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Houston - Catholic Charismatic Center

Country: United States
State or province: Texas

Team Leader
Alex Bogdanoff

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Welcome to your local chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization.

Houston - Catholic Charismatic Center

St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our Catholic presence.

The Houston-Catholic Charismatic Center team is led by Deacon Alex Bogdanoff and works closely with the Houston-Galveston team led by Janet Estepp ( We are currently evangelizing at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market (2222 Spencer Hwy, Pasadena, TX), typically on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month from 11am-3pm. At the request of a local pastor, Fr Felix, we are beginning to evangelize across the street from Minute Maid Ballpark, home of the Astros, at The Church of the Annunciation north sidewalk, with the first outreach at 4:15p, 3/29/25. The venues are open to change and all are welcome to participate, even if to observe or pray in the background. Feel free to contact Dcn Alex ( with any questions or to get on our email information/notification list.

Christ's call to evangelize was made to every Catholic Christian, and the Second Vatican Council reiterated this need, urging each of the baptized to bring the Gospel, found fully in the Catholic Church, to a culture that has largely reverted to paganism. As an on-the-street Catholic evangelization organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides an avenue for you to share the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture.

To learn more about St. Paul Street Evangelization at the national level, click here.