was for us to name our tables as a group and to write or draw our table name. This should have meaning and purpose. However, everyone at our table was lost for words and ideas, so I suggested to Resident A that he open up the bible we put in front of him and place his finger upon a random page. Here is the scriptural passage his finger landed on at random:
Proverbs 19:12
The king’s wrath is like the roar of a lion, but his favor, like dew on the grass.
Resident A was speechless and quickly attributed this passage to Christ when I explained to him Jacob’s blessing of Judah from Genesis 49 in reference to the lion. I also explained to Resident A how the prophet Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den in babylon but was not eaten. The Lord delivered him, and reserved this fate for his enemies who falsely accused him, as justice demands. Resident A then decided to call our table, “The Lion’s Den,” and he drew a picture of a lion on our name card. Resident A also had me explain to him the different heresies the Church warns against such as universalism and the arian heresy. I also explained to him some of the Saints and their stories, along with how some of their bodies today are still uncorrupted and viewable to anyone who wishes to travel to their displays. I also mentioned the miracles of Fatima, Lourdes, and Medjugorje. I also explained the basic precepts of the faith to him, and got into detail about how miracles are confirmed and recognized in the Church, and how the process and investigations are heavily scrutinized and examined by outside experts who are not Catholic as well, only to arrive at conclusions that are unexplainable. This is the careful process the Church takes before it recognizes these things as legitimate. Resident A began to open up to me more and mentioned to me the spiritual affliction of his mother, something I too am dealing with in my own life. Please pray for Resident A to enter the Catholic Church and for the spiritual protection of his mother.
Resident B who sat next to Resident A took issue with confession. He believed that since he prayed to God all the time, and confessed his sins to Him directly, that he did not need to utilize the sacrament of reconciliation. He also did not understand why he needed a mediator between him and God. I explained to Resident B the scriptural justification for confession from the gospel and old testament, with the example of Christ giving the authority to forgive or retain sins to the apostles before He ascended into Heaven, and further scriptural proof of how the Priests and Bishops today of the Holy One Catholic Roman Apostolic Church are the successors to the apostles with that authority. I also lightly explained how the Israelites in the wilderness also needed a mediator between God, and that was Moses, because the congregation could not come close to God like Moses did, lest they die. So, in the same way, the Lord utilizes mediators He chooses for the people in every generation. Resident B considered this thought but did not budge on his position. Please pray for Resident B to consider utilizing the sacrament of reconciliation as the Lord commanded him.
Other residents who have not considered their Catholic faith for sometime were reconsidering their involvement, especially when Father offered the sacrament of reconciliation. I was very lucky to be assigned a speech on “forgiveness” because this speech would have to be given right before Father was going to hear confessions, so I needed to give a good speech that would convince them to utilize this unique opportunity for them to return to their original purity of baptism. Although I could not give the full speech the way I wrote it, because I had to speak it from memory, by the grace of God Almighty I said what was on my heart and the message I needed to say, which was my own confession to everyone else in the room. Even though it still hurt me greatly, I did this because in order to receive you must give, and in order to preach you must also be an example, and words alone can only take you so far. So, I had to give up a piece of myself, and even though it hurt greatly, I think it was worth it because even if one soul considered being reconciled with God then it would be worth every second of humiliation and pain. You can read my speeches attached to this summary at the end if you are interested. Keep in mind, the speech on forgiveness was the speech that was not allowed in. I am sure satan doesn’t want you to read it either. However, the peace talk I gave on the second day was granted entry.
Resident C, who sat next to Resident B at my table, was very much open to everything the REC had to offer. Upon getting to know him better, he explained to me that the last time he saw his three year old son was when he put him on the bus to school and waved him goodbye. His baby’s mother, who is his girlfriend, is also a good friend to him, but he does not consider marriage. When I asked him more questions about what he thought about marriage, what his preconceived notions were, and why he chose not to marry, it became kind of clear what Resident C was truly seeking. You see my friends, I recognize that the God of Everything is also the God of Numbers and the God of Reason and Logic. I also realize that in order for a man and woman to be in a successful marriage, which is a supernatural covenant between God for the purpose of new life and the creation of Holy souls that shall serve in Heaven someday, that the imagery of a triangle (The Holy Trinity) should be drawn. Furthermore, God is at the top of this triangle, while man is at the bottom left tip of the triangle, and the woman is located on the bottom right tip of the triangle. The further the man and the woman are away from God, the more separated they become, and the further they both are away from each other, located at the base on their own respective sides, as the image of a triangle will show you, the more distant and unloving to one another (and others) they will become. However, when the man and woman draw closer to God together, who is at the top of the triangle, they too will draw closer to one another in Him, as they rise up the triangle on their respective sides to the top, as the two shall become like one flesh, as the Lord proclaimed to all of us.
Now, in another way, I wrote down a math formula with pen and paper to Resident C in this form:
5 + (variable) = 10
-10 represents children Resident C knows he wants in the future. It also represents the joy and happiness he receives from his son and his girlfriend now.
-5 represents his being.
-The symbol + means what is added to his being.
-The symbol = means what comes as a result of his being and the variable he so chooses to enter.
-(variable) represents what he chooses to enter into the equation that is his life.
Now, if Resident C enters a 3 into the equation, it will look like this:
5 + 3 = 10
-3 represents something that cannot give him a 10 (which is his joy, and happiness found in his girlfriend and son). This is probably another woman that is not his girlfriend and the mother of his child.
Logically, this makes no sense, so Resident C should avoid this variable, because it will not bring him to the calculated solution to the problem.
Finally, if Resident C enters a 5 into the equation, it will be a logical statement:
5 + (5) = 10
-5 also represents his wife.
After explaining this, Resident C looked at me as if he came to the realization of something beautiful and he was silent for a while after he thanked me. Please pray for Resident C and his family.
Throughout the time in the prison, many outside volunteers and inside residents gave compelling and heart wrenching speeches about their personal lives and encounters with the Lord. We learned just how important forgiveness is, as Resident D explained to us in a speech how he forgave his brother who was sick in the hospital many years after an affair with his wife. For a long time, Resident D did not care about his brother, and did not care if he were dead. Until one day he felt God weigh on his heart as he passed a hospital he knew his brother was in, and the spirit led him to his brother’s room. When he entered, his brother got up from his bed attached to wires and cables and hugged him. Resident D, with teary eyes and a smile on his face proclaimed to all of us, “I have my brother back now.” Considering this, I realized that Resident D evangelized me, in that his story drove me to reconcile with my in-laws and my parents, and to reach out to them to apologize and to forgive them as well. Please give a prayer of thanksgiving to God for Resident D’s efforts in spreading the good news no matter what situation he may be in at the moment.
Resident E gave a compelling speech about a time when he had more money than he knew what to do with. Like the prodigal son, he squandered it on useless things that never made him happy. His father died when he was 12 and he had to make it out on his own. Through his success, obviously the Lord blessed the orphan, but he quickly lost sight of the Lord through idols and greed. Now, in prison, Resident E realizes what truly matters after being stripped of everything that made him feel worth it. He explained to us that God saved him and made him better, even by being in this place and going through what he is going through. In this speech, I also thought of Father Jaya’s comment from earlier as well! Please pray for the soul of Resident E’s father.
One of the REC volunteers, who is a Vietnam war veteran, gave an amazing speech about his encounter with Christ personally. Now, I have met him on multiple occasions, and I have heard this encounter before, but in my mind, I never fully grasped what he was telling me. In fact, I might have thought it was a metaphor, until he plainly told us what he was saying. He recalled a time when he was on a one man boat by himself rowing in the water desperately trying to get back to land. The more he tried, the more the tide kept preventing him from getting there. Every time he would row and begin to make progress, a wave would come and seize his progress at the top so as to bring him back to where he started. After some time, he began to grow tired and thought of giving up. Then suddenly, Lord Jesus Christ appeared in front of him standing in the boat. He looked at him and said, “You row, I’ll steer.” Then He vanished.
When he told everyone this, it did not sink in fully with me. After the speech, and further consideration in my own mind, I walked up to him and asked him if it was a metaphor. He said “no,” and that it was in the “literal sense.” I then asked him what Lord Jesus Christ looked like. He told me, “It was what you would expect, long hair, beard, white robe, and middle eastern tan.” Later that day, I asked for his autograph on a pen and paper and he gave it to me. When I got home, I placed it in my prayer corner. He explained to me that we must put in the effort and allow Christ to steer us where He wishes because that is the best outcome for us.
Throughout the retreat, we also were lucky enough to participate in a Holy Mass and witness a confirmation of one of the residents.
At a different time, symbolically, we also wrote a symbol representing our sins on a piece of paper, and burned it in a pot outside after Father Jaya prayed with us for healing, while concluding:
“Every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future!”
Later on, three Residents expressed interest in wanting to enter the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), as they proclaimed to us that the spirit of the Living God has been weighing on their hearts, and even more so upon participating in the program. Two wish to receive baptism while the third seeks confirmation and full communion. As one of them put it, “God is radiating off of all of you and I can feel it, because I never felt like this before, and after the first day in some time I got the best sleep I ever had!”
Please pray for these residents to draw closer to the Lord and for them to be reunited with their families some day. Also, please pray for our Priest, a foreign missionary who is dedicated to future prison retreats with us, to remain in his parish in Watertown, NY, because immigration is wanting to send him back to India earlier than expected this year. Of course, satan doesn’t want this Holy Priest bringing our brothers to Christ, so please consider his good work and pray for his successful ministry here in America so he can evangelize us, as we need him more than he needs us.
In the name of Christ Jesus, amen!
Speech: Forgiveness
Sign of the cross (+)
Please close your eyes and concentrate:
Let us pray,
A - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, we love you very much and adore your might.
C - We acknowledge our offenses against you, our hatred, our malice, our lies, our deceit, and our awful thoughts against our brothers and sisters whom we have wronged in the past.
T - We give you thanks for creating us when you did not have to, and we give you greater thanks for being patient with us so we come to repentance. We thank you for setting the measures of the universe in nature, and establishing the heavenly luminaries which can be observed in the skies by your children which give honor to your craftsmanship that mark the times and seasons. We thank you for the variety of all of your land, air, and sea dwelling creatures that provide us abundant food for our work.
S - We now ask that you bring down a spirit of Penance into the hearts of all of us, to make us aware in this moment all the sins we have ever committed that we have not owned up to and confessed both to you, man whom we wronged, and the successors to the Apostles who are the Bishops and Priests.
In the name of Christ Jesus, amen!
Sign of the cross (+)
I am a worm of a man. No, seriously, I am. I am not righteous and I am not good. Don’t believe me? You may see that I have a Holy Rosary dangling from my hip and say, “oh no, this man is good and he knows God.” Well my friend, I tell you plainly again, I am a worm, a liar, a murderer, and a hypocrite.
Let me show you the way:
There is blood on my hands. Actually, I belong right where you are sitting and with the uniforms you all are wearing. Many years ago when I was an atheist before my conversion into Lord Jesus Christ, I was an active duty Infantryman in the United States Army, I defiled myself with many women. I preferred married women and group sex. Furthermore, I pursued strange women even when I belonged to another and after I was done with them I never talked to them again. To make it worse, there was one woman I had a one night stand with that I met in a bar. After some time later, she reached out to me that she was pregnant. Coldly, I had a calculated prepared response for this type of potential situation, telling her that “this is impossible because I had a vasectomy many years ago.” The woman was caught off guard and was upset. We did not talk for awhile, until one day later on she contacted me and told me that she was traveling to California to have an abortion. Still with my hardened heart and a cold stare, I told her plainly; “Good luck, it's still not mine because I had a vasectomy!”
I lied to her because I never had a vasectomy. I still chose to stick to my lies and to avoid accountability and responsibility for my actions. Because of this, I was complicit in murder of a child. Because of this, I deserved death, for the same measure that I applied to another ought to have been applied to me. For this is true justice, is it not?
