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San Antonio - Our Lady of Atonement

Country: United States
State or province: Texas

Team Leader
Nacho Cavazos

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INAUGURAL EVENT 25/26 Sep - Submitting to God's will

September 29, 2021

Thanks to all who submitted to God's will and made the inaugural OLOA chapter of Saint Paul Street Evangelization successful.

On Saturday (25 Sep 2021) and Sunday (26 Sep) SPSE evangelists had 59 distinct prayer interactions  with well over 100 people.  If we had had more evangelists, we could have reached far more folks.

Our Blessed Mother made her way from in front of the Church and into a desperate, dark world more than 200 times.  That is to say, the people of God picked up  200+ rosaries.  The constant mantra was: "if you take one, take two or three to give to someone else.  Take the love of Christ from here and share it with someone"

In addition to the rosaries (mucho mahalo to Louis G from Alamo Ranch chapter), the faithful lay also took about 100 miraculous medals and 300 +/- prayer cards.  We focused on The Gospel, The Cross of Christ,  The Miraculous medal and Behold, Jesus knocks on the door of your heart (every single one was taken).

We made sure SACRED SCRIPTURE (the Bible) and HOLY TRADITION ( Catechism of the Catholic Church anchored the north and south ends of the table - all God's answers are found somewhere between those two.

We also handed out at least 120 homemade cards asking people to join SPSE  efforts by committing to pray for: 1) holiness, sanctity and safety of OLOA priests and deacons; 2)  that the Holy Spirit guide OLOA evangelism efforts.

So, what fruit?  4 Anglophones (including 1 bilingual Lusophone) are interested in joining and 3 of them want training, to donate time/talent/treasure.  A disproprtionately and blessedly large # of 3 Spanish-speakers want to join the efforts and start evangelizing.

Looking forward to seeing how the Holy Spirit uses us again in October at a time tbd.  All this with a view to being in a purely secular mall-setting during Advent.

May the grace and peace of the Holy Spirit be with us always!




SPSE Team Photo


NEW EVENT! 25 & 26 September

September 15, 2021

Please pray for us and join us as we kick off our inaugural event for the Our Lady of the Atonement SPSE effort.

We're starting with "who's in the pews?" and finding out who's already evangelized and starting to evangelize those who are not yet evangelized.  The intent is to quickly form a cadre to go beyond the Church walls and to strengthen those inside the Church.

Our Pastor and the Parish Council support this activity -- we are all of one accord and aligned to the Father's will

Saturday (25 Sep): 5 p.m.

Sunday (26 Sep): 7 a.m. / 9 a.m. / 11 a.m. / 5 p.m.

The Alamo Ranch Chapter (Louis G) has already committed to provide material support - muchas gracias.

We're looking to do these kinds of activities once per month for the rest of the calendar year and then formally train up everyone else who's joined so that in the new calendar year and starting around Ash Wednesday we can really be out into the community (yuuuge University very near).

Our Lady of the Atonement (at... one... ment...) is our patroness.  Without her "Yes" it would be impossible for us to follow Christ even if we wanted to follow Him.  It was only after Christ's sacrifice that we are able to be "at one" or reconciled.

for more info email or text 830-488-7998

amDg ignacio/nacho/iggy