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Happy (Catholic) New Year!
August 23, 2019
November 27th, 2016 marks the start of a NEW liturgical year on the Catholic Calendar! In the “spirit” of this newness I am ORGANIZING our SPSE inventory and PLANNING events for 2017.
2017 marks the 100th ANNIVERSARY of Mary’s appearances in Fatima, Portugal. Events are planned around the world, and I propose we make it a point to “hit the streets” on the 13th of May, June, July, August 19th*, and September 13th and October 13th — even for just an hour or so on the sidewalks.
We will also visit the “usual” festivals: Homewood’s Health & Safety Day, OLS 4th of July Festival, Homewood’s Back-to-School Bash, Our Lady of Lourdes Labor Day Festival, Holy Infant of Prague’s Oktoberfest, Homewood’s “Howl-O’Scream” John Carroll HS football games, and Homewood’s Christmas Parade. We may add Homewood’s Easter Egg Hunt (with our own eggs filled with TRUE treasures :-)) and We Love Homewood Day. NOTE: most of these links have 2016 info as 2017 dates have not yet been set. And I’m eager to see where else the Holy Spirit guides us in 2017.
Any suggestions? Let me know!
In His Peace,
*The mayor of Ourém kidnapped the children and they missed the August 13th date, but many persons who had gathered that day witnessed supernatural phenomena. The children did her on the 19th.
Feasts of the Miraculous Medal & St. Catherine Laboure
August 23, 2019
November 27th is the traditional feast day of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, followed by the feast day of St. Catherine Laboure on the 28th. I’m praying we all took a few minutes to reflect on this amazing gift that God allowed Mary, in her great love and concern for us, to bestow upon us. This year marks the 186th year. Perhaps we can celebrate by sharing a medal with someone today. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, pray for us!
Our Lady of Lourdes Festival – SPSE Birmingham is there
August 23, 2019
For Our Lady of Lourdes 29th Annual Labor Day Festival, our Birmingham Team was there for most of the day. We spoke with several hundred people both Catholic and non-Catholic and gave out many rosaries, medals and information. Several Catholics brought over friends with whom they were working to “Come Home” and back to the Catholic Church. A few battling cancer came by for a prayer and information – we went through a few hundred Miraculous Medals also.
It was a great day on God’s beautiful earth with the Holy Spirit working silently with us.

Birmingham Team gaining momentum
August 23, 2019
Birmingham Team has successfully participated in the “Celebrating the End of Summer” at Homewood Park in Homewood, Alabama, praying with many who came by and giving out rosaries and miraculous medals with instructions on what they are and how to use them to pray. On that hot afternoon we gave out cold water bottles to several families and were able to speak to many who were thirsty.
SPSE Leadership Training Institute This Week
August 23, 2019
The Birmingham SPSE Team is sending one member to the Leadership Training Institute in Detroit this week. Plese pray for safe travels, strong friendships, and a heart set afire. Be on the lookout for LOTS of new information in the coming weeks!