But thanks be to God, for His mercy is more powerful than His justice for those who choose to accept it. Take it from me brothers; sin is an abomination, a travesty, an offense against all things good and true, non-being, and death. I broke God’s law in so many ways and did not deserve forgiveness, but even as an awful worm of a man who deserved the fiery furnace for my words and my deeds, He poured out His grace upon me in the dead of the night in 2020 when He Himself converted me.
My friends, what am I trying to tell you? There is forgiveness, even right now, for me, for the one sitting next to you and behind you, and especially even for you - even though you may think you cannot be forgiven. The burden of sin is too great to bear, for it is too hard to keep to yourself for it to dwell within the stained walls of your heart. Over time, without a confession and true repentance, this weight and burden will disfigure your soul and make you into an image that is other than the Living God for which you were fashioned from in His likeness, both sealed and marked for on the day of redemption. Like the demons, their disfigured state opposed to their nature has made them ugly and foul, as if lumps of rotting cancerous flesh have protruded through the sides of their heads so as to weigh them down heavily as they walk throughout the earth enticing men to commit atrocities. You were not made for such an awful torment.
Be reconciled to God while you still have the time, for the sins we do not address in the body, shall be addressed in the spirit, and if even in the material principle you cannot hold your hand up to a temporal flame for long without removing it before your flesh bubbles and begins to darken, how would you be able to endure the spiritual fire, a kind of spiritual flame that is much hotter and never dies out?
The sacrament of reconciliation provided by the Church is scriptural, and Christ gave this authority to His apostles and His Church when He had given them the power to forgive and retain the sins of men before He ascended into Heaven. In reconciliation, we restore our friendship to God so as to approach His unapproachable light with a clean conscience; free of the guilt which enslaves us and destroys so many.
Your enemy hates the sacrament of reconciliation, as a Holy man once said - “The best exorcism is a good confession,” for all of the works of the enemy amount to nothing when you approach that confessional to face the truth and receive a penance. My friends, one might ask, how do I confess my sins and all of the guilt that is weighing on my heart? Well look no further, because right here in this place you will have the opportunity to do such a thing and become clean, if being clean is what you desire.
Once you do this great thing so as to bring yourself to confession and repentance, the lights will come on in the basement. You will then lift up your head and climb up that staircase so as to shut the door behind you. Once you get out of that dark basement of your self-loathing, your guilt, your despair, and your regrets - you will become a child of the Living God not only in name but in being as well. There is still much for all of you to do, for there is literally a war going on outside. As you know, it is also going on in here, and anyone who competes in the arena with the demon and their wicked servants who carry out their will and teachings, this person will need to put on the full armor of God. The shield will not fit your forearm unless it is suited for it. Your breastplate armor will not fit your chest unless it is tailored to you. Your helmet will not fit unless that too is fitted to your cranium for size. Everyone starts with a dull sword which needs to be sharpened so as to effectively penetrate and stab into enemy armor and flesh. These things are your confession and your penances which fit you to wear the true armor of God.
Turn on the lights.
Walk up the stairs.
Get out of the basement.
Shut the door behind you.
Put on the full armor of God.
Pickup the sword of your tongue and be ready to march on orders for the Lord whenever and wherever He leads you.
My friends, you won’t be disappointed.
As for the guilt and memories of sin and those we hurt and the lives we destroyed, what has been done cannot be undone, but we can move forward, even though we still feel it. Re-establishing your friendship with the Living God, who is Your First and Last, is the way to our peace and our freedom, for He alone breaks every yoke which binds and chains us to the devil. It is why at every corner, the devil will try to stop you or convince you not to confess your sins - because once you do this you no longer belong to him. Make no mistake, he keeps account of his property. Do not remain as his property through your sins that remain.
When that property destroys itself, you then become his trophy, an object of his great boasting. Why become the trophy of a fallen angel coward who hates you? Why trade gold for copper? And why turn in real food for dirt?
The Lord forgives and He has given us a way to be forgiven. Let’s not keep Him waiting, for we don’t know what tomorrow shall bring, for everyday of our life He gives us is allotted for us to come to repentance and is not reserved for our plans that will fail, our lower pleasures or our lustful desires. If we remain in the flesh after we have been reconciled to Him, then He assigns us a mission, just like the angel messengers in Heaven who serve their purpose. There is much for you to do my friends, as I have stated earlier, for your true life has not even yet begun!
The Priest will die before he discloses what was said between you and him in the confessional, as this is part of the vow he is sworn to. Examine your conscience before approaching the confessional, and ask the Priest for assistance if you are not sure on how to say what needs to be said.
Now, let us close with a prayer,
Sign of the cross (+)
St Michael the Archangel prayer….
Speech: Peace Talk
Sign of the cross (+)
Let us pray,
A - Lord Jesus Christ, you have been merciful to us, even when we did not deserve it. We praise your glory and great love for us and the whole world.
C - We acknowledge our offenses against you, and all the times we yelled “crucify Him,” through our actions, our words, and our evil thoughts throughout our own lives.
T - We thank you for being patient with us and becoming our Divine Teacher showing us the way throughout our lives in increments we can tolerate, understand, and learn to accept at their appointed times and season.
S- We ask now that you bring peace into our hearts, to put our minds at ease and to be willing to receive the burnt sacrifice offering of our anxiety and pain, to remove our hatred, our worries, and our fears - to receive our deep regret and hurt we hold in our hearts as a soothing aroma, pleasing and acceptable in your sight.
In the Name of Christ Jesus, amen!
(sign of the cross +)
So what is peace anyway? Nothing I was familiar with most of my life. In fact, I still struggle with it often. So, I left the dominion of despair, excessive self-love and hatred for my neighbor that was my narcissistic atheism, for a Holy Truth that stirs me at night and keeps me up often. Yes, I worry about the souls of other people who are not in the faith, those who are living in mortal sin, and those who have turned from the Living God who is The Truth, and they too keep me up at night. This was not the “peace” I envisioned my friends. Now honestly, I ask all of you today, am I doing something wrong?
(Short pause – look around the room in confusion)
I was lost but now I am found. So why can’t I just lay my head down and relax and enjoy the peace that comes with Christ?
Now let's stop and think for a second, is the word “peace” something that is relative, or is it an absolute?
What truly is “peace?” So I found the Lord God Almighty (sign of the cross +), El Shaddai if you will, but why am I still rumbling and groaning, tossing and turning at night, why do I continue to open my phone at 3:00 AM to see what is being said in the digital areopagus, that is social media, and why do I walk the streets to witness what people are saying about the Lord My God, the evil things they are proclaiming, and the false heresies they are peddling?
Why are so many evangelists to the gospel of death, the belief in the unbelief, and the pseudo-cult of the worm, going out into the world to lead Holy Souls astray to spiritual death?
Why are they encouraging kids to mutilate their genitals?
Why is man now woman?
Why is woman now man?
Why do we honor serial killers, make toys out of them and their victims for sorted gain?
Why do we make hollywood movies about mass murderers, and entertain the prospect of demonic possession and haunted houses for entertainment purposes, but could care less about what the Author of Life told us?
Why are so many people in the world openly displaying satanic flags and honoring the names of demons?
Why are people worshiping their careers and their wealth and many useless possessions?
Why are fathers leaving their wives and children and negating their responsibilities?
Why are mothers turning their Holy wombs into tombs of the innocent, and sacrificing their children to demons upon the altar of prosperity and convenience?
Why has evil and warfare increased in the world?
Why are swathes and multitudes of people proclaiming a different gospel, a false gospel that has no power to save, and succumbing to the worship and honor of demons?
Why do people now view their orgasm, lower pleasures and desires, as the source of their salvation, and why do they believe that Christ Jesus approves of their ways, and affirms their actions?
As you can see, in babylon, there is no peace for anyone completely, for even though satan may not be able to touch a faithful Christian directly, we are still subjected to his ordinary actions through other people whose souls are compromised.
Must Christ repent and follow these people, or did He not say, “you too must repent before something worse happens to you,” and “for whoever wishes to follow after me, this one must take up their cross.”
This perplexes me my friends, and in this way, I find no peace for myself, even though my soul is at rest in Him. But the flesh has more things to do! So, it must confront and tackle evil, and in this you do not find peace in the world, for when you go out into the world to proclaim Him and to live or walk in His ways, those around you will give you no peace.
But woe to me and all of you if we do not proclaim the gospel, right? I know for myself, my body would fail if I stopped doing this and my bones would give out and my heart would stop pumping blood!
And this is the reality; there is only PEACE in Him, not in anything else. He is our fortress and amidst the storm. Everything is supposed to get worse, for it is written. We cannot become our own light by our own hand, but by His alone. Sure, I still stir and I grumble in my chair in the dark at night, but it is a Holy grumbling, a thirst for souls who were once like me, lost and still needing to be found! My peace is trying to find them; the atheist, the satanist, the witch, the pagan, and members of the occult. There are still souls in these groups who belong to Lord Jesus Christ, they just do not know it yet!
For I was one myself, a lost sheep who was led out into the wilderness alone by shiny false objects, and the Lord was patient with me so I came to repentance when He found me strolling about. So, if He can be patient with me, the worst of sinners, He can be patient with all of you as well and those whom you hold dear to your heart.
For as long as we are alive, there is still hope, even until the last breath we can repent and find our salvation.
So, His existence is our hope, and His patience is also our salvation, for if He wasn’t patient with the likes of me so I came to my senses, then I would have been destroyed long ago and I would have deserved it for the things I have done!
There are so many people today out there in despair who forgot the Lord their God. I see it on the streets, I can see the hurt and pain in their eyes, I see it in the hospital in the sick and dying who have not considered the Lord their entire lives when they were healthy, and I see it in your eyes too.
So, who is coming for them? Anyone? If you can handle the abuse, the name calling, the demonic rites they put over you, your car breaking down constantly, the growling, and the awful nightmares - you will see, that the Lord still thirsts for them, and they still belong to Him in a way even though they do not show it yet or have not been able to get there yet.
The Lord wants to use you to bring His peace to others in a world where there is no peace, no hope, and only blood and despair. In this you also find your peace, which becomes a greater and more potent union with Him, a tie that cannot be severed by anyone else unless you will it!
So the Lord sends messengers and today I proclaim to you all that YOUR PEACE is in Him alone, and this does not mean you should always be comfortable, or on some serene white sanded beach drinking a mike’s hard lemonade while some lady dressed in white rubs your feet while you listen to the bible on audiobook, so as to keep the Lord all to yourself in peaceful contemplation. No, the Lord calls us for better things than that!
You must share what you know of Him with others, so as not to keep Him all to yourself, because you were made for love and Holy charity, and the highest charity is to bring a soul to salvation so as to know their Creator who gives them eternal life. When you do this, you also find salvation for your soul as well, because even pulling one sinner back from the fire can cover a multitude of your own sins, as the apostle proclaimed to you!
So, in saving others, we save ourselves.
In being weak, we become strong.
In being afraid, we become brave.
In being put in danger and threat, we become safe and secure.
In losing our lives, we actually find our true life.
So, in despair and tribulation, we find PEACE that is only from Him.
Be like the Apostles, be like the Martyrs, be like the Holy Ones, for it is written also, that they are dressed in white, and when they call out to the Lord to avenge their blood, He dresses them Himself in pure white garments and speaks kind words to them so as to be patient until the fullness of their brothers and sisters who are killed for His Name are gathered in, just like they were!
In other words, my friend, WHY BE AFRAID? You proclaim and snatch souls from the devil, and nothing happens to you, a win. Do the same and you suffer, more of a win, because great is your reward in Heaven - a WIN WIN.
