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Fort Wayne - Purdue University

Country: United States
State or province: Indiana

Team Leader
Julia Langford

Team Badges

Evangelizing on College Campus

August 28, 2024

Today marks exactly one year of our team evangelizing on the Purdue Fort Wayne campus! August 28th 2023 was our first outing, where we set up a table on the main pathway on campus and talked to students walking by. We have continued tabling since, with our first outing of this academic year being this past Monday, which was the first day of the semester for PFW students. We have now handed out over 150 miraculous medal and crucifix necklaces, 14 copies of the Gospel of Luke, and many other brochures on the Catholic faith. Walking around campus after our tabling I have seen non Catholics wearing the miraculous medal and crucifix chain that we gave them! Please keep all the students we have encountered and those we will in the future in your prayers!