Friday Afternoon Outside the Sebastian Library
March 21, 2025
This is the first use of the blog space SPSE provides for us on our Sebastian Team webpage for which it is hoped will be regular updates of our activities. The goal will be to keep these short while at the same time allowing the Holy Spirit to work through them for the building up of this apostolate. Today’s is a bit long because Marci and Pete had a busy two hours at the Sebastian Library.
Mark walked straight up to our table, showed us the wooden rosary ring around his finger and the wooden cross around his neck. He identified as a fellow parishioner. We fellowshipped, and he took a St Benedict cross and chain. Another man walked by and said, “I only have two words for you, ‘God wins.’” We all acknowledged that together, and he went on.
Paula also identified as a fellow parishioner, and affirmed us. She witnessed that she was a Eucharistic Minister at the hospital, and told of a patient who hadn’t been to confession in 65 years. She assured her she could do it, and encouraged her to call for a priest. She also said when a doctor arrives to see a patient, the minister normally leave the room. But one time, the doctor said, “No, you are more important.” Then he took a seat, and waited until she was done.
After we informed a couple walking by that everything on the table was free. They kept walking forward, while she looked backward over her shoulder while smiling for several steps, and then said, “Been there, done that.”
A very nice older woman came to the table with two very young boys, and she asked them if they wanted something. One wanted a rosary, but she said, “We’re Baptists, so you don’t want that.” She encouraged him to take a cross instead, which he did. She also encouraged them to take a Good News New Testament, but they didn’t want one, and asked if we had books for kids. Unfortunately, we didn’t. She said her nearby church closed, and she accepted a Why Be Catholic brochure.
A young couple, Keith and Sherry, seemed a bit lost. They were very interested in what we had for them, but he said nothing, and she only mentioned she hadn’t been to church in a long time. They left, but then walked by again a little later carrying a baby, with an older woman trailing behind (his mom?). They were very happy to show their baby, and we told them that the Catholic Church baptizes babies to bring the Holy Spirit into their lives early. They were happy to hear this, accepted a Baptism brochure, and we invited them to our church.
Shawn stopped on his bicycle after moving here recently from a nearby county. He asked if we knew of available work and food. We gave a work tip which he had already been trying, and we told him where to find a free food station and the St Vincent de Paul food bank. We prayed for him to find a job, and invited him to our Church for Stations of the Cross that night. He also accepted a Mass times card, a Good News New Testament and a “Why be Catholic” brochure.
Mom Sophie and preschooler Loretta were so happy to stop. They had lived here a year, but hadn’t found a church yet. Loretta was interested in a crucifix and chain, and mom in a miraculous medal, which she was not familiar with. They were both touched by the story of the miraculous medal, and then both wanted one. We showed them the miraculous medals we were wearing, and showed Loretta how she could put both a crucifix and medal on the same chain. Sophie welcomed hearing that its a great time to come back to Church with a lot going on during Lent, and Palm Sunday and Easter approaching. She accepted a Mass times card.
Anton said he thought the Catholic Church is the strongest Church because of all the good works it does throughout the nation and the world. We thanked him, and gave all credit to the grace of God working through us. He agreed, but then said he felt intimidated in it because its so big, and was attending a Baptist Church instead. I had seen him walking around town without transportation, and at our church a couple of times before. We empathized with him, but encouraged him not to feel that way. We explained how we’re all sinners doing the best we can, and it might help to think of the Church more like a hospital for sinners. We explained how the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ, and explained the Mass a little. We welcomed him to attend Stations of the Cross that night, and the Friday morning Mass followed by Eucharistic adoration. He accepted a Jimmy Akin’s Mass Appeal booklet and a Eucharist brochure, the latter of which he said he would read that night.
2024-2025 Season Approaching
September 10, 2024
With milder weather approaching, and snow bird team members returning in November, we will soon be able to resume our team evangelization efforts. We are always short of team members for the many opportunities here in the Melbourne-Sebastian-Vero Beach area, so please contact us at streetevangelization@proton.me for more information. If you are interested in starting a team within the Divine Mercy Radio (920 AM) listening area, we would be interested in helping you get started (except financially). Separate teams in Melbourne and Vero Beach would allow us to focus on the Sebastian area alone. However, we would help staff other teams when we could, especially when first starting. // In an effort to propagate more teams outside our area, we will have an information table at the Orlando Charismatic Renewal Conference on September 20-22 at the Hilton Orlando, 4100 Destination Pkwy. Here’s the link for more information: https://www.orlandocharismatic.com/conference.