So, the object of my despair is actually my peace, and my peace that I thought was my peace is actually not my peace but His peace which He graciously poured out upon me and all of you who believe in truth, as the Holy Apostle said when he boldly proclaimed that:
“God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.”
Who can understand this Word unless you actually live it? Who can actually understand what is being said unless you feel the hurt and the suffering, the helplessness and the vulnerability of the tragedy that is our lives?
Our hope is not in this place, but only in Him. That is our peace and our rock.
Not news cycles.
Not our secular overlords who lord it over us for their own purposes.
Not our wealth.
Not our reputations.
Not our pride.
Not our knockout records.
Not the opinions of other men and their false approvals.
We only have to impress The One God in Three Persons, He who will make us complete at the end of the age, when we reap the harvest in joy that we sowed in tears.
That is our peace and our reward.
Thank you.
Now we close in prayer,
Sign of the cross (+)
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires….
Sign of the cross (+)
Summary for Outing Sunday 21 April 2024
April 24, 2024
Summary for Outing Sunday 21 April 2024
It was a cold and windy day for Spider’s 2nd Annual Anti-Bullying Softball Tournament in Watertown, NY. It was on the third and last day of the event at Kostyk Field across the street from the Jefferson County Fairground and a day after NFL Buffalo Bills retired linebacker Darrel Talley showed up to sign autographs, raffle off a signed football, and to raise money for charity in support of the event. My friend Matthew (nicknamed Spider) is the event organizer, and I knew him from a job I had recently worked at. Spider is a faithful Catholic (who is depicted in this photo - on the right wearing the Buffalo Bills insignia) and officially a Bills megafan. He is also accredited for tagging Kansas City Chiefs Quarterback Patrick Mahomes with a snowball on national television the day the Bills were defeated in the 2024 playoffs. He is also passionate about anti-bullying. A long time ago, one of his relatives committed suicide because of bullies, so he dedicates this event every year to honor his memory. Please keep the soul of Daniel Briggs in your prayers.
My partner Dave, who is a Third Order Carmelite, came out with me to this event and had some fruitful discussions with some people. Although not as many people came on the third day, as the second day of the event had camera crews and a celebrity (we could not setup on the second day because it just so happened to be the day I took my first promise at St. Rose of Lima church in Syracuse, NY to follow the rule of Saint Dominic for three years), by the grace of the Living God, we hopefully reached someone.
We set up our table right behind the batting cage near the bleachers and got to enjoy multiple softball games between competing teams in the tournament in between our evangelization encounters.
Evangelization Encounters -
EE#1.) Phil approached our table. He is a security guard pulling security for the event and is depicted in the provided photo on the left next to Spider. He explained to us how security was required by the city to host this event because of an incident last year when rival team members in the tournament attacked each other with bats. Phil talked to us about many topics; politics, the state of division in this country, new age trends that the youth are picking up on that is opposed to Church teaching, and some more personal trials and tribulations Phil has experienced in the past within his family and regarding his faith. Phil says he believes in Christ, and that “anybody who forgets God will be in trouble in the world today.” Phil explained to me that he is Catholic and served as an altar boy when he was a child. He also has a son named Anthony who served in the military, but now works with him in security pulling jobs at concerts, bars, and high risk events. He also has an armed guard license which is very difficult to get in the state of New York. He told us about his experience in this field and how challenging it can be with some of the people he comes across who put him to the test, especially people who are intoxicated. For an older gentleman, Phil handles himself well and is tough as nails!
When I began questioning Phil about the details of his faith, he revealed to me that he has not returned to Church in many years. When asked why, he explained to us that he no longer follows Pope Francis because of the things he is saying and supporting, along with his silence on the abuse and corruption within the Church hierarchy. Dave established a good point in response to Phil’s objection about the Seat of Peter, when he explained to Phil in summary that there is a difference between the “man” of the Pope and the “office” of the Pope. I also explained to Phil that just because we may not like our President or one of our leaders in government, we would not turn on our nation would we? Phil slightly agreed with some of these points and took it into consideration. I also explained to Phil how satan wears many masks, and for those who harm children (regardless of who they are), they are from satan and not from God. Furthermore, I emphasized that there are many Holy Priests and clergy in the world who do much good for others that he probably never hears about. I also reminded him that these trials of the faith we are going through in the modern age is like a test and that we are constantly being tested to see where our heart belongs.
Before the conversation ended, I brought up to Phil a few of his responsibilities as a Catholic, such as weekend mass, confession and communion once a year. Phil responded by saying “nobody should tell anybody how to live or what to do.” Although I could have taken this a step further by explaining how Christ and the Apostles came into the world to show us how to live, as they clearly and justly told us what to do in order to be saved, I decided not to go any further with this for a number of reasons. The main reason was out of gentleness (something I am working on), because this may have been the first time in many years he considered returning to Church, and I did not want to put too much on him at once so as to turn him off to the idea.
Before we went our separate ways, we gave Phil a tract on “Reasons to Return to the Catholic Church,” and a blessed Saint Anthony necklace because he used to goto St. Anthony’s Church. He also named his son Anthony, so it made the most sense. Please pray that Phil returns to the faith of his childhood.
EE#2.) After one of the games, a tired player named Nairobi and his friend approached our table on the way out. They were interested in some of the rosaries and miraculous medals. Nairobi’s friend took a few miraculous medals for himself and his girlfriend. Please pray for them to be strong in their faith.
EE#3.) Alexis and her toddler daughter came up to our table looking at the many rosaries, literature, and medals. Alexis has her daughter going through religious education and was reminding her of some things she learned in class. Alexis took a rosary for her daughter and instructions on how to pray the rosary, along with a few books I wrote on new age discourses for unbelievers and my commentary on St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae. Please pray for the successful religious education of Alexis’ daughter.
EE#4.) A group of small children without parents came running up to our table and were interested in the prayer cards, angel coins, miraculous medals, and different colored rosaries. They took a bunch for themselves. One of the boys began untangling them for us and was very effective at this task. As he was doing it, the kids explained to us that they were grabbing these items for themselves and their parents who do not approach the table. After this, Dave asked where his dad was, prompting the boy to explain to us that his dad is not around anymore and that his mother and step-father are now separated as well. Please pray for these Holy children and for this boy’s family to be reunited in Christ Jesus. Clearly, children are the most effective evangelists, and we see them doing this with their own families all throughout the world!
The crowds started to lessen, and after about four hours me and Dave called it a day. Please pray for those we encountered. Thank you!
Summary for Outing Monday 8 April 2024
April 9, 2024
Summary for Outing Monday 8 April 2024
Today was unique in a number of ways: first, it was the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord (when the angel Gabriel came to Mother Mary to give her the message that she would have a Son - Jesus) for The Church - a special year in which this solemnity does not fall on this date, but usually occurs in March, but since Holy Week was celebrated during its feast day of 25 March (nine months before Christmas which is the birth of Christ), The Annunciation was celebrated on this day. Second, on the same day a Solar Eclipse occurred, where the sun (Son) aligned with the moon (His Mother), three days after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the north east of the United States (including New York). Luckily for us in Watertown New York, we were in the path of full totality where everything went dark for over three minutes. Because of this significant event, up to 10,000 people from across the country traveled to this area in order to witness the event. Great opportunity to evangelize!
We have a new dedicated member of the team, Dave, and he joined me on this evangelization outing. We both went to Thompson Park to set up our table in the midst of a large crowd where we stayed outside in this event for up to seven hours. Yes, my bald head got sunburned!
We brought plenty of Saint Paul Street Evangelization informational tracts, miraculous medals, Catholic literature, prayer cards, scapulars, and blessed rosaries. Furthermore, we provided free turkey and cheese sandwiches along with water, string cheese, and chips for anyone who may have been in need. It is also important to note that at this event, we came across a number of satanists who clearly displayed their symbol (via clothing/tattoos); however, they did not approach our table, even though they probably saw our material and observed what we were doing. There was also a station elsewhere in the park where you could pay for a tarot card/psychic reading along with a shop selling occult material.
Now, I say that it is good we were there, because enemies of the faith are out evangelizing souls for their cause everyday, so it is good that we shall do it all the more!
Please enjoy these pictures taken from the event, along with the solar eclipse taken from my personal cellphone which shows the image of a Cross!
(Pictures - Dave is in the camouflage jacket. I (Scott) am in the black hoodie that says Saint Paul Street Evangelization.)
Evangelization Encounters-
EE#1.) Erin and Allison are a homeless couple. They approached our table with much enthusiasm. Me and Dave introduced ourselves and began to learn more about their situation. They explained to us how they were kicked out of the homeless shelter because of excessive coughing/spitting into a cup because they became sick due to the communal nature of the living arrangements there. They told us how they helped out and were hard workers, but were met with stern rules that did not make much sense which ultimately led to their current situation now. Erin also explained to us how they go attend some of the local protestant churches around our area, but have trouble going back because they see how some Christians act “righteous” in their assembly, then once they leave they begin acting crude with foul language.
Me and Dave explained to them that the Lord’s creatures fall short in what we do all the time, and to not turn on Christ because of Judas. Our focus is on Him, and we are a work in progress, because He is the example we must follow. We also gave this couple community resources for shelter and food pantry, along with information on the nearest Catholic Churches in our area while encouraging them to check out the Holy Mass which is offered everyday. Before they departed, we gave them some food and water, information pamphlets on the Catholic faith and the sacraments, rosaries, instructions on how to pray the rosary, and miraculous medals. Please pray for Allison and Erin to find meaningful employment, adequate shelter, and to be drawn closer to the Lord’s Church in truth.
EE#2.) Lane approached our table. He was interested in some of the information we were providing on the Church and the sacramental items we were passing out for free. He explained to us how he subscribes to the Messianic Jewish belief in Christ Jesus. He told us some deep personal experiences in his life that were hurtful for him, such as being abused by his family, let down by church members of other faiths such as the baptist movement and the seventh day adventists, who would not give him a ride to their congregation/assembly on the days they would meet when he needed a ride. During his faith journey, as Lane put it, he “put God to the test,” by asking Him in prayer to show him a sign that God is real. During this time in his life, there were enemies accusing him of wrongdoing. At the time, he was not sure how to handle it. So, what Lane did was pull out a bible, picked a random page, and without looking placed his finger on a random verse. What Lane described was exactly what he needed, as he put it, and according to him, his faith grew from there by this one single act.
Me and Dave explained to Lane that this was not exactly “putting the Lord to the test,” because He always wants us to seek Him in prayer and talk to Him, just like a Father would want to talk to His son and see how His son is doing. In the same way, a Father would also like to give His son what he wants (within reason), and to help him with his problems. We then proceeded to elaborate on scripture that what the Pharisee did was put the Lord to the test, when they witnessed miracles He performed right in front of them, but still publicly challenged Him because of their little faith and yearning for power and control.
We also explained to Lane that we should not let the hate, malice, and hardness of heart of those who are far from Christ (at the moment) ruin our own relationship with Christ so as to lead us to sin and burn us up with vengeance and anger. Forgiveness is just as much for us than it is for them, and frees our spirit in a way that can draw closer to our end goal (Heaven). Lane also mentioned to us that evil spirits bother him. After some questioning us that he was in line to be baptized in a protestant church, as the pastor was baptizing up to 60 or 70 people, while he was last in line. Right before the pastor came to baptize him, he pulled something in his bicep and the pastor refrained from baptizing Lane. Myself and Dave proceeded to explain to Lane how the Church views baptism, as being baptized into the Holy Trinity as Christ proclaimed, and that it was like a minor exorcism and relieves him from original sin while offering spiritual protection.
Lane told us he would consider getting baptized and asked that we pray over him by laying on of the hands. Me and Dave prayed out loud with him for a stable mind, stable emotions, to be baptized, to have Christ bring him into a closer union with him, and for the wicked spirits in his presence to depart never to return, in the name of Christ Jesus! Lane was very satisfied with this and told us he felt much better afterwards and would be looking into the Catholic Church. You can see his picture that was taken with Dave (Lane is in the pink shirt).
