Listen, Befriend, Proclaim and Invite - Our Model of Evangelization
March 16, 2025
Our evangelists experienced another joy-filled afternoon encountering people at our prayer station at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market. It is by imitating Jesus who attentively listened to each soul that He encountered that we have come to engage and spread the word of God to lost and hurting souls. Many of these people never set foot inside Church and that makes it all the more important to us to be there for them. It is from patiently listening to them and their trials and sufferings that we can respond in love, compassion and truth. We pray for their needs, offer free rosaries, Miraculous Medals, brochures on the Catholic faith and very importantly give them encouragement to seek God in their lives, direction and instruction through His words in the Bible and the truth of the Catholic Church. There is always joy, smiles, hugs and tears through these encounters. We have come to realize that these encounters are not by coincidence because so many people have told us that they weren't even planning on coming there and "for some reason" they decided to stop. We're so glad that they did because we know that they were moved by the Holy Spirit as God had something else planned for them that day.
We spoke with and prayed for a young mother, Destiny, who is legally blind and expecting her second child. We prayed for healing for her eye sight to return and for the safe birth of her child. There was a small, petite grandmother named Gloria who suffers from hearing loss and arthritis and Barbara, one of our evangelists, spoke with her, empathized with her loss of hearing and prayed for her with plans to follow-up soon. And, there was a disabled man in a wheel chair who Deacon Alex spoke with and prayed with giving him sacramentals to take with him. These were just a few of the many encounters that we had during the four hours we were there.
I want to thank Eric and Angel for coming and assisting us with praying for others and for translating the Spanish language for us so we could better understand those who spoke only Spanish. And, I always love having Barbara, Sally and Alex there because their love for the Lord shines through in their encounters and they are so joy-filled that it's contagious. We are enriched by these encounters and end our day with plans to return soon. To God be ALL the glory!
Evangelization planned for Saturday, March 15, 2025
March 13, 2025
The Galveston Evangelism Team will be at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market on Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 11 am until 3 pm. Hope to see you there!
Is there any Sin that Jesus will not forgive?
March 2, 2025
Our evangelization team was out on Saturday, March 1st and as usual we had a variety of people interested in our rosaries, Miraculous medals and brochures. I noticed a young man standing a short distance away from our table and he looked like he was interested in the rosaries. So, I approached him and invited him closer to take a look at the rosaries and I asked him if he would like one. He chose a white rosary (we have multiple colors) and I also gave him a brochure on how to pray the rosary. He seemed appreciative of the items so I asked him if he would like prayer for anything going on in his life. I read prayer suggestions from our sign that people struggle with in life and he said that he was struggling with depression. I took him aside to pray for him and he also revealed to me that he was unemployed. I asked him about his faith and he told me that he had been raised Catholic and that he had made his 1st communion but he had not been to Mass for a long time. I began praying for him and while I was praying his tears started flowing. I know Jesus wants to heal his wounds and bring him back to the sacraments so, I encouraged him to go to confession to unburden himself from the sins of his past. He looked surprised as though his sins were not forgiveable but, I told him that he would be unburdened and the guilt and remorse he was feeling would be gone with the words of absolution from the priest. We found a Catholic church about two miles away and asked him to come back later in the afternoon and that someone would be willing to drive him over for confession since he had no car. But, sadly, he did not return. We'll continue to keep him in prayer and I did all that I could do for him in the moment. We are instruments of God when we evangelize and it is Jesus who will do the work in drawing this man back to Him. And, yes, Jesus can and does forgive sins, even the worst ones because He is the Divine Healer!
