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Go In Peace to Love and Serve the Lord
March 21, 2021
We go to mass as often as we can. To learn our faith and to be feed the bread of eternal life. Also, to recognize the sacrifice of Jesus for our salvation.
My involvement in St Paul Street evangelization has come from being a cradle Catholic, a witness to Saint Pope John Paul II, and Vatican II. Growing up hearing and encountering the phrase "The New Evangelization" was recognized at the council of Vatican II. It is the fruits of our prayers and our learning of our faith at mass and the grace bestowed on each of us in a special way.
When we hear those around us say "what is God going to do about all this suffering?", the act of evangelization is the answer. He, God, has created us to do what he calls each to do. To share His love freely.
There are two signs which currently strike me as I grow in my faith: First is that at the beginning and end of each mass the priest starts in the name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit - Three persons of God, in union of one substance. Second it each of use, once taught, feed and encouraged are told "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord" - our call to leave and evangelize.
Please join us in Baton Rouge, as we go out loving and bringing the light of Christ to our community!
God's blessings to all - Mark S Clouter