EE#3.) A man by the name of Roger approached our table and was asking questions about the book of Tobit and what our views on it were. He also had some questions about the nephilim in Genesis 6, and whether or not we believed that giants existed. He also wanted to talk to us about the apocrypha such as the book of Enoch and other texts that are not widely used in the Church. Roger is also a Lutheran and believes that the Pope shows signs of the antichrist. After some discussion about scripture, we explained to Roger how the Church doesn’t talk much about these matters because it prefers to keep the focus on Christ and the things that are helpful for building them up. Although we accept these things in the literal sense, we try not to focus on it alot because it can lead people astray or frighten them. These kinds of discussions are more appropriate in more advanced bible studies with sound teaching and foundations of faith rooted in Church sacraments.
Furthermore, I began to ask Roger why he became a Lutheran. Roger told me that he was born into it. From there, I explained to Roger who I was through personal testimony and what I was born into; I told him that I was born a Jew and was an atheist my entire life until the Lord converted me Himself in the year 2020. Once this happened, I too was probably a protestant at that point because I did not know which Church to goto. After much study, reasoning, and praying, the Holy Spirit brought me to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church - the Church of the Apostles and the gold standard of worship through the sacraments. To really emphasize this point, I mentioned the old testament regarding King Jeroboam, the King of Northern Israel. I explained to him what the sins of jeroboam were, in that King Jeroboam did not want his people conducting pilgrimages to Jerusalem for worship in the temple where the Levitical Priesthood (ordained by the Lord at the time) offered sacrifice in the temple because of fear of losing power. So, as an abomination to the Lord, he created his own priestly class, thus commissioning false ministers and turning from the legitimacy of the Levitical Priesthood, as this was known as “the sins of jeroboam.” From there, I emphasized the last book of the old testament, Malachi, in which the Lord cursed the false minister’s blessing, and reminded Roger about how only the Levites could hold the ark with their own hands, and anyone else who did this would die - thus reminding him that just not anybody can make themselves a Priest, because the Lord alone does this.
Going even further, I led into apostolic succession into the new testament, where John the Baptist, who was from the Levitical Priesthood of Zechariah, baptized our Lord in the river Jordan in water, thus transferring the Priesthood to Him ceremonially. This same Christ Jesus called Apostles, who in turn called Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, and this laying on of the hands has transferred through apostolic succession for 2,000 years today, where the sacrifice of the mas is offered in every country in the world everyday for two millennium. Roger did not like this and countered that “any priest in Israel was anointed with oil.” Me and Dave countered that this new covenant was with water, as the Lord told us plainly. We also handed Roger a pamphlet on “bible alone” and points on Sola Scriptura from a Catholic perspective.
After some more discussion, Roger began to explain his Lutheran faith and precepts. I then responded by asking Roger “when was Martin Luther born?” After some thought, Roger seemed caught off guard, so we concluded together that it was about 500 years ago. I then pointed out to him that the church is 2,000 years old, and is why I went to them and not Luther, in my own experience, because I wanted what was directly given by Christ and the apostles. I also explained to him how I understand why some left the Church because of corruption and misdeeds, but the sins of men and people who fall short should not intervene in our supernatural relationship with Christ through the Church he established. Roger got a little frightened and wished me and Dave a good day and took off. We promised that we would pray for him, and we also ask you that you pray for his conversion as well, because I definitely feel that he is almost there in the fullness of truth and worship!
EE#4.) Bill and his wife Sherri, along with Sherri’s son Damien approached our table and was asking questions about the faith. We provided them rosaries, instructions on the rosary, and information on the church. Sherri explained to us how her whole family has passed away. When they passed away, their Catholic items were taken away with them and she never got them back. She was very pleased to receive items that she grew up with in her own family while she was holding back tears. Her husband Bill wore a cross around his neck and he was dressed like a biker and had many tattoos. He looked very strong and tough. He told me how he was in Desert Storm (we thanked him for his service), had three heart attacks, and other surgeries. You never would have thought these serious medical conditions happened to him because he looked healthier than an ox! We had a good discussion with them and realized that Bill’s faith was very deep. He was also a Marine Scout Sniper. I too was also a Sniper in the Army, so we had something in common that helped him be more open to exploring what was on the table.
Their son Damien who is 26 was telling us some things about himself and his family, and how his biological father passed away from lung failure in his bed while Damien was in the house and had to discover his father. Damien explained to me that his father’s ashes were in the car at the event and that he normally takes them wherever he goes. Please pray for this family and the soul of Damien’s father!
EE#5.) Kathy and her husband with her children came up to our table and was asking us questions about the faith. Kathy went to Catholic religious training as a child but was never fully received into the Church. Her husband is an ex-mormon who became Presbyterian, but is now considering the Catholic faith. We gave them rosaries, information on the Catholic Church, and had a discussion about the Arian heresy which mormonism subscribes to, in that they believe Christ is not from the same substance of God, but is more like a high level manager, and that the basic understanding and belief of a Christian is the Holy Trinity. Kathy’s husband affirmed that in the mormon church, they do not even claim to be Christian now, and their tactics for getting new members were very forceful and abusive. He could not take anymore of it and had to leave.
Kathy also described how she reads and studies the bible, but still has mental blocks into what she is trying to understand, and that she has trouble committing to anything because it is so overwhelming to her. I explained to her some key points about the faith and emphasized the importance of prayer in asking the Lord to help us understand His word. I also asked her if whether or not she believes the Lord puts people in her life for a purpose, to which she agreed. I also explained to her that there are people who can help her understand scripture, and what she would be getting herself into when she professes the Church and the faith, so there is no confusion, and is why if she went to a Catholic Church and wanted to enter it, should would need to do RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) which goes all the way back to the early Church period. She would have time to discern and study of the scriptures in a no pressure format where she can opt out anytime, and it wouldn’t be like a cult that would come to her door with pitchforks.
She was more open to this concept and wanted more information. I told her and her family about the local Catholic Churches in our area, but she insisted she go to whichever Church I was attending. When I told her the Church that I was attending, she told me how she lives right down the street from there and got into a story of how she met her husband in that area. Before Kathy and her family left to enjoy the festivities (live concert, bouncy house, and food vendors), I wrote up some contact information for her to Church, their website, and contact numbers.
Please pray for this family to enter the Church and to partake in the fulness of worship!
EE#6.) A Russian Orthodox lady who spoke broken english came up to our table and looked at some of our prayer cards and images of Christ on them. After offering her some information tracts on the Catholic faith, she asked me “why do they portray Christ as a white man, and why not as a darkened arab?” Plainly, I reinforced the concept to this woman that “I do not care what Christ Jesus looks like, whether He was black, white, pink, green, or blue, I would still follow Him, and so should you!” I also explained to the woman that there are many human divisions in the world and none of it is helpful. The woman agreed and then walked away.
Me and Dave concluded this was a trap; a way to get us to stroke a division that someone may overhear at the table which may cause them to stumble. Surely, it is quite obvious what Christ was in His human nature, but this is not the focus, for He is for everyone, and resides in the hearts of those who love Him and follow Him, regardless of their race, color, or physical characteristics! Please pray for this woman to focus on the things that truly matter, such as her salvation, and not mere appearances!
EE#7.) Scott and his wife, who are Jewish, came up to our table and wanted some Catholic information to give to some of their friends. They explained to me how they did acknowledge Christ, but would not elaborate much further. I talked to them a bit about the Levitical Priesthood and Christ being for us Jews as well and who I was. They were very kind and respectful, but seemed to have been in a rush. Please pray for these descendents of Israel to come to the fullness of worship in Christ!
EE#8.) Maureen who is from Scranton Pennsylvania took the drive up her with her husband, who is a Lutheran, to witness the solar eclipse. She is Catholic, and told us about her faith journey, as she had a Marian medal and crucifix around her neck. I explained to her not to give up hope on the conversion of her husband, because when I was an atheist, I attacked and persecuted my wife’s faith, and I mocked the priests and accused them all of being pedophiles, while also opposing the infant baptism of my son. My wife still prayed for me and the Lord did not forget about me and converted me, and I told her not give up hope and to keep praying. When I told her this she looked like she wanted to cry. She came up and gave me a hug. She then explained to me and Dave how the Holy Spirit came upon her once and taught her two complex songs on the Holy Light of Purity and Love. She sang these two songs for us at the table for a few minutes before the eclipse started, and it was beautiful and indescribable. Before Maureen walked up to our table, we were talking about family division and satan splitting up families, and one of the lyrics in the song she sang to us mentioned this. When she got done, she explained to us how she is retired now and wanted to get working for the Lord in a new way. Me and Dave explained to her how God has the best employee benefits package in comparison to other companies on the market. She chuckled at this. We also gave her a book on spiritual warfare because she expressed interest in this. Please pray for Maureen, a very holy woman, and for the conversion of her husband!
The Solar Eclipse appears and everything gets very cold and dark. Clouds are in the way but we can see it with our eyes safely and did not need any glasses. I took a few pictures of it and attached it in this posting. Please notice the cross coming out of the last image I took, even though I did not notice it when I was there!
EE#9.) A family with children came by the table during the eclipse but we did not notice them while we were observing. They were interested in many rosaries and informational tracts on the Church, and the angel coins and religious key chains that were provided in a bowl. Me and Dave gave their children water, chips, string cheese, and turkey sandwiches. They were very grateful and considering the faith, especially after witnessing the celestial event. The mother of the children along with her husband there explained to me that these type of things get people thinking spiritually, that there is a deeper purpose and that she is considering giving her family a Church that can hold onto. Me and Dave agreed this was a good idea. Please pray for this family to stick together and be one in Christ Jesus!
EE#10.) Gretchen and her family member approached our table and explained to us how she was received into the Church recently on Easter vigil. Me and Dave explained our testimony to her and our stories of why we came into the faith. Gretchen’s family member mentioned how she was a convert to the Catholic faith many decades ago, and slowly but surely her family members were trickling in as time went by, but there are some who are still holding out. Gretchen also explained to us a story about someone she knew who practiced wicca who influenced her life, as she too also practiced before converting, and this person converted to the Catholic faith before she died. Me and Dave thanked God for this because this soul has a chance after renouncing divination, and we could tell this was a very personal story for Gretchen. Gretchen and her family member agreed to a picture with Dave before they left. Please pray for Gretchen, her family’s conversion, and her friend’s soul who passed away!
EE#11.) Sean, who is a security guard for the Solar Eclipse event at Thompson Park in Watertown, approached our table when we were breaking down and about to leave. He explained to us how he only shows up to Easter vigil once a year for appearances sake, but has not really attended mass for the right reasons in about five years. He wanted some information on the Latin mass. Dave was a great resource in this as he gave Sean locations, times, and Priest information who conduct such services. We also asked Sean why he considered genuinely returning to the faith. He told us because of the evil and wrong that is increasing in the world. We explained to him that when evil increases, grace shall increase all the more, and that the more sinners sin, the more of a right we have to His mercy, because if we were sinless, then we would not need Christ, but this isn’t so. Me and Dave also preached the rosary to him while giving him a rosary and instructions on how to pray it. We also emphasized that it starts with prayer, which is a conversion of the heart, and replacing worldly things and thoughts that lead us to sin on the mysteries of Christ so we can replace our thoughts and mind with His so we have a mind like Christ and in this way we will draw our hearts closer to Him. The fruit of this is monthly masses turning into weekly masses (as it should be normally), and weekly masses turning into daily masses because your heart longs to be in the Lord’s presence, not for reasons to be seen by other men, but for reasons of love for the Lord alone. Sean was happy with this and said he would consider it. We also gave Sean informational tracts on reasons to return to the Catholic Church. Please pray for Sean to return to the Church fully in both body, spirit, and heart!