Blessings of God in our Evangelization Efforts
February 20, 2025
On Saturday, February 15, 2025, we were excited to go back to Pasadena Indoor Flea Market and evangelize. There was the usual busyness at the flea market with many people coming and going. Our focus was once again on the Eucharist and we were equipped to share with others the Catholic belief that Jesus is the "bread" of life. We encounter many people who don't know this literal meaning of Jesus in the Gospel of John 6, even Catholics. It is such a blessing to encounter a person who says that they are now "Christian" but that they used to be "Catholic". I believe that they have a special place in the heart of Jesus because it is He who is calling them "home" through us and what better message than to tell them that he wants to "feed" them with His Sacred Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
We had three young people (Evangelists) join us this day and they brought a message of hope especially to other young people that we encounter. It is so refreshing for me to see young people in their twenties come out in faith to share the good news of Jesus Christ to the many lost young people who have encountered harshness, hopelessness and pain. Additionally, they were not afraid to pray for the specific needs of those they spoke with right there on the spot and I know that is so much appreciated by people needing prayer and who need to know that Jesus loves them. I pray that through Deacon Alex and his wife, Sally, that we have many more young Evangelists join us in the months to come.
Through the Few, There Will be Many
February 2, 2025
Those were the words that I heard in my mind as I prayed last Saturday for two evangelizers who at the time were listening to two separate Christian women recount their ordeals with family members who had experienced frightening demonic activity in their respective families.
We got off to a slow start that day and as I prayed for these women who were being counseled and cared for by our evangelizers, Jesus had a special message that I understood to be that we shouldn’t focus on large numbers of people coming to our table but that through Him, many will experience His healing grace and conversion.
We always have healing Epiphany water, rosaries, blessed Miraculous Medals, books, religious medals and holy cards to hand out. It is not unusual for the recipients to ask for items for others in their families and so we know that many others will be evangelized through their family member who gives these items to them.
Prayer and healing prayer is offered and from doing that we witness tears, the breaking down of walls around the heart and an openness to the Holy Spirit. What a privilege and blessing it is for us to be a witness to this and awestruck by how God is working through us to bring souls closer to Him. To Him be All the Glory!
First Evangelization Outing in 2025
January 19, 2025
We had our first outing for 2025 and Deacon Alex, Sally, Barbara and myself along with Jose who has evangelized with us before met and had a very fruitful day. Our focus for the next couple of months is on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This is the source and summit of the Catholic Faith and with our beautiful sign of Christ at the Last Supper and our handout on the Eucharist noting where in the Bible Jesus speaks of His body as "bread" this is how we began our day.
One of the first encounters that we had was with a couple and she grew up in the Catholic Faith but was going to a nondenominational church. I was able to engage her in conversation and show her our handout with the Bible references especially to John 6 and tell her that Catholics take the word of Jesus regarding the Eucharist literally, and with all humility we believe what He says is true. On the back of the handout, I had listed four Catholic churches in the area with addresses and phone numbers and I encouraged her to return to the Catholic Faith. After this, I prayed with her and her husband who had just started a new business and they left with the information that was provided to them.
We were well equipped with rosaries, Miraculous Medals, religious medals of saints, brochures, holy cards, and holy water. Many of these items had been blessed. We meet with people from all walks of life, old and young and pray with them, encourage them and give them hope. One encounter that was especially beautiful was when one of our evangelists approached a young man to offer him a holy card. This young man was apparently autistic and at first rejected what she offered him. But, with her patience, kindness and warm smile, he responded with trust and having broken through his barriers, he took a Saint Michael medal and seemed relaxed and happy.
It was such a great day of evangelizing and we look forward to going out again soon.
Evangelizing on Saturday, January 18, 2025
January 15, 2025
We plan on being at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market on Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 11 am until 3 pm. This is our first time out in the new year and we are excited to bring a new focus to our evangelism and that is on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If you are in the area and would like to stop by for prayer or for a rosary, Miraculous Medal or a brochure on the Eucharist, please stop by. We would love to see you, pray with you and let you know how much you are loved by God who wants a relationship with you and wants to nourish you in body and soul. See you there!
Committed to the Mission of Evangelization
November 12, 2024
I am so grateful to God who has blessed this area with committed Catholic evangelists who accompany me every two weeks for the purpose of evangelizing. We have so many wonderful encounters with people who are seeking a closer relationship with God. We talk to the lost, the broken, those who are seeking but haven't found the Catholic Church and know little to nothing about the Church that Jesus Christ founded. They hear so many people directing them here and there and they go but feel dissatisfied and that something is lacking.
