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Still Active!
September 16, 2019
Thanks for looking into our team. We’re a small team and mostly active during warmer months, but do seek opportunities at any time. We regularly go to the Wyandotte Third Friday Promotional Nights and have been supporting the local churches, cities, and schools for their festivals.
Please let me know, by email, how we can serve you.
God bless you,
July 11, 2014 Lincoln Park Team at Wyandotte Street Fair
September 16, 2019
The Lincoln Park, MI team had set up in Wyandotte for an evening at the annual street fair. Tim on right and Troy on left encountered many Catholics that wanted to return to Mass regularly. A gentle man named Gary approached the team and explained that his life was erratic over the past few years and showed that he was hungry for a peace that God can offer. Tim gave him the Good News tract and pointed out the surrender prayer on the back page to pray in the morning and bedtime. After discussing different parishes to rejoin, Gary and his friend joined the team for a prayer giving praise and thanks to God and for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us through our struggles.
A bright young catholic man approached the team and wanted to know about the book of Job. They explained that even the good man Job (says God) was tested and his perseverance, through great suffering, won back all and more, all God took. The young man and his friends were encouraged to pray the rosary with the tract they received.
Two ladies approached the team, one was a Catholic, who married a divorced man, but still attends Mass sporadically, and a Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), who some how thought Jesus and St. Michael were the same persons based on a loose scripture. The Catholic lady understood that she couldn’t receive the Eucharist, so we encouraged her to continue attending Mass and approach her priest for a blessing at communion time, if offered at her church. The SDA lady was very friendly and was excited to see us evangelizing. We addressed the issue of angels acting in God’s place, especially at the burning bush with Moses’ encounter and Gabriel bring the good news to Zechariah and blessed Mary at their annunciations. We offered her a One Church CD and she pledged to listen to it on a short trip next weekend. We also pray a similar prayer of praise and thanks and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ Holy Name, of course!
The team also got peppered with some questions from a bright Church of Christ young man, who honed in on the proper form of baptism and whether babies should be baptized. The team related the prophecy of Ezekiel that believers would be sprinkled and given hearts of flesh, and that the 3000 baptized on Pentecost were in downtown Jerusalem and the odds of full immersion were slim; however we agreed that full immersion is the best sign of dying and being raised up. For infant baptism, we gave the cases of three households being baptized in the new testament-Book of Acts, St. Paul’s jailer and family, Tabitha and her household, and Cornelius and his household; no where in scripture does it say infants are not to be baptized. We also touched on the effect of original sin and what baptism normally offers all, even babies.
This was our second outing and God blessed us with His peace and love for all we encountered, praise God, now and forever!
Getting Ready for the Streets
September 16, 2019
This new (May 2014) team is preparing for sharing the Gospel in the Downriver Area. Please pray for us that we will serve God’s Kingdom being faithful to His love and truth.