EE#12.) As me and Dave were breaking down, Laura from the the cricket wireless station came up to us. She wanted information on the Catholic Church. We gave her pamphlets explaining the faith and sacramentals. She told us she was not Catholic, while also seeming to be in a hurry, but that she would consider the faith. Please pray for Laura’s conversion!
Throughout the rest of the day, we had many other encounters with people, especially children and mothers who came out for rosaries, information on the Church, and for some free food that we were providing. Dave did an excellent job in meeting the needs of these people and pointing them towards Christ and the Church. We also found out that many of them traveled from New Jersey and Maryland, and that dedicated doordashers will even drive up large hills on bicycles to give people their orders in major events (hopefully they got a good tip). Please, pray for all of these people we encountered and for their safe travels. Many people are hurt out there and confused, and there are many different influences in the world leading them down the wrong path, as me and Dave witnessed families with children shopping for occult items. Please also pray for them that they will find the Lord as well.
Thank you!
March 13, 2024
I too, was a wicked unbelieving man who persecuted the people of God. Born a Levitical Jew from my mother’s side (last name Cohen), and a southern Baptist with Irish descent on my father’s side (last name Lowry) and grew up an atheist my entire life - I never believed. I did whatever I wanted to do; drunken parties, fights, orgies, mocked people less fortunate than myself, marked my skin with tattoos of snakes, skulls, and bullets. I manipulated others; I loved firefights and explosions, pursued vanity and possessions, hated my fellow neighbor, lied, and I was disrespectful to my parents. I even killed people. When I persecuted the church, it was more personal because I did it to my own spouse.
I mocked my wife for her faith. I also insulted the Priests and accused them all of pedophilia and wrongdoing, even going as far as to oppose the infant baptism of my youngest son. I had no intention of changing my ways, or exposing and confessing my secrets to those around me whom I harmed. Until the dead of the night in the year 2020 at the age of 35, in the same year the star of Bethlehem re-appeared for the third time on 21 December 2020 since Christ’s birth, the spirit of the Lord came for me and converted me. I was at my desk by myself doing some work on a computer and suddenly goosebumps came across my arms, back, neck and shoulders and I began trembling. I never felt anything like it before. I began weeping violently and broke down crying. Almost as if something wrapped a mantle around me, something I never felt before - it was undeniable. From then on, I knew God existed, because I literally felt Him there with me. I did not see Him or hear His voice, but I knew He was there. I honor the truth and I was wrong my entire life. In that exact instance, I realized this. Although I was born seven days from my expected due date of 17 March 1985 in the flesh and sin, I was reborn in Baptism in the spirit the night before Easter in the year of our Lord 2022.
Did He make me change? No. He showed me the Spirit of Grace which is the truth and His mercy. Since I value the truth, I accepted it. I was wrong and He was right. I died that night and was reborn as a new man. Now I live for the Lord. I took the name of Paul in baptism and confirmation because of my conversion. No man converted me; the Lord did. I went to sleep the night prior and woke up the same person with no intention of changing, nor did I have any viable reason to change. I was accountable to no one, and I believed in nothing. Then, when confronted with the truth, I had to change. Why? Because I value the truth. The truth has intrinsic value and is above all of us. It is objective and incorruptible. It is my hope for the entire world that everyone comes to the truth before the day of fire, so everyone is saved. If the Lord can change me, the worst of sinners, He can change all of you as well!
I wrote a letter to God listing everything I had ever done wrong. I repented and asked for forgiveness. This is a start, but more is required. From then on, I had to tell my wife all the things I had been hiding from her regardless of how vile it was; regardless of how much it was going to hurt. I was ready to lose my house and my life for the Lord because He is the Truth, and the Truth will set me free. I must confess to you, the reader, and the entire world to honor Him, for His Namesake.
Once I did this thing and confessed my lies and sins to both God and mankind, despite what may come of me, an amazing thing happened. The yoke of the devil fell off upon my neck. From then on, he could no longer jerk me by the chain and force me to go wherever he wanted me to go and do. I was truly free like what the Lord had said from His gospel.
Now with that said, I knew I had to be baptized. Where do I go? There are thousands, if not millions of denominations out there. Simple, after reading all of scripture and studying it thoroughly, the answer became very clear to me. I must present myself to the steps of the Apostles Church, the One that has been given authority by Christ himself - the Roman Catholic Church. I followed the footsteps of the Apostles and the Levitical Priesthood, to which my ancestors are from and to which the Priesthood passed on from John the Baptist (also a Levite whose father administered sacrifice in the temple) when he baptized our Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan. Coming to this truth after much prayer, I realized where the fullness of worship resided, the very Church I persecuted throughout my adult years - the one from the beginning. Now, I practice the sacraments daily and am in truth. In fact, the tabernacle in Rome, and wherever the word of God is proclaimed and His body rests upon the altar is where the temple is, for it replaced the one in Judea.
One cannot be in truth if he or she does not do what the Lord commands us to do. In summary, the Lord said, "you have no life in you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood of the new covenant."
The sacraments are there to save us and keep us awake and ready; presentable for the Lord when He returns until all is accomplished. The sacraments of His Church will carry you, strengthen you, and sustain you from a lifetime of sinful influences and demonic temptations until it is your time to return to your true Father in Heaven. Do not be tricked by the slick comments of the world and self-ambitious preachers who want to teach you all kinds of wrong things. The Lord told us plainly what to do. So, let’s do it, and our joy will be complete.
Summa contemplation:
Street Evangelization Watertown, New York
Street Evangelization Syracuse, New York
Summary for Outing Saturday 9 December 2023
December 11, 2023
Summary for Outing Saturday 9 December 2023
The morning was unusually warm (somewhere in the high 40’s and low 50’s) and I was running a bit late. Once I got out into the square, I decided to set up the table with sacramentals in front of a Christmas tree a bit further away from the nativity display and lit menorah that was posted in the downtown square for all to see. From the time I started setting up, things began to happen, from old familiar faces to giant walking sticks and ski masks, occult chest tattoos, and 90’s rap music being blasted out of a boombox from a shoulder hanging backpack:
Evangelization Encounter -
EE#1- Gia immediately approached me and asked if she could sit with me for a while. I gave her my only chair while I set up the table with rosaries, literature, and other sacramentals to pass out. Throughout our time together she asked me a flurry of questions such as, “Who are you? What are you selling? Are you single? What is a Rosary? What are these medals? What are these books? Do you have a cigarette?” I explained to her that I was not out here to sell anything or accept donations and that I was here to pray with people and answer questions about the faith. Gia mentioned to me that her father who was retired from the US Army was living in Virginia and that the rest of her family were living in Guam. When I asked her why she was not with them, she gave me a mechanical response; “Because once I turned 18 I was no longer my father’s dependent and should be on my own.” When she said this I witnessed a deep sadness come upon her face and in her eyes, as if this was her father’s words and not hers. She also expressed how she really misses her father and hopes someday to be with him again, even though he “cut her off.” After getting to know her for a little bit, it turns out her father kicked her out of the house at 18 and moved along in the military from base to base without her and is now retired. I also remembered her from a previous social services agency I used to work for as she was in a few of the programs I assisted past clients in who were suffering from mental health issues such as depression and schizophrenia. Homelessness is also a major occurrence for clients in these programs, so I was able to piece the situation together a bit more clearly. Gia said the last time she went to Church was near Schofield barracks in Hawaii as a military child in the early 2000’s. She also explained to me how she had “four to five jobs” including Burger King on Fort Drum. I explained to her that it was never too late to go back to Church because Christ is always waiting to receive us. There are also many people in Church who are willing to help one another for nothing in return. I also gave her a list of community resources in the area that I pre-filled in with a pen for situations like this. She took a picture of the contact list with her phone. Gia took a few rosaries and some books I wrote on Christian apologetics and personal experiences. When I asked if she wanted to pray with me, she declined. I also accidentally called her “GiGi” a few times and she did not seem to be happy about it (let this be a lesson to you too; when evangelizing, do not mess up somebody’s name!). She then abruptly left without saying goodbye. For the next couple of hours, I would periodically see her pacing around the square walking the sidewalks. Please pray for this child of God to be reunited with her family someday and to find a social support system that welcomes her and fulfills her needs both emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
EE#2- Richard approached me and Gia on a bicycle. He was steering the thing with one hand and holding some kind of book shelf with the other. He took interest in what was on the table and we had a short discussion about faith until Gia asked him for a cigarette. Before Richard departed, I gave him a rosary, a miraculous medal, and a book I wrote on Christian apologetics. I also pressed for a photo with the two of them, but they both declined. Richard said he was in a hurry. Before Richard left, he asked me to pray for his children so that God may protect them. I told him that I will and so would the religious groups I forward his prayer request to as well.
EE#3- Katie and Cassandra came walking up to me pushing a dual baby carriage. Both Damien (aged 2) and Oliver (aged 1) were the passengers. They were interested in taking some sacramentals for themselves to pass out to family and friends. Following behind them, somebody who was not with them, Aquaviyon (goes by Q) who was carrying a large walking stick also approached the table and asked what I was selling. I told him that everything was free and gave him some literature and rosaries. He gladly received them and then walked off because he was in a rush. As for Katie and Cassandra, they accepted a St. Joseph’s edition of the bible and placed it on Damien’s lap in the stroller. We had a short discussion about faith as they grabbed a few books and many sacramentals. They did not request any prayer but seemed very enthusiastic about faith in Christ.
EE#4- Two men named Austin and Damien spotted me from afar and deliberately crossed the street to approach my table. While they were far off, I waved to them and they nodded in approval. Damien was shorter and wearing a black ski mask. When the two men approached, I greeted them and offered them literature on the faith and a rosary. Austin (the one not wearing a ski mask) did most of the talking. He told me how he has been to just about every Church in the area and was discerning faith. He told me that he read the bible front to back, as well as the Quran, and that he wanted to learn as much as he could so he could discern properly. Austin and Damien professed their belief in Christ Jesus, as Austin told me that he always believed since he was a small child. However, Damien was an atheist up until his late teenage years when he overdosed on drugs. He explained to me that when this happened, he came to faith and belief that there is a God. His near death experience converted him to Christ. I explained to both of them what the 2,000 year old Apostolic Church started by Christ Himself believes, especially scriptural proof on the Eucharist and Confession, and supplied them foldable tracts on these topics, as well as the “Why become Catholic?” tract. They received it eagerly. I also provided Austin multiple books I wrote on Christian apologetics along with new age discourses (modern day arguments that addresses challenges to the faith and misinformation). Austin asked that intercessory prayer be said for his father Rick who is sick from a lifetime of smoking cigarettes. Sometimes he loses control of his posture and falls to the floor and is very weak in his breathing. Please pray for these men to be drawn to Christ’s Church in the fullness of worship as well. Who says all random strangers on the street in a ski mask are bad news?
EE#5- A man and a woman came walking from across the street to the front of my table. The man had a backpack slung on his shoulder with a loud boombox blaring 90’ rap music out his side. He had his chest and torso exposed displaying a pagan witchcraft star tattoo upon his chest. The woman he was with was walking at an aggressive pace by his side and they both looked very angry. When they crossed my table I introduced myself and asked them if they wanted a blessed rosary. The man declined as they walked by. Please say a prayer for this couple to come to faith in the truth and to reject the doctrines of demons and the endless maze of confusion that is the occult.