We heard this last Saturday from a young woman who had been incarcerated for six months in jail and while there she was counseled by Jehovah Witness women who went to the jail to lead women to their faith and belief. After getting out of jail, one of these women came to her home every week to continue leading her down this path. But, she opened up to us with her doubts and concerns and after a few questions we had for her we learned that she had grown up in a Catholic family. So, of course, we welcomed her back into the fold and gave her a rosary, a brochure on how to pray the rosary, Epiphany holy water, a book on the Eucharist and will be following up with her. God is so good for leading this young woman to our table and we prayed with her while we were with her that her journey back by going to confession and returning to Mass and our witness, love and support will give her what she felt was lacking with the J.W.
To God be All the Glory!
Another Day of Evangelizing
October 12, 2024
Deacon Alex and I spent a few hours evangelizing by passing out free rosaries, Miraculous Medals and prayer cards. Today seemed to be the day that we spent time with young families with small children. We talked about baptizing the babies, the importance of the sacrament of matrimony and praying the rosary as a family to strengthen the marital bond and raise virtuous children. I love seeing large families and we give glory to God for bringing the families that he brought to us today.
Evangelization Today - Saturday, October 12, 2024
October 12, 2024
Pasadena Indoor Flea Market is the place to be if you want personal prayer or religious articles to take home with you. The Galveston Team will be there today from 10 AM - 1 PM. Hope to see you there!
Incredible Day of Evangelizing
September 30, 2024
Graces and Blessings Abound at each Outing
August 25, 2024
Yesterday, August 24, 2024, we experienced another day filled with blessings from on high as we set out to evangelize and bring hope, faith and the love of Christ to those we encountered. The day started off slow and it seemed as though we would not have as many encounters as we have had in the past. But, God had other plans and it wasn't long before people started coming through the doors and to our table. It is so amazing to me to hear from people that we encounter that they hadn't even planned on coming to the indoor flea market that day but, by the grace of God, passing by in their car, they decided to stop and come in. Jesus leads those people to us that He wants us to encounter through the grace-filled moments they experience from the Holy Spirit. With our training in evangelization, we are equipped, after gathering together in prayer for ourselves and are ready for them with rosaries, Miraculous Medals, Catholic literature and we offer prayer to those who want it.
We handed out many rosaries and Miraculous Medals and prayed for one woman who has a son in his early thirties who was recently diagnosed with cancer and will be starting treatment and who has three small children. We prayed for two women who had knee pain and after prayers of healing felt much better. We handed out some books to young teenagers about Saint Carlo Acutis and Saint Maria Goretti. We see tears, experience hugs and listen to the life stories and circumstances of people and let them know that we care and will continue praying for them long after the day is over.
I want to thank all of our evangelizers that came. Thank you to Joe who fixed our prayer sign, Jose and Autumn and her brother, Jonathan for your wonderful presence and participation. Also, many thanks to Barbara and to Deacon Alex and his wife, Sally. I appreciate all of you so much! May God bless all of you and the many people who stopped by our table.
Saturday, August 24, 2024 Evangelizing in Pasadena, Texas
August 22, 2024
Our team plans on being at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to those we encounter. Our table is inside the front door and we will be there from 10:30 am until 2:30 p.m. If you are in the area, please stop by and see us!
Bringing God's Truth to the People We Encounter
July 28, 2024
Yesterday, we spent another amazing day evangelizing and we are in such awe of our good God who brought many souls to us to hear His Words of Truth, to seek prayer and to receive rosaries and Miraculous Medals.
Later on that day, as I was reflecting on the day's events, it occurred to me that when we go out to evangelize we are like "spiritual" EMTs. In our society, we have EMTs who respond to people in need of medical treatment and intervention for medical emergencies concerning their bodies and they rush to the scene and apply whatever treatment is necessary to save their lives.