Early Summer Update
June 18, 2023
Thanks to all of you who participated in our first year of Saint Paul Street Evangelization! Thanks be to God for all He did through you!
You shared Catholic Truth and prayed for others. Truth is Jesus Christ; Catholic is the Church he established, and prayer is an encounter with Jesus himself. (For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Mt 18:20 ESVCE)
We are now in summer when high heat and humidity make lengthy organized evangelization events more difficult to conduct. So during this period, I am focusing on many personal needs, and planning for our next season. Our next scheduled event is October 7, 2023. However, I am working on other options that might get us started a little sooner.
Our team has grown over the year to the point I think we can accommodate more events and locations, stretching between Melbourne and Vero Beach. I hope to at least double our events and venture out to much more public venues. For those of you who live in the area year round, I’ll be sending out something in the near future to see when you are available for a short 2023-2024 planning meeting.
Between now and the Fall, please take Saint Paul Street Evangelization online courses, and send me a copy of any training certificates you receive from them. Also, please continue to develop your intercessory prayer skills by asking others if you can pray for them when the Holy Spirit moves you to ask. Our prayer ministry is an important part of evangelization and building faith. https://streetevangelization.com/
If you can, I encourage you to attend "Immersion 2023 Annual Evangelization Conference," this year in Ann Arbor, MI. I learned a lot in a short period of time last year, and hope to see some of you there. https://streetevangelization.com/immersion-2023/
For readers who haven't joined the team yet, but are interested, please contact me through this website to learn more. Also, there is an effort to start a team in Cocoa Beach this Fall. If that would interest you more, please let me know so I can link you up with their team leader.
God bless you and your families. Have a wonderful summer with family and friends.
Bishop Baron on “How to Proclaim the Faith”
April 30, 2023
Maureen has asked that today’s talk by Bishop Baron be shared with you all. “How to Proclaim the Faith” is about sharing the basic gospel, the kerygma, the topic of Saint Paul Street Evangelization’s Basic Evangelization Training. I hope you appreciate it as much as we did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSUFaH4ZcyI (15 minutes)
Also, I’m sorry to report our two evangelization events at Sebastian’s Riverview Park this weekend were cancelled by concert and festival officials due to the rain forecast.
“How to be a Christian” YouTube Channel
April 24, 2023
Ferris states, “How to be Christian” is a video series and now a blog that teaches Christianity (not Protestantism, but actual Christianity) using the Bible, facts, logic… and some real stupid humor.” Note: He uses stupid humor and props to help you remember what you learned, as he explains here:
My only complaint is he comes across as quite arrogant/snarky at times that will turn many viewers off, but that may be more part of his shtick than his actual disposition.
April 10, 2023
In response to my help request yesterday, Mick suggested using SignUpGenius.com to schedule evangelizers for events. I think it will meet our needs very well, and will be testing it. If I haven’t spoke with you already about adding your email to something like this, please let me know that its OK to do so or not. (I’ve already spoke to both Bills and Maureen and I assume its also OK with Mick since he gave me the site).
Team Update
April 9, 2023
Happy Easter, Team.
If you plan to attend this Saturday’s evangelization event at St Luke Flea Market, please let me know, including what time period you expect to participate. If you’re not sure, no worries; we look forward to seeing you if you can make it.
Our team has grown since October to the point we can start scheduling more frequent events, including more public venues. However, hot muggy weather from mid-May through early October will greatly restrict when we can evangelize comfortably (and therefore effectively). In the following link you’ll see the comfortable periods of the day throughout the year.
So we’ll be experimenting with shorter events early or late in the day, with less and more mobile equipment, and consequently with fewer participants at each event. However, I hope to schedule more frequent events, perhaps once a week, so everyone gets plenty of opportunities to evangelize.
To facilitate such scheduling, I’ve looked online for a free web-based sign-up tool or mobile sign-up app with which everyone can sign up for different venues, dates and times. Ideally, it would allow you all to see each others’ selections, so you could choose slots not already filled by someone else. So far, I’ve been unsuccessful finding such a tool and not sure one like this exists. If you know of one, please let me know.
Have a blessed week.
St Sebastian Outdoor Flea Market - Saturday 3/4/23 - 13075 US Hwy 1, Sebastian FL
February 18, 2023
Evangelizing at St Sebastian Catholic Church returns Saturday, March 4, 2023. This outdoor flea market consists of general public vendors who rent parking lot space from the church to market their merchandise to the general public. We will have a table set up in vendor space F4, which is in the second to the last row of vendors. This is a 5-hour event, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you choose to attend daily Mass before joining us, Mass is at 8:30 a.m.