EE#6- Penny approached the front of the table on her bicycle. I believe she was headed to work at Sam’s club and wanted to talk to me along the way. She explained to me how she spent most of her life as a nurse’s assistant and that she was raised pentecostal. She is also suffering from depression and would greatly appreciate prayers to help her with this. I thanked her for her service to the community; as a result, she seemed very surprised but delighted at this response as if nobody ever thanked her for what she has done for other people. From there, I went on to explain some key points about the Catholic Church and why it is the fullness of worship and the truth. I also provided her tracts on information about the Catholic Church along with common objections to the faith. Penny also happily received some sacramentals that she took with her. Please pray for her to come to Christ’s Church so He can heal her. Please pray for Penny to maintain meaningful employment and to experience joy and happiness.
EE#7- Antonio who was covered in many tattoos on his face and hands while wearing a colorful beanie over his head approached my table suddenly while I was distracted by something. He was wearing a cross around his neck but was very interested in the rosary. I handed him multiple rosaries with instructions on how to pray it along with a book I wrote on Christian apologetics.
EE#8- Finally, I noticed a man from afar crossing from the square to the other side of the crosswalk away from my direction. He stared at me for a moment until I waved at him. He waved back and went about his business. When he left, I noticed a bit that he looked like my close friend from middle school and high school who joined the Army with me after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington D.C. (I would later run into my old friend on deployment to Mosul, Iraq many years later in 2009). Chad is the name of my friend who joined the Army with me and I recalled that my friend also grew up in a pagan family that practiced the occult. I also knew his dad quite well and would hang out at their house when I was still in school (back when I was an atheist). My friend Chad was a very crude guy, and he told you what he thought of you - no holding back. He could also be very vile and cruel and swore like a sailor in the pacific during World War II. His father, Michael (also my father’s name), was also a veteran and was very active in the VFW and veteran causes in Massachusetts. He would also brandish occult symbols in his home and on his clothes and jewelry, but at the time I never paid any attention to these things. Now, considering these things, some time passed at my table and I was caught rearranging items on the table to counter the wind that was blowing by when the man who looked like my friend from the past came walking up startling me. When I introduced myself, he also told me his name is Chad. He stared at me very attentively as we began to have a discussion about faith. I asked him if he went to Church, and he told me that he has not been for awhile. I explained to him that Christ loves us very deeply and is always there waiting for us, and is still with us even if we are not thinking of him or remembering him literally everywhere we go. He agreed and explained to me that the Lord speaks to him. I paused for a second and asked him, “What does He say?” Chad responded with, “Many things,” and did not get into detail. I told him that Christ speaks to all of us in His own way and it is up to us to listen and recognize His presence, even through other people. When I said this, Chad responded, “I am standing in His presence right now.” Now a bit frightened and thrown off, I explained to him how “I am nothing,” and changed the subject to handing him literature on the faith and tracts on why he should return to Church, along with information about Confession and Eucharist. Chad then seemed upset about his life and how he wishes to return to the Lord and change his life. I asked him if I could pray with him and place my hand upon his shoulder. He agreed. I walked around the table and placed my right hand over his shoulder and he placed his hand on mine and we prayed with the ACTS method (Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication), petitioning for the Holy Spirit to come down and enter Chad’s heart so as to draw him closer to the Lord and to strengthen him. Finally, concluding with the sign of the cross in the name of Christ Jesus. After Chad left, I couldn’t help but feel as if that encounter was some kind of test, and that the man I just prayed with somehow knew me in another way.
After this last encounter, it was time to pack up and head to the hospital to pass out Eucharist. Still puzzled about this last encounter, I started to wonder if something happened to my friend Chad I knew from my school years. I had good reason to worry too because in the past I had a similar experience with a past Army buddy who was in trouble, and by way of a dream the Lord pushed me to reach out to him to warn him of something he should not be doing. Anyways, I googled my friend’s name and the place I knew he was born in with the word ending in ‘obituary.’ To my relief, I did not find my friend there, but I did find his father Michael in there who passed away recently in November of this year. The same day I was on a prison retreat at Cape Vincent, New York, when something very overwhelming and indescribable came over me while I was hanging out with the prisoners. I thought something might have happened to my family because they were traveling out of state for thanksgiving while I was in the prison. Now I realize that it was Michael passing away on that day, and that was probably what I was feeling. Now, it is important to note that my apostolate is to proclaim the gospel to the occult and to seek them out for the salvation of their souls, and this also includes the dead. I had to do a 20 decade Rosary for Michael and I offered a mass for the repose of his soul that is scheduled February 2024 at my local parish. Please, I ask all of you that you also pray for Michael’s soul and for him to shine in the perpetual light of the Lord forever. I know he needs your prayers, for no one else is praying for him! Thank you.
You can view Michael’s photo and obituary here (Chad used to drive me around in that sweet car of his, and I once accidentally had a negligent discharge with a paintball gun on his dashboard):
Correctional Facility Retreat Conclusion November 2023
December 2, 2023
Prison Retreat (Program Residents Encounter Christ)
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It was a great and productive three day long retreat for us the volunteers and the prisoners. The Priest who came with us was Fr. Jaya Kumar, MSC (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart) and he did a wonderful job with mass in the prison and confession. His speech and sermons were also great and relatable. We had prisoners both protestant, baptist, non-denomination, and "spiritual" make their CONFESSIONS for the first time in their entire lives. We even had some Catholics who confessed for the first time in decades and were able to receive communion for the first time since they were children living in places like South America. The prisoners went up one by one and told all of us just how their confessions went, and the impact Fr. Jaya had upon them. It literally ignited their faith, as some had his prayer shawl cast over their heads along with his hand over their forehead pouring out blessings upon them after confession.
Truly an amazing retreat. We also enrolled one highly dedicated Catholic prisoner who is committed to the Rosary into the St. Joseph Eastern Province Rosary confraternity upon informing him of his prayer responsibilities. He wakes up every morning before everybody and recites the rosary with a group of men who are willing while also saying it throughout the day in the yard. This man also comes under persecution for this from fellow prisoners and even protestant/atheist guards but remains faithful. Please pray for Resident A who was actually a former adjutant professor at numerous colleges. He should be out soon and will reunite with his wife. He is also considering becoming a Deacon in the Church.
There has also been a sparked interest in vocations. A few men were interested in entering first order religious monasteries in their respective hometowns. We provided them local information on this so they can reach out to them. One person explained how his secular life never panned out well for him and how the influences of alcohol in the world and money always brought him to jail or in trouble with family. Now that there is a possibility he can return to the world and completely focus on the Lord with a community of like-minded men in a religious order, it appears all the lights came on in his eyes now that he discovered there is a different way. This young man is also single with no children and could one day become a Priest, so please, pray for Resident B from Buffalo to draw closer to the Lord through a religious community when he is released in the next coming months!
Also please pray for Resident C, who was in the initial invasion of Iraq and witnessed much death. He is trying to find his path, but has been suffering from PTSD and drug addiction since 2003 (what ended him up in prison). Also please pray for his girlfriend who committed suicide.
Please pray for Resident D from Long Island to reunite to his family. Resident D came over to this country in a container unit with dead bodies who ran out of air. He was looking for a better life for his family.
Please pray for Resident E, who is a baptist and who spent most of his life in prison. In our prayer circle, he had to turn the crucifix around because he believed the carved image of Lord Jesus Christ was an idol and he could not accept that it was an image to remind us of the honor of God. Please pray for the Lord to increase his faith and draw him closer to the one true Church.
Please pray for Resident F who is Christian but does not have a Church. He asked me how he should be saved, and when I gave him the steps that Lord Jesus Christ said through His Church, he did not fully agree (as baptism goes). I explained to him that the thief on the cross was forgiven, but that Lord Jesus Christ told him this personally. Unless the Lord appears to us right now and says we are entering Heaven, then it would be prudent of him to follow what He told us in His procession of the world. I gave an example in his environment, that he would just not walk back to his dorm from here unless a guard told him to. He would not take it upon himself to do this. Resident F agreed with me.
We also provided a historical timeline of the Catholic Church to the prisoners, showing a direct narrow line path from Jesus Christ in 33AD to the present, along with all of the spider web paths of other religions and versions of Christianity. Hopefully this hit home for some of them.
Please pray for Resident G, who is being baptized in the prison next Wednesday by our Bishop. Myself and the local Watertown team along with the prison chaplain who is a Deacon will also be there. Satan has been coming for this child of Christ very hard, and he has been getting attacked constantly. He is going through much despair, torments, and temptations to anger as he closely approaches his baptism next week, as I did as well before I was baptized. So please pray for the Lord to protect him. He will not be receiving his first communion or confirmation the same day because other prisoners have went to the chaplain to say negative things about him. So they want to make sure he is serious about this and those sacraments will come later, as I explained to him myself. He is very torn over this though, and I explained to him how it took me 2 years to get into the Church and I did not think I was even going to enter or get baptized. So, I keep reminding him to focus on his baptism, which is a minor exorcism, and to keep up the faith one step at a time.
I almost forgot, please add Resident H to your prayer list. He is a Jewish man who was converted to Christ in 2020, just like me. Me and him have a connection because of our historical lineage to Judaism and the same time of our conversions. He was baptized by a protestant sect, and pray to the Lord that He will come home to the true Church. He was there for one day in our retreat last May, but was removed by the guards for some reason unknown to us. when we saw him on our monthly visits, the guards would try to discourage him on his way to meet us - saying such things as "why are you doing this, you know God will never forgive you right?"
So, please pray for this son of Jacob to come home to the true faith and be strengthened. Thank you!
People of God as a Community of Love
By Scott Lowry
Open with proclamation of the gospel message and prayer:
My friends, please consider that today is not a mistake nor is it a coincidence.
God’s plan- God has a plan for you and He loves you. He did not leave you here on a rock to die. Nor did he put anything on your plate that is too much for you to handle. Rather, He tests you so as to refine you like gold in the furnace, just like all of His beloved children such as the Saints and Angels.
Bad news- The bad news is that sin entered into the world through our first parents. By their disobedience we inherited death, illness, despair, and all kinds of trials which were brought on by evil influence and those who wish to become their own light, which is no light at all, but darkness.
Good news- The good news is that we are not without hope. For God came down from Heaven and become man for our sake. By His blood and through faith we are justified and destined for eternal life like the angels who dwell in His presence. In this day in age, in Babylon, all of us have a choice to make, for the Lord or against the Lord. There is no in between, for those who dwell somewhere in the middle, so as to be lukewarm, will challenge your faith because their faith is so little and they go about the world in despair and confusion. The Lord’s goal is to preserve you, for He can do such a thing because He is literally the Author of Life. Remain in Him completely, and you shall live even when your body dies.
Invitation- The Lord, who is the First Catholic, created a Church for which you are to gaze upon this very second. The 2,000 year old Roman Catholic Church which was given authority by Lord Jesus Christ Himself through His Apostles where the gifts of heaven through the sacraments await you. Do not deny the Lord’s gifts, rather eagerly move towards them in whatever disposition you find yourself in. Now, I invite all of you this day to close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to enter your hearts if you have not already considered it. Starting this day, deny yourselves so as to willingly and joyfully take up your cross so as to follow after Him so He can walk with you in all things and become your teacher.
Now we pray:
+Sign of the cross
Adoration – Lord, we love you and we praise your Name. We magnify you and glorify you with our thoughts, words, and deeds.
Contrition- We are sorry for all of the times we fall short. We are sorry for our lies and the people we hurt over and over again.
Thanksgiving- We thank you for sparing us and bringing us here together this day. We thank you for all the good things you have given us and we thank you for the trials you give us so as to mold us into strong servants ready to carry out your will.
Supplication- We ask that you bring down your Holy Spirit and enter the hearts of everyone here today. To straighten what is crooked, and to strengthen what is weak. To increase our faith by raising up our intellect to the full knowledge of you and to become a beacon of hope and light for all of those around us who dwell in darkness.
In the name of Christ Jesus, AMEN!
