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Danville PA Holiday Fair 12/7/2024
December 11, 2024
The Northern Deanery of Harrisburg SPSE group had a booth at the Danville PA Holiday Street Fair on 12/7/24. The day was cold (33 degrees and a wind chill making it feel like 22 degrees!) In spite of the cold and thanks to the Heater we had in our tent we had many people stop by. We prayed with a lady who was facing her first Christmas without her husband, handed out many miraculous medals and rosaries and met with a man who was a Christian but searching out the Catholic faith. Our street walking team ( Ellen and Andy) handed out dozens of prayer cards. "With only a few people saying No thank you." - Ellen
I was even able to "evangelize" a dinosaur ( see above pictures) We had 7 evangelists on hand and had run a "refresher course before the event since our team is very new. Below is a comment by one of our evangelists.
Tale of a grandson
May 24, 2024
While evangelizing during a street fair in a town about 20 miles from my home parish a young woman approached our table. She was accompanied by an older woman who I initially assumed was her mother. She said she was a catholic but not active, her fiancé was standing off behind her. I asked if he was a Catholic as well. She said no. She said she had a question about the Eucharist. She had read Martin Luther and was trying to understand the Real Presence. After I finished explaining, she commented that she had asked many people and finally understood. I offered for her to come to our Faith Study, and to bring her fiancé. At that point the older woman who turned to be her future mother-in-law blurted out. " My grandson just got baptized" To which I responded " That is wonderful, where was he baptized" ( Not caring really where but jumping off the acceptance of faith) She said "Oh some Church in Bloomsburg" That is where I am from and we have at least 6 Christian denominations in our community. " Oh I said I'm from there.... ( now the HS moment .... I have no idea why I added this) .....What is your grandson's name?"
She blurts out his name... Praise be Jesus... He was a catechumen I catechized!!!! The younger woman Wow you don't know how much that has changed his life... He is totally changed.... where do I sign up for your class?"
There was another man with us not from our area... He remarked after they left ..."that was amazing... I could feel the Holy Spirit working..."
Small world yes, likely encounter possibly, easy to brush off as dumb luck.... Hardly!