If you have a venue or specific event to recommend we staff in Brevard or Indian River Counties, whether on or off church property, please let Pete know as far in advance as possible so we can consider and plan for it.
If you have never participated and would like to learn more, please contact us through this website or stop by our table.
St Luke Flea Market Event - Saturday 2/18/23 - 5055 Micco Rd, Barefoot Bay FL
February 6, 2023
This outdoor flea market consists of general public vendors who rent parking lot space from the church to market their merchandise to the general public. We will have a table set up in the back parking lot behind the clergy parking sign, which is directly across from the parish hall entrance. The parking lot is heavily treed with oak trees, so there we will be shade. This is a 5-hour event, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
St Sebastian Catholic Church Outdoor Flea Market, 13075 US Hwy 1, Sebastian FL
January 26, 2023
Evangelizing at St Sebastian returns Saturday, February 4, 2023. This outdoor flea market consists of general public vendors who rent parking lot space from the church to market their merchandise to the general public. We will have a table set up in vendor space F4, which is in the the second to the last row of vendors. This is a 5-hour event, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
If you have other venues in Brevard or Indian River Counties to suggest, whether on parish or off parish event, please let Pete know so we can consider them.
If you have never participated and would like to learn more, please contact us or stop by our table.
St Sebastian 1st Saturday Flea Market Event 1/6/23
January 3, 2023
Happy New Year, All! Please join us for our next evangelization event this Saturday, January 6th, at the St Sebastian 1st Saturday of the month flea market. We will be there from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. St Sebastian is is at 13075 US Hwy 1, Sebastian FL. Set up will be complete by 7:15. Dennis will be out out of town, so other help will be needed. If you can't come for the whole event, come when you can. We will occupy the same space in the second to last row, space F4.
Hope this reminder is not going out to you too late. I was out of town at a conference, and have been caught up in what I’ve been learning. If you’d like to schedule an event, please let Pete know.
If you have never participated in an event with us, and are interested in learning more, please visit with us at any of our events, or contact Pete through our team website.
Come Holy Spirit!
St Luke Flea Market Event 12/17/22
December 13, 2022
Merry Christmas, All! Please join us for our next evangelization event this Saturday, December 17th, at the St Luke flea market, open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. St Luke's is at 5055 Micco Rd, Micco FL. Dennis will be out of town for the next two months, so other help will be needed. If you can't come for the whole event, come when you can. We will occupy the same vendor site in the back parking lot behind the clergy parking sign and across from the parish hall/church entrance.
If you have never participated in an event with us, and are interested in learning more, please visit with us at any of our events, or contact Pete through our team website.
At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, "I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may be one...so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." John 17:20-21 RSV-CE.
Come Holy Spirit, make us all one in belief so that the world may believe.
Team Events Update
November 27, 2022
Thanks to those of you who participated in our three recent successful Saint Paul Street Evangelization events, two in October and one in November. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend, and entry into Advent season today.
Please join us again for our next two evangelization events. The first is this Saturday December 3rd at the St Sebastian flea market (all first Saturdays through March), and the second is December 17th at the St Luke flea market (all third Saturdays through February). Times are the same for both events, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
We will occupy the same vendor sites for all events. At St Sebastian, that is site F4, which is in the second to last row in the back. For St Luke, that is the back parking lot behind the clergy parking sign, and directly across from the parish hall entrance.
Please let Pete know if you plan to attend, and what times you estimate being there. Gene and/or I will handle setup, which at St Sebastian must be completed by 7:15. The weather forecast for this Saturday currently includes 30 mph easterly wind gusts, and maybe a little rain.
If you have never participated in an event with us, and are interested in learning more, please visit with us at any of our events or contact Pete anytime through our team website.
At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed, "I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may be one...so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." John 17:20-21 RSV-CE.
Come Holy Spirit, make us all one in belief so that the world may believe.
First Two Events
October 9, 2022
This coming Saturday, October 15th, we will staff our first evangelization events in the area since the COVID pandemic started, and the first for the Sebastian Team. When the Oct 1st St Sebastian Flea Market was postponed to Oct 15th due to Hurricane Ian, we faced a scheduling conflict with the St Luke Flea Market. Fortunately, Gene will be coming to our rescue with his equipment and supplies, which he used every weekend for two years at Renniger's Flea Market in Melbourne. He will staff St Luke's with