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Country: United States
State or province: Michigan

Team Leader
Thomas Valli

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Evangelizing outside the library

February 10, 2025

SPSE Team Photo
Evangelizing on a cold day in the Lord's Vineyard.
Hello Brothers and Sisters of the Nationwide St. Paul's Street Evangelization
Movement.  I am reporting on the fruitful day, Saturday, February 8th, in
downtown Lansing, Michigan, in front of the main library.  Our team decided to
go out on this balmy 29 degree day.  I have not given an account of God's work
through us for our team in a while.  We try to go out every 2 to 3 weeks to bring the
Gospel and good news.
Like always, we will be setting up our table, and there is not a soul around and then we
pray and God takes it from there.  We encounter a lot of homeless people in this spot
and always seem to be humbled by those brothers and sisters.  Had a new member
join us for this outing, Richard Theile. He had never been out on the street with St Paul's
before, so it was a welcoming experience.  He is hoping to bring St. Paul's to his parish
in Ovid, Michigan  Holy Family Parish.  It was wonderful to see him dive right in.
Our first encounter was with a homeless man named Steven.  He thought we might be setting up
to give away food, but we told him we were there to give away God.  He told us of his situation,
that he had no job, staying at the mission shelter.  He took a rosary and we laid hands him for pray that
his situation would change and that he could get housing and a job, to bring him out.  I think he appreciated
us just being there, because he stuck around for a while.
While Steven was still there, Tom started to talk with Sherri, who was concerned about her safety and well
being.  She took a rosary and we gave her a Guardian Angel metal for protection.  As also another homeless
woman, Felicia, grabbed the same items, but did not want us to pray with her, just to keep her in our thoughts.
Then Shane came up, another homeless man, who is also staying at the mission shelter, took a crucifix and rosary.
He wanted prayer for a home, just somewhere to stay for himself, so we lifted him and that situation up to the Lord.
Then we encountered John, who had come with much joy in his heart.  I believe he was homeless,
but that is my assumption by appearance.  He stated he was thankful we were out there sharing God and the
Good News with others.  He took a rosary and pamphlet on how to pray the Rosary.  I asked him if there was anything he
wanted pray for, and he said for the world, that it would have peace.  Awesome.  So we lifted that up, and when finished in
Jesus' name, he stated he wanted to pray over us.  He lifted up our work, that God would be present in our lives, that we should
thankful for all the little things God does in our lives and to bring peace and harmony to all!  It was the highlight of the day,
inspiring us more and thankful God chooses  to use us for his Glory!
Jayden came walking by and grabbed a rosary.  Asked if he new that they were pray beads, gave him a pamphlet and
showed how to pray on the beads.
As a man came out of the library, Tom asked how he was doing.  He answered that everything was good.  Then Tom asked
if he wanted a rosary or holy medal.  The man's positive attitude morphed suddenly into anger.  He said he hated the Church and
that Jesus was "impotent" and added some vulgarities.  Tom tried to chat with him, asking him where he was from,
since he had a thick Russian-sounding accent.  He said he was from Poland, but the conversation went no further
as the man walked away in anger, not toward us, but to Jesus and his Church.  Please pray for him.  He may have been the neediest
person we met..
One of our last encounters was Stanley. I don't know if he was homeless, but he looked a little rough.  I had my Army jacket
on and he asked if I had served.  I said, yes, 8 Years in the Army.  He said he was in the Marines, like his father and had
toured in Afghanistan and Iraq. Going deeper, he stated he was struggling with addiction to cocaine, and that he was having
hard time staying clean, especially with no family or rehab support from the Government. I shared that I use to have an addiction
to cocaine and with God's help, overcame that cross for me and Jesus.   Going deeper, he stated that his father had molested him
as a child.  He took a rosary, but didn't get the chance to pray for him or over him. He thanked us
and walked away.
Brothers and sisters, these were just a few of the encounters we had that day and the hundred of encounters we have had over
the last 6 years our team has been going out.  Everyone has a story, everyone has a cross that they carry which is burdensome to them
alone.  So many have never heard the Gospel or the Good News of the Savior.  So I am inspiring you, encouraging you, praying
for you to get out aand Evangelize the whole world!
Romans 10:14-15  "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?  and how shall they believe in him of whom they
have not heard? and how will they hear without a preacher?  And how will they preach unless you are sent?  Just as it is written
Mercy and Grace from the Father to All!
Be Blessed!
St Paul's Street Evangelization
Lansing Team
Dave Weber


Live Training Day

September 16, 2019

SPSE Lansing will host a special training and recruitment day on March 16 from 10 AM – 1 PM. Craig Pohl, Director of New Evangelization for the Catholic Diocese of Lansing will be a special guest presenter. Free lunch! Stay tuned for more details.