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Evangelizing at St. Leo’s Annual Coat Drive
October 30, 2022
St. Leo’s Catholic Parish has the largest coat drive and give away in Grand Island. I was blessed to be invited to represent St Paul Street Evangelization at this event. I had abundant people come up to pray and gave away Sacramental Gifts. I felt so blessed at a coat give away that so many went out of their way to pray and talk about Jesus. One women had just moved to Grand Island and just been baptized in Texas. I told her how inviting our church is and would sit with her at Mass and introduce her to our Priest and my friends. I am praying the Holy Spirit will lead her to church on Sunday. God is Great!
Honoring Veterans in the park for the 3rd year.
August 24, 2022
We were asked again to evangelize at the Veterans Celebration at Grace Abbott Park. It draws about 650 people each year. They pay tribute to all veterans, have food and have a big classic car show which draws all the people. This was our best year as we had over 150 people stop by our location. We gave away over 50 Rosaries and many Crucifix’s. We got to pray for most all of them and the got to ask if they were Christian, where do they go to church and tell them The Good News of Jesus Christ. Also gave each a Good News Handout Card. When we asked if we could pray for them and they said no, we held up our Prayer Station Sign and asked if any of the human problems listed on the sign reminded them of something they needed to get prayer for. Most all reconsidered and we got to pray with them. A productive day. The Holy Spirit was very present.
Evangelizing our School again before school starts 2nd time August 10, 2022
August 24, 2022
Again we went to our high school to walk through the halls praying the Rosary and praying the Holy Spirit would intercede in transforming what is going on in the school. There is rift in the administration, teachers, food service, custodial group, and students. There are Satanic groups, drugs taking place in the restrooms. I didn’t think this was possible in a town of 50,000 people. I thought in the middle of our nation we would be immune to this behavior. The Evil One is surely present and working. We need as Christians up step up and protect our children. Come Holy Spirit!
Evangelizing at our High School
April 28, 2022
Some of our team went to our High School on Saturday to pray for our Administration, Students, Teachers, and the support staff. A lot of non Christian things are happening there. Drugs, agnostic behavior, blaming each other for what is happening there. We needed God to cover this school with his love and mercy. We walked all the halls in the school saying the Rosary, and spontaneous prays as we went along. It was such a Holy Moment in my life. Something we really needed God’s help with. We spent a couple hours praying, and when we left we continue to pray things will change. Come Lord Jesus. We trust in you!
On Vacation
April 28, 2022
On Vacation my wife and I were in Tempe, Arizona. I walk a lot and needed a new pair of walking shoes. She took me to Dick’s Sporting Goods, to get the shoes. I picked out my shoes and before I got to the counter to pay for them, three clerks can up and said they liked the Saint Benedict Crucifix I was wearing. I gave them each a crucifix and this opened the door to ask, are you Christian, what church do you attend, can I pray for you, can I do anything else for you? They put their crucifix’s on in the store. I get a lot of comments on my crucifix and opens the door for evangelization. I was on vacation, but the Holy Spirit still sent people to me!
Nebraska State Fair
October 14, 2021
September 1, 2021 our team went to the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island. We where at the main gate on South Locust Street. We spent three hours there, but wasn’t the amount of foot traffic as we expected. We did pray with a lot of people with problems they found on our prayer station sign. It was a good in to proclaim the Good News of Jesus in how only He is bigger than all our Sins and burdens we carry on our shoulders. My understanding was that we would be in our Pro-life booth, but the booth was Nebraska Right To Life’s booth and they said they didn’t have room for us. Better prepared next year.
Nebraska State Fair 9/6/2021
October 14, 2021
On September 6th our team attended the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island. We were where the buses left off fair goers, and alot of foot traffic. Much better engagement with people. Gave away a lot of rosarys, brochures on how to say the Rosary, and prayed with fair goers. We gave away alot of Matthew Kelly books which people enjoyed. I believe this outing was very successful
Nebraska State Fair 9/1/2021
October 14, 2021
September 1, 2021 our team went to the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island. We were at the
main gate on South Locust Street. We spent three hours there, but wasn’t the amount of foot traffic as we expected. We did pray with a lot of people with problems they found on our prayer station sign. It was a good in to proclaim the Good News of Jesus in how only He is bigger than all our Sins and burdens we carry on our shoulders. My understanding was that we would be in our Pro-life booth, but the booth was Nebraska Right To Life’s booth and they said they didn’t have room for us. Better prepared next year.
Honoring Our Veterans In The Grace-Abbott Park August 21st, 2021
August 24, 2021
On Saturday we were invited to attend Honoring Our Veterans at Grace Abbott Park in Grand Island, Nebraska. It was a great day as it was 65 degrees. We had been having 90’s and rain each day. There were approximately 650 people that attended. we handed out a lot of rosaries and pamphlets. we got to pray with many others. We talked to a former Catholic who was attending the Mormon church. After talking to him about returning to the Catholic Church, answering a lot of his questions, he agreed to attend Mass on Sunday and make an appointment to see Father Marty. We were thanked many times for being there and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. We were asked to come back next year and we will. What a great day!
Farmers Market 7/22/2021
August 23, 2021
On Thursday July 22, 2021 we made a trip to our local Farmer’s Market. We had about 20 people come to our area. We gave away 12 Rosaries and prayed for 3 individuals. There were more Catholics than expected. They were glad we came. They said they didn’t know we had a local St Paul Street Evangelization team in town. It was fun because most weren’t on a mission and stayed around and talked to us. Most wanted us to come back again, but the next day the owner of the property called and he rethought his permission for us to be there and said not to come back. He said we didn’t do anything wrong, but didn’t want a lot of religious organizations to come and change what the Farmer’s Market was originally set up to be.