+Sign of the cross
For my entire life, I was not a person of God. I did not acknowledge Him, nor did I think about Him, nor did I even consider Him and His ways. I did whatever I wanted to do as an atheist with no rules and boundaries. I did not believe in Him nor did I have any knowledge of His existence until the dead of the night in 2020 when He came for me and converted me. When He did this thing, I had a choice to make; for the Lord or against the Lord. For the truth or for what is false. The truth has intrinsic value and it is above you and me. I had to change because I honor the truth. I was wrong and He was right. The truth doesn’t need our approval to exist and be. Rather, it is our responsibility to change for Him who is the truth so we can see all of this for what it really is. We were made for love in a community to glorify the Lord through our worship as a spirit wrapped in a body made of flesh and bone. Today, we are a community behind these wire fences.
Many people may ask, especially someone like me – what is love? I never knew what love was as an atheist because I was too focused on myself. Love to me was ownership, sex, property rights, dominance, what I provided someone, and protecting what belonged to me even at the cost of someone else. Not until the Lord converted me, did I understand what love truly is. Love is wishing the good of another for its own sake while expecting nothing in return. What is the ultimate good? Bringing your soul to salvation through faith in the Lord who is everyone’s calculated end and First and Last. Divine beatitude is the ultimate good and those who try to bring you this end for which everyone was made for do this in love.
Now, knowing this, there is no enemy or other. There is no rival or competitor. There are just sheep who are found and sheep who are lost. Truly, Christ is in you, and if He is in you, then He is also in your neighbor regardless of what he looks like or says to you at the moment in ignorance. Whenever I get angry at somebody now and want to retaliate, I begin to think long and hard about how Christ knew that person as a baby and walked with that person his whole life. How that person’s mother and father loved them too, and how this person is special to someone on earth and especially the Lord who wills it that this person has been put in our path. The Lord is patient with us, and not one breath that we take this second is for our own purposes and plans, but allowed for us to come to repentance. Anything beyond that is the Lord carrying out His mission for you here on earth through you for there is still things you must do in the flesh for the good of another. This too is also love in the highest degree. For what the Lord has done for us, we cannot ever repay Him, but we can somewhat accomplish this through those He puts in our path so as to carry out the purpose to which we were made for and that is to love one another as oneself.
Suffering with a brother and sister is also what we are called to do as Christians because Christ suffered first with the most horrible kind of torment for our sake. So, we should also follow after Him in embracing our suffering as well – not because we are sadists – but because anyone who wishes to come after Him who is eternal life must first deny themselves and take up their own cross so as to follow after Him so as to fulfill His commandments.
The Lord has also called us to assemble and to worship with one another, for where there are two or three who gather in His Name, He shall be present. Not my words, but His. So my friends, you can take it to the bank that He is here with you this day. Worshipping alone has its purpose to fill in the gaps for times between communal worship, which is always a higher more fruitful form of worship, but some take it to the extreme by believing they do not need to go to Church or assemble with other Christians who are the Body of Christ. This is a false thought because the Lord has directly told us with His own words to be together as one in community. For those who truly love Him, they will follow what He says and not what others say. The words of prideful men do not nullify what the Lord our God says. Nor does an influential person or somebody with many book sales and fame. The Lord knows what is best for us, and you would do well to heed what He says.
Lord Jesus Christ established the first Christian community through His Apostles. Those same Apostles laid hands upon Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, and this chain has been unbroken for 2,000 years all the way back to Christ. The first Christian communities were baptized together, suffered persecution together by the Romans, mourned death, poverty, imprisonment, and celebrated life together. As some of those in the world who wish to confuse you through deception and lies would like to suggest, that the Roman Catholic Church just suddenly “appeared” in the 5th century by a Roman Emperor, is untrue. The first Christians in community who walked with the Lord, the Apostles, and the Church Fathers – the same Christians who were thrown to lions for entertainment and sport, erected to the top of wooden beams and lit on fire as Roman candles to light up the streets of Rome at night, and the same Christian community who were marched off to the middle of lakes in the winter to drown for their faith by the pagans who worshipped demons – did not just magically teleport themselves through dozens of Roman persecutions against Christians between the time of the first century and fifth century. No, the Church isn’t Star Trek, nor did its members teleport their atoms from one point in time to another instantly. The Church endured all of these things – as it given you Holy Scripture and the tools to attain your salvation on earth as Lord Jesus Christ told you plainly through the procession of His word.
Now, as a Levitical Jew, I was careful to decide which Church I would enter when the Lord converted me from atheism. I wanted the gold standard, not the product of some man’s opinion and self-authority, which is no authority at all, or from the opinion of a man who lived in the 19th or 17th century. What was I to do? So, I studied the scriptures diligently and prayerfully while following the succession and line of the Priesthood from my ancestors of Levi, Aaron and Moses. I looked at it objectively and not subjectively so as to entertainment my preconceived notions and confirmation bias. Without a doubt, the Levitical Priesthood of the Old Testament with its covenants transferred to St. John the Baptist who was also from the line of Levitical Priests, and that same John the Baptist baptized our Lord in the River Jordan. That same Christ Jesus also called and laid hands upon His Apostles, who in turn laid hands upon the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons for the last 2,000 years up until this very day. As a Levitical Jew newly Christian convert without a community, and realizing these undeniable truths, what was I to do? What are you to do, once the pieces of the puzzle come together? The Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church are the successors to the Levitical Priesthood where the fullness of worship resides. But don’t take my word for it, its even in our Catechism, so go read it!
All of you here today are also a Christian community. Some of you are in the fullness of worship, while others are considering drawing closer to its fullness according to what your heart can handle at this present time or what you can personally accept according to your spiritual disposition. Mark my words though, all of you are one in Christ Jesus through your suffering and your cross which you bear on your shoulders this very moment. Come together as one and remain as one during your stay here. All of you are individual lamps. Put together in unison, you all will shine as bright as the sun and nothing will be able to quench your fire. After we leave here, pray with one another, encourage one another, and strengthen one another as the body of Christ. Walls and prison guards cannot keep the Lord out of this place, even though they try. Coward evil spirits going in and out of people in your presence who challenge your faith are no match for what you are and what you will truly become. They cry out in terror at the mere thought of your holiness, and they make it a point to attack it at every corner. The weapon of faith cannot be defeated, for those who have faith have transcended this life into the next and shall become like angels of a new creation. I can not stress you enough my brothers, do not be afraid of those who seek to harm you and throw you in despair. Rather, you should rejoice in this, for the same thing has happened to Christians for thousands of years and if it did not happen to you, then you probably wouldn’t be Christians! I mean, it even happened to Christ Himself – who was the first Christian prisoner. Wear the persecution as a badge of honor, for it is your strength, and seek out in every person you come across the salvation of their soul, because this is true love.
This is the service to God you can offer here. You see someone in darkness? Shine your light upon them. You see someone who is confused about the truth? Correct them. Do you see something that is crooked and needs to be straightened? My friends, this is the way of the Lord. Pound your chest three times with me if you are willing.
Pound chest x3 times.
Now, none of you are no longer estranged or mere co-residents. Rather, all of you are brothers in Christ Jesus – who is the Alpha and Omega. For when He is with you, who can be against you? Imitate Him and walk in His ways so your joy will be made complete. The purpose of life is to find Him and to love one another as He loved you. Thank you.
Close with prayer:
+ Sign of the cross
St. Michael prayer…
In the name of Christ Jesus, AMEN!
+Sign of the cross
Summary for Outing Saturday 28 October 2023
December 2, 2023
Summary for Outing Saturday 28 October 2023
It was a good day (and windy) in the square in downtown Watertown, New York. Although it was supposed to rain for the most part, there was slight drizzle for the first hour or so. For the rest of the time, the rain stopped and the sun came out during the last 30 minutes of the outing. While out there, I met John, Matthew, Nathaniel, Anne, Shawn, Roger, Caleb and Mason, along with Jason (left in the picture), Vickie (right in the picture) and Claud (on the wheelchair in the picture), Stan and finally Coleman.
Only two people I did not come across was Mark and Luke (that was a joke).
Evangelization Encounter -
EE#1.) John is an older gentleman on an assisted scooter. He came across my table and was interested in red and purple rosaries. He wanted one for himself and his daughter. He mentioned to me that he is Catholic after a brief discussion. He was also interested in the miraculous medal and its story. I put the medal around his neck and connected it for him.
EE#2.) Some time passed where nobody came by. Behind me on the other crosswalk side in the square Kelly who was on an assisted walker came by. I approached her asking her if she wanted a blessed Rosary. She accepted. She told me this would start her day out right and that she was in a rush. I asked her if she needed any prayers for anything specific and she responded by telling me how she lost her phone and to pray to God for her phone to be found. After she left I said a short prayer for her phone to be reunited to her.
EE#3.) Shawn walked by my table and was interested in a blue rosary and miraculous medal. I put the miraculous medal around his neck after a slight conversation. I then asked Shawn if he wanted to pray with me. Shawn said he did not know what to pray for, so I led it. I asked the Lord in prayer with Shawn to make him strong in faith and to give him strength in body and to experience everlasting joy in the Lord. Shawn has a deformity of the arms and legs. However, even with this challenge, Shawn is very independent and highly functional. I have seen him walking around Watertown from my car as I would be passing by for many years but never had the opportunity to speak with him. It was an honor getting to know Shawn better as I could really sense the deep faith he has in his eyes. He also took some Catholic pamphlets on how to pray the rosary, existence of God, salvation, and objections to the faith. Shawn seemed pleased when he departed.
EE#4.) Matthew approached my table and seemed very cautious and quiet. I tried to start some conversation with him but he was not that willing. However, he did accept a red rosary and a miraculous medal with information card on its history. Matthew rejected the tracts about the faith that I offered. In an attempt to get to know him better, I explained to him the importance of the rosary in that it is a meditation on the life of Christ from scripture. I also explained to him what some of the different colors of the rosary represented in the Catholic Church such as red indicating martyrdom, blue suggesting Marian devotion, and purple associating with the season of Lent and royalty. Matthew seemed like he would consider it. As he was leaving, I told him that I would be praying for him and that I would be here every Saturday if he ever had any questions.
EE#5.) Roger was walking across the square on his way to a restaurant across the street from my table when I approached him asking if he wanted a blessed rosary. He informed me that he was not interested in rosaries, but knew many Catholic friends who would want them and that he would tell them about me. We talked a bit while he came over to the table looking around. He explained to me how he is an Army Chaplain on Fort Drum. He served for 8 years active duty but was in the National Guard before that. We talked about our experiences in the service. He explained how sometimes he gets called up for Soldiers in crisis who need pastoral care. He also mentioned that he was not aware of Catholic evangelization. I informed Roger that there are many teams of St. Paul Street Evangelization all over the country. I also explained how the program is endorsed by many Bishops across the country as well and that I was standing up a new team in this area without parish affiliation as an individual independent team. Roger is very friendly and has many experiences. I thanked him for his time and told him that he would be in my prayer before he left to get his breakfast across the street.
EE#6.) I met two younger gentleman named Caleb and Mason who were riding across the square on their bicycles. Both young men were interested in the rosaries and miraculous medals and were wondering why I wasn't selling them and offering it for free. I explained to them that these sacramentals are blessed by a Priest and that I am out here because of charity. Both took a rosary and a miraculous medal, but were not interested in more information about the Catholic faith or the informational tracts I were offering. They were polite and thanked me before I took off on their bikes. As they were leaving I told them that I would be praying for them.