As "spiritual" EMTs, we take ourselves out to the public square and offer a "lifeline" to those who are spiritually broken, lost, confused and needing to know that there is a God of Love, through the person of Jesus Christ, who loves them and desperately wants to bring them back into His arms, into His fold, His Church, His sacraments and who deeply desires a personal relationship with each and every person.
We have even been known to run after those who don't want anything from us because sometimes people don't know what they don't know. We're not obnoxious about it, but usually we can get a few words out about how they are loved by God and how He wants them to know and love Him. That way, they walk away with something to think about and it may be the "little mustard seed" that grows into a big tree bringing them into complete relationship with Him in the Catholic Church.
We continue to pray for those we have encountered including the young mother who needs a job and her car fixed, the other young mother who is in an unstable marriage, the little boy who wants to learn to pray the rosary with his Grandma and all the others for which it would be too much to write here.
I also want to thank everyone who gave up their personal time to come out and evangelize. God is forming a wonderful team of faithful Catholics who join with us every time. And, before I went out, it just so happens that I read the following: "When a Christian is instrumental in the conversion and sanctification of another, the result is not only forgiveness of sins and reinstatement of the sinner to the life of grace, but the same in the instrumental Christian. This truth is affirmed in the Book of James: ""My brothers, if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins."" (Jas. 5,19-20)
If anyone is interested in evangelization, please feel free to contact me here. May the peace of Christ be with everyone!
Saturday, June 29, 2024 Outing
June 27, 2024
Our team plans on being at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market on the above date from 10:30 AM until 2:30 PM. We would love to have you stop by, if you are going to be in the area. This particular flea market has a lot to offer and we enjoy our encounters of those who want to know about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Stop by and receive a free rosary or Miraculous Medal. See you there!
Steadily Growing in our Ministry
June 16, 2024
We spent our Saturday at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market handing out blessed rosaries and Miraculous Medals to people of all ages. We met people from as far away as Oregon and two women who would be traveling to Mexico requested prayer for a safe trip and asked for the St. Christopher medal which we gave to them. Thanks goes to Deacon Alex and his wife, Sally, who brought many supplies to hand out. Also, thanks to Barbara who has been with me from the beginning, Dayna who knows fluent Spanish and was willing to share our faith with people who speak only Spanish. God is growing our numbers and we are in amazement at the number of souls we encounter every time we go out to evangelize. May God bless all of them!
Another Fantastic Day of Evangelizing!
May 25, 2024
We went out to evangelize and today there were five of us who met at the flea market to hand out rosaries, Miraculous Medals and pray with those people who wanted prayer. It was amazing to meet the number of people that we did and I am blessed that I was able to pray with people who stopped by our table. We will continue our prayers for the woman who lost her son recently and her daughter seven years ago and is now childless, and we will pray for the man who lost his mother recently. We will pray for the people we met who have health problems that their healing be total and complete. We will pray for the teenagers we met who were so interested in hearing about Jesus and how much He loves them and who received rosaries, books and Miraculous Medals. We are thankful for Angie who told us "yes" you can set up a table here. And, for Sergio, who at nineteen years old is amazing at evangelization. Thanks to all and to our Lord who was there in our midst.
The Many Blessings in Evangelizing
May 5, 2024
We were out evangelizing yesterday and were so blessed by the many people that we encountered. We met Juan a Viet Nam veteran who has many health problems and we prayed for him, gave him a Miraculous Medal and prayer cards. We met a mother and her three daughters and they selected rosaries and books to take home with them. We handed out twenty-six Miraculous Medals, many rosaries and the pamphlets explaining how to pray the rosary. We encountered Catholics who were not attending Mass regularly and we encouraged them to go to confession and recommit to going to Mass every Sunday. The best part of evangelizing is meeting people where they're at in their faith journey and having relevant conversations with them and that is why we feel so blessed and full of joy every time we do this!
