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1st time downtown Asheville
June 17, 2021
June 1st we decided to go first time Downtown Asheville NC ! At the beginning we had a hard time finding the right spot we decided to go with a area close to the court house we did a quick minimal setup but a sign a couple of medals and just me and Micheal together it was Micheal first time out for evangelizating. But Micheal Took me by surprise he was not shy and had such fire in his heart that you could feel it !! We meet this Older Guy Who said he didnt believe in God grew up Baptist but not to close to the faith and Michael and him where talking at the end he took the miraculos medal and put it around his neck and let us pray with him !!! It was amazing !! This lady was so happy we gave her a crucifix necklace she thanked us and said she had just lost her cross and let us pray with her she was super sweet , we did get a lot of No thankyou ! To a holycard or a Medal but we know God Picks who we get to talk to and we embrace that we are so excited to go back downtown again especially on Saturday Where all the tourist are coming from all over the united states!
1st Outing Smileys Flea Market 5/8
May 9, 2021
This Pass Saturday Moring from 7:45am -11am we Had your first Successful Evangelization Outing It Was A Great Experience We Only Have a Small amount of pictures we gave aways more than 50 Medals and so Many Rosarys we had the pleasure of Talking To Catholics and Non Catholic Asking Them And Inviting them back to the faith or to consider the Catholic Church .. we All Enjoyed those few hours Ready for the Future To Have As Many Outing As Possible For The Salvation Of Souls and Conversions of Sins Letting God Use Us as Instruments ! amazing Experience thanks to the Holy Spirit !