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St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) is a grassroots, non-profit organization dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking the Catholic Faith to the streets. Christ's call to evangelize was made to every Catholic Christian, and the Second Vatican Council reiterated this need, urging each of the baptized to bring the Gospel, found full in the Catholic Church, to a culture that has largely reverted to paganism. As an on-the-street Catholic evangelization organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides an avenue for people to share the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture.
Armed with a simple sign, pamphlets, miraculous medals and rosaries, SPSE evangelists take to the streets, going wherever people are gathered. Our teams always begin in prayer. Unlike some forms of street evangelization which seek to forcibly proselytize those passing by, SPSE employs a non-confrontational method rooted in joy, maintaining a peaceful presence and evangelizing through conversation. We have found this approach to be very effective at strengthening the faith of practicing Catholics, bringing back into the faith fallen away Catholics, and clearing up misconceptions about the faith held by non-Catholics. It is the mission of SPSE to work with God for the conversion of the whole world to the Catholic faith. SPSE evangelists seek to plant seeds, till the soil, make sure the people they talk to know that they are loved, and reap the harvest in God's time. Our motto is "to listen, befriend, proclaim the Gospel and invite" a person to conversion, prayer and community.
We dare to evangelize not because we have done any great thing, but because God has done a great work in us, and for that, we are humbled. A person does not need to be a theologian or professional apologist to be an effective evangelist. He only needs to have a heart for Jesus Christ and His Church and be willing to share it with others.