Planned Outing for Evangelization on Saturday, May 4th
May 1, 2024
We will be at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market this Saturday, May 4th from 11 AM until 2 PM. (The address is 2222 Spencer Hwy., Pasadena, TX) This marks our second time at this location and we hope to pass out many free rosaries and Miraculous Medals and share the Word of God with those we encounter. Prayer is also offered for those who wish for someone to pray with them for their needs. Prayer requests can also be made on this page so please feel free to let me know.
Prayer and Evangelization on Sunday
April 21, 2024
Our Galveston team met this Sunday morning in an area of Houston at an indoor flea market and set up a table where we offered free rosaries, Miraculous Medals and other religious items to a largely Hispanic population. We were very well received and many people responded with joy to what we were doing and we met many wonderful people in the process. We prayed for people who requested prayer for their children and families and we encouraged everyone who took a rosary to pray it every day with their family. We hope to go to the same place in a couple of weeks and may the fruit of our efforts through the intercession of our Blessed Mother bring those we encountered today closer to Jesus.
Evangelization Team Outing
April 14, 2024
Our evangelization team plans to be at the Pasadena Indoor Flea Market on Sunday, April 21st at 11 AM. The address is 2222 Spencer Hwy., Pasadena, Texas and we are excited to bring the gospel message and healing prayer to anyone who needs it. "We know that in all things God works for good with those who love Him, those whom He has called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
Prayers of Healing before the Tabernacle
February 11, 2024
I sat with Virgie after Mass on Sunday morning before the tabernacle to pray for her. She has mobility issues and walks with a cane. I asked her what she would like prayer for and it was for the pain to be relieved and complete healing after her upcoming surgery. I wear a rosary bracelet (rosalet) that is a third class relic having been touched to the actual relic of the True Cross found by St. Helena who had enshrined the relics after finding the True Cross that Jesus died on while on pilgrimage to the Holy Land in A.D. 326. She had divided the relics for veneration and in 1936, my parish became one of the few for which the splinters of the wood of the Cross is enshrined. So, I laid the rosalet on her foot that was painful and began prayers of healing for relief of her pain and for a successful upcoming surgery. I had asked Virgie to let me know if she felt in physical changes while in prayer or afterwards. She told me that she felt a pinch in the foot at the moment the rosalet was removed. I gave her a card with healing prayers that she can pray at home along with Epiphany water that she can apply to the painful areas. I will find out next week if she has experienced any improvement to the pain that she was experiencing. It is truly special to pray for healing before the tabernacle and with the very special sacramentals that can be used by our Lord for His purposes. May God bless, Virgie, and through her hope in Him may the pain subside and the surgery be successful.
God Uses Every Day Circumstances for His Glory!
December 14, 2023
We were blessed with a "God moment" when fellow evangelists and I met at a local restaurant for lunch. In fact, there were blessings abound! Firstly, I received a box of twenty-four books given to me at lunch for evangelization purposes from this dear friend and fellow evangelist. We said grace before eating and we had a lovely lunch brought to us by our waiter, Fabian, who was very attentive to us in checking in to see if we needed anything and if the food met our expectations, which it did. When we finished up and were preparing to leave, we had a conversation with Fabian who told us that he is in college, stressed about upcoming finals, helping his brother with a marketing project and working at the restaurant. I had noticed that Fabian was wearing a cross around his neck and I asked him if we could pray with him right then and there for his needs. He agreed and all of us held hands around the table and I led in prayer asking that Jesus would lead him, guide him, protect him and help him in his present needs. Afterwards, Fabian was clearly moved and said that "he felt that" and that he had had a recent conversion to believing in Jesus which is why he wore the cross. I asked him if we could give him one of the books and he agreed and so I inscribed it with a message of hope that God would lead him on the path that he was to follow with all hope, faith and trust in God in all his future endeavors. He was clearly moved by what we were doing and he gladly took the book, "Holy Moments" by author Matthew Kelly.