EE#7.) Vickie and Claud are husband and wife. They are protestants. When they approached they seemed very interested in what was being offered. I explained to them some information about the rosary and the miraculous medals. Vickie put the rosary and miraculous medal around her neck while I helped Claud put the miraculous medal around his neck. We had a short discussion about faith when Claud explained to me his medical trials with arthritis and the problems with his legs. He explained to me that he has been in a wheelchair for four years and would soon be moving to West Virginia for better medical treatment. The couple allowed me to pray over them for healing of Claud's legs and for strength and body and faith. Vickie was very enthusiastic about the rosaries, medals, and tracts. Once we were done praying, Jason came walking past us and I offered him a rosary and miraculous medal. He told us that he definitely needed it because he was badly beaten and just got out of the hospital because of it. He had a cast on him and some visible fight marks on his hand and face. Me, Claud, and Vickie also prayed with him for healing and strength. Jason seemed very enthusiastic that God would heal him of his wounds and help him through recovery. All three agreed to a picture to be posted online. As they departed, I reminded them that God was in their heart and would never abandon them.
EE#8.) Nathaniel came up to the table and was looking at the rosaries. He explained to me that he is a Catholic and that his mother taught him how to pray the rosary. After a brief discussion, I gave him a rosary and a miraculous medal. Before Nathaniel left, he said "now I am all graced up." He took off in a hurry and forgot his phone charger on my table. I had to chase him down and give it back to him. I reminded him that God was with him and that I would be praying for him.
EE#9.) An older gentleman who looked very angry with me was staring at me from across the street as he walked the sidewalk past the storefronts. When he passed, he turned around and was about to cross the street towards my table, when he suddenly shook his head and turned around in the opposite direction. The few times he was looking at me I waved but he did not wave back. He seemed very perplexed, and I am not sure if he actually wanted to come over and talk to me or if he was angry that I was there. While he was walking away I prayed for the Lord to help him draw closer to Him.
EE#10.) Suddenly the clouds went away and the sun was shining down bright upon the square. That was when I snapped a first person picture from the table before Stan who is an older gentleman on a mobilized scooter approached the table. He approached my table and told me he was Catholic and that he often purchases religious items from St. Paul Street Evangelization's website. When I asked him what Church he went to in the local area, Stan explained to me how he doesn't go to Church anymore and how he felt that a personal relationship with Christ is all that is needed and could be performed on his own. While he was talking, an older lady named Coleman walked up to us and was checking out the table. I acknowledged what Stan said after offering Coleman a rosary and miraculous medal to which she accepted, but also reminded him that the Lord calls us for more profound worship through assembly in Church as the body of Christ in the presence of the sacraments and tabernacle where Christ is present. Stan explained to me how he was sick of the people in Church and how many of them turned out to be hypocrites. I agreed with Stan that this can happen and is sad that lukewarm Christianity can cause us not to assemble sometimes because of how it challenges our faith. I also added that we should not turn on Christ because of Judas or many Judases because the mass and Church is about the Lord and not other people. I offered some different options such as online/televised mass, along with different Churches in the area he might consider. I also provided him an informational tract on Catholics returning to Church and the faith to which he accepted. Stan said he would consider it.
Coleman and Stan on consensus agreed that they thought I was a monk because of the black hoodie I was wearing. I told them it was just a simple sweatshirt and that I was covering my head because of the cold. They then explained to me that when I removed the hoodie my shaved head also reminded them of a monk. In the spirit of humor, I explained to them that the only reason why I shaved my head is because of my sleep apnea causing me to wear a breathing mask every night when I go to sleep and assured them I was not a monk but am part of a religious order for laity (Third Order Dominican/Order of Preachers). As I began talking more to Coleman so as to get to know her a little bit better, Stan thanked me for the conversation and began to take off. I reminded him that I would be praying with him and that the Lord was with him. As I got to know Coleman a little better, she seem very interested in the intercessory prayer informational tract regarding the Saints. Coleman explained to me how she was very drawn to St. Francis of Assisi because of his relationship with animals and her love of animals. I agreed that it is good to love and value all of the Lord's creatures. She also explained to me how she wishes world peace would come about because of all the wars and suffering in the world. We prayed together in the square for world peace.
After the prayer, Coleman detailed some of her personal trials in life, including her speech impediment/stutter and how people are always rude and mean to her because of it. Some even go as far as to actively make fun of her. I explained to Coleman how I too was a stutterer my entire life since I was a child and went on to explain my story of how as an atheist I cursed God and put him to the test. In my belief, my speech was crooked because of it. Until coming to faith recently as a convert, my speech impediment went away and I no longer have trouble talking. I asked if I could pray over her with my hand on her should petitioning the Lord for healing to her speech. She accepted and we prayed together for her speech to be straight. When she left, I reassured her through speech and expression that God was with her and can do anything he so pleases and to have much faith that he will give her what she desires in prayer. She thanked me as we parted ways.
In conclusion, this was a very good day and fruitful in its own way. Although I did not come off as aggressive as I would like to have in boldly proclaiming what I was thinking, I feel that the subtlety approach worked just fine in planting the proper seeds which needed to be planted at the present time while going solo on evangelization outings. After all, it is God who causes the growth after one plants and another one waters!
Please join me in praying for the people I encountered today so as to grant the intentions of their hearts and to draw them closer to the Lord in more ways than one!
Summary for Outing Saturday 21 October 2023
December 2, 2023
Summary for Outing Saturday 21 October 2023
Thank you everyone for your successful prayers. Although it was supposed to rain all weekend in Watertown, NY, there was only a light drizzle for the first 30 minutes of the street evangelization outing. Even though the skies were still dark and cloudy, the rain ceased.
I was alone for this unofficial outing because I am still in the process of setting up a team for the St. Paul Street Evangelization Watertown, NY chapter. Nonetheless, people in the downtown square (which is surrounded by incoming/oncoming foot and vehicular traffic and businesses) approached me with curiosity and interest. Here are some experiences during the three hour period I was out there:
Evangelization Encounter -
EE#1.) A worker from the Department of Public Works for the City of Watertown, NY named Hollis drove his maintenance truck onto the island which I was occupying in the square. He had to repair a downed street sign that was destroyed in the square. I approached him and asked if he needed any help lifting the sign onto his truck. He declined the offer. From there, I offered a rosary or miraculous medal to which he also declined. I thanked him for his time and then walked around the square for a little bit until he sprung up a conversation with me. In summary, he explained to me that a drunk driver drove through the square last night onto the island and took out the sign that he was replacing. We then went into a discussion about the current state of affairs in the United States with the drug epidemic and people generally turning away from neighborly/caring kindness for one another. He thanked me for what I was doing and said "it takes a special kind of person to do what you are doing here." After I thanked him for his kindness, he pointed to the local non-denominational church with a clock tower above it that is featured in one of these photos I took and told me he was a member of that church. We talked some more about the sign of the times as he finished up his work. Before he departed, I told him that I would be praying for the success of his career so he can continue supporting his community.
EE#2.) I was standing behind the table when an older gentleman on a scooter with a US Marines Veteran hat drove by after passing the crosswalk. I asked him if he was in the Vietnam War and thanked him for his service. He told me he was and we began to talk about the military. I too also shared some of my time in combat in Iraq as an Infantryman. From there, I told the veteran that I believed Vietnam was much worse than Iraq because of the American lives that were lost and intensity of it. This sparked his interest as we began talking about the service. I found out that he is Catholic and was very interested in multiple Rosaries with the American flag colors (red/white/blue). I also gave him multiple miraculous medals and a How to Pray the Rosary pamphlet. The veteran thanked me and said he would look for me in the square in the future. As he departed I told him that God was with him and that I would be praying for him.
EE#3.) Two workers who stepped out of their barbershop in their aprons for a brief moment who were across the street yelled to me, "How much is the stuff you are selling?" I replied, "It's free. They are religious items blessed by a Priest." The men nodded their heads in approval and walked over. When they approached me, they were asking many questions about the items I was passing out. One of the men told me that "something" told them to come over to where I was and ask for a medal. They had no idea that I had miraculous medals on me because they were not visible from where they were (and they were nowhere near my table). I just so happened to have two on my person (to pass out if I strayed too far away from my table) and handed out the ones I had to them along with blessed Rosaries and a pamphlet on how to pray the Rosary. The men smiled and began talking to me about God. I also got an opportunity to share the power of the Rosary and the miraculous medal along with the joy of prayer. The men seemed very satisfied and said they would be looking for me there in the future.
EE#4.) Immediately after the two men who were told by "something" to come see me for a medal, a homeless man named Dakota walked by the barbershop workers in the opposite direction towards me. I also engaged him in dialogue about the Catholic faith while providing homeless resources for our area in the local Catholic churches which were just down the streets from us. Dakota told me some deep personal trials he is going through at the moment with addiction, the law, and finding stable housing. In addition, he is going through relationship problems. He also explained to me how he is very "open minded" and considers all religions and theories of the universe (such as simulation theory, reincarnation, and the possibility of pagan gods). After listening to Dakota's story and faith journey, I proceeded to reply to some of his inquiries regarding the faith. With much passion, he believes God exists and is looking out for him, for he was even wearing a cross, and shared with me a story about how he was late for work once and while walking there on foot he prayed, "God if you are real right now, please give me a sign and help me get to work so I do not lose my job." Immediately within seconds, a random person pulled over on the side of the road for him and asked him if he needed a ride. Furthermore into this discussion and exchange, I gave him a blessed blue Rosary that he immediately put around his neck to wear along with a miraculous medal on ball n chain. Dakota is a very intelligent man and was very curious about coming to the truth that is the Lord. I explained to Him how other faiths have versions of the truth, but that the Catholic faith holds the truth in fullness. I explained to Dakota that even though he may be poor materially, through faith in Christ Jesus he has discovered true riches that was last and will not perish like the idols of the world. I also reminded him to discern the spirits because he mentioned to me that some dreams he has shows him in a past life doing something. I reminded him that not all spirits aim to seek our good, but rather seek to throw us into confusion, despair, and separation from the Living God who is The Truth. I also reminded him that the Apostle Paul warns us from his epistles that the "gods" of the pagans are actually demons and we as true followers of Christ cannot have a share of the cup from demons and the Lord. Dakota considered all of these points. I concluded by asking if I could place my hand over his shoulder and pray to the Lord out loud for him to receive the Holy Spirit into his heart, for him to find stable housing, and for God to guide him along on his faith journey to the truth through prayer and constant denial of self. He thanked me and shook my hand afterwards. On the way out, I proclaimed to him that God was with him and would not abandon him. Before Dakota left, he explained to me how he walked by here multiple times but avoided my table, but something kept calling him back to return to the area I was occupying (as if he was being guided).
EE#5.) While I was talking to Dakota, a man named Jordan came by on a mountain bike. He was wearing a blue 10th mountain division shirt. He seemed very interested and went out of his way to approach the table. He immediately asked me if he could take one of each pamphlet about the Catholic faith. I personally picked out each one for him and handed it to him along with a blessed Rosary and miraculous medal. Jordan told me a short version of his story regarding addiction. He told me that the Lord has helped him battle drug addiction and that he has been clean for almost a year now. I congratulated him and shook his hand. He then explained to me how he is a baptized Catholic and took communion as a child. I explained to him how it is never too late to return to Church and reminded him of the churches in our area. I then asked Jordan if he wanted to pray with me. He accepted. Upon placing my hand on his shoulder, I asked the Lord out loud to protect Jordan from addiction and temptation and to draw him into closer union with Him. Me, Jordan, and Dakota were having a three-way conversation about faith for a period encouraging each other on faith and to never give up hope. Jordan then thanked me for being there and left.
This was a great first experience and the foot traffic was minimal, but the connections were definitely worth it and fruitful. Although there were some people I approached who were not interested, they were quite friendly and seemed to be in a hurry or not used to people being nice to them. I did not have a moment to take pictures with some of the people I talked with because I was too busy engaging in conversation and listening. It would help in the future if I had teammates to stand back so as to listen and snap photos (with permission of bystanders of course).
In conclusion, this outing was successful as I could feel the Holy Spirit working through other people. It felt good taking trust from myself and putting it in the Lord who always provides!
Please join me in praying for those I encountered on this outing and their intentions. Thank you!