Not being familiar with this particular book, when I arrived home, I started reading it and what I read on page eight moved my heart to joy in knowing that God had intended for us to be there that day and He intended for us to be waited on by Fabian out of all the other waiters. Also, the name, Fabian, is not a common name so that makes what happened even more remarkable. That page that I read in this story was about "Brother Fabian!" Fabian's name was in this book! I wonder what our new friend, Fabian, thought when he read his own name and I marvel at how God used this every day circumstance for these remarkable holy moments we experienced. All glory to God and to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who moved us to pray for Fabian and to give him this book. May God lead Fabian forward in doing His Will in all that He has planned for his life. It was truly a Holy Moment!
Beautiful Fall Days to Evangelize
October 29, 2023
We are now in beautiful, fall weather and have taken advantage of going out on Saturday mornings to evangelize and spread God's love. We went one Saturday morning to a farmer's market and spoke with many of the vendors and attendees while passing out Miraculous Medals and rosaries. So many beautiful conversations and we gave encouragement to people to return to Christ who loves them and wants a relationship with them. Prayer is how we commune with God and glorifying Him in prayer and worship is so pleasing to Him. We also encouraged one young Catholic woman to go to Mass every Sunday because her eternal salvation is more important than anything else and to take her boyfriend with her since he knew nothing about the Catholic Faith. We took time to prayer with one mother who shared that her son was being deployed to Iraq and she was grateful for the prayers and we promised to continue to pray for him.
Yesterday, we went to a park and did the same thing. We met a immigrant family in the park and although they did not speak English very well, we were able to give them Miraculous Medals and my hope is that the graces they receive from wearing the medals will bless their lives.
I have also begun to offer rosaries and the Miraculous Medals to people that I encounter during the week. I gave one to my hair stylist and she received it with such warmth and happiness and then shared with me her faith life and that of her mother who lives in another country. That sharing of faith brings about a bond of friendship and unity knowing we are on the same journey of salvation.
Summer Heat and New Opportunities
July 16, 2023
The summer heat in Southeast Texas has been extreme and thus we are searching for new opportunities for places to gather inside to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through evangelization. Yesterday, we were blessed to attend a Life Mass at the Catholic Charismatic Center in Houston. Afterwards, we stayed and prayed the rosary to end human trafficking which has been brought into the light recently by the showing of the movie, Sound of Freedom. If you haven't seen the movie or can't afford to purchase tickets then please feel free to check out angel.com/meme. You will be blessed with FREE tickets!
In the meantime, if you would like to invite us to come to evangelize at an event or place that would be inside and for which we can evangelize by passing out free rosaries, Miraculous Medals, books and brochures, please contact me. Thank you and God bless!
Texas Heat Plays a Role in our Evangelization Efforts
June 18, 2023
A few of us met on Saturday, June 17th during a time of excessive heat and humidity to pray the rosary for our nation, every citizen and elected government official. We all know how much our country needs prayer. We placed our banner and gathered under a canopy of oak trees in the park. After praying the rosary, it was decided to forego the evangelization efforts because of the heat. But, we shall continue to look for those opportunities during the week where we can engage people one-on-one to offer spiritual nourishment with prayer, hope in difficult situations, free rosaries, miraculous medals and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pray for us!
Where Two or Three are Gathered In My Name...
June 3, 2023
Today, June 3, 2023, two of us decided to go out together to evangelize and offer prayer for those we encounter. I pray in advance of the day that God puts those people whom he wants us to encounter on our path and we were richly blessed today with many wonderful encounters. We met at a popular family park where there are many covered picnic tables, an outdoor cabana and a children's playground. This was a park located on a lake and this day happened to be a day of free fishing which does not require that one purchase a fishing license. We encountered some wonderful Christian people of different denominations and shared God's word and love for them and prayed with them. We passed out rosaries and Miraculous medals along with the brochure on how to pray the rosary and we encouraged one woman who was there with her husband and children to come back home to the Catholic Church as she said she had not been to Mass in awhile. God even allowed me, in His permissive will, to trip over fishing line and fall to my knees as I approached one family. I had a minor rash burn on my hand but, other that, it was something that I could laugh about, it broke the ice and made them more receptive and it was a wonderful encounter. Praise be God! We are looking forward to doing this again next Saturday.
A Rainbow and Blue Light in the Sky
May 21, 2023
Our outing on Saturday, May 20, 2023 was a day when the sky was overcast in the early morning but by the time we gathered together to pray the public rosary at 11 a.m. the skies were mostly sunny with cirrus clouds in the southeastern skies. We began praying the rosary and when we were about half way through one of the women in our group pointed to the sky and remarked that there was a rainbow. We stopped and looked up and I saw the smallest little rainbow that I have ever seen at the top of the cirrus clouds. This rainbow was not there very long when it disappeared and a blue light was seen emitting light through the clouds and it followed downward in the trajectory of the line of cirrus clouds. Since I had prayed to the Blessed Mother beforehand and asked her to be with us while we were praying the rosary that day, this seemed to be a sign from heaven that she was there. It was a beautiful experience and gave us much hope that our rosary for our nation was heard and received in heaven and would be answered through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God.
Afterwards, most left to go on to do Saturday errands but a couple who had traveled five hours to be with us that morning stayed with me. We went into the area of the American Legion Post in San Leon, Texas where the veterans were serving lunch. I ate and we shared with one another our experiences in evangelizing. There was not much time to evangelize by the time I finished lunch but, I did approach one older woman who was alone and offered her a rosary. She told me that she was Catholic so she did not accept it. There was a live band and they started to play music which made it pretty much impossible to evangelize over the loud music. So we departed ways with the intention to stay in touch.
Rosary Worn Around Her Neck Caught My Eye
April 15, 2023
We made our very first outing to do street evangelization on this Saturday which turned out to be a beautiful day here in southeast Texas. A group of us gathered to pray the rosary before evangelizing and we were right there in the park adjacent to the Farmers Market where many people had gathered to buy fresh produce and other hand-made food and items. There was live music being played under the pavilion nearby which brought a festive mood to the people there.
We had our Catholic banner with us on full display that reads, "Restore Christendom - Defend Catholic Faith" with the outline of Christ Crucified, His head bowed down and his sagging body on the cross against an orange backdrop making this banner quite noticeable. Next to the banner, we had someone holding the American flag. We stood under a large tree in the shade not far from the road leading in and the parking lot. This is where we prayed The Patriotic Rosary which was written by a member of Caritas Community, Alabama. It dedicates one hail Mary in the traditional Catholic Rosary to each state of the United States and asks God's protection of and guidance for the nation.
After we prayed the rosary, the banner was rolled up and along with the flag was placed in the car. I had rosaries, brochures on how to pray the rosary, Divine Mercy prayer cards and Miraculous medals. Prayer warriors had left to attend to other commitments except for one, Suzie. Suzie and I crossed the grass and headed over to the Farmers Market and pavilion when we encountered an older woman, her daughter and a child in the stroller. We offered them a rosary and the older woman smiled and said that she was Catholic and had a rosary. So, after telling her "God bless you," we moved forward and encountered a man with two teenage daughters. We offered the rosary to him first and he declined. But, then I spotted a beautiful rosary hanging around the neck of one of his daughters. I told her how beautiful it was and asked her if she knew how to pray it. She said that she did not. So, I gave her the brochure on How to Pray the Rosary and told her about the rosary. I also gave her the prayer card with the Divine Mercy Chaplet and she seemed very pleased to have these things. Since her Dad seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, we departed and moved on through the crowd.
We encountered an older couple and a couple of vendors who seemed happy to receive the rosaries. We encountered another Catholic woman who took a miraculous medal and a couple who seemed very happy to have the rosary and thanked us. Overall, with this being our "maiden mission" for street evangelization we were very happy to propagate the praying of the rosary and for the souls that God put in our path. We are looking forward to doing this again in May when we will have our next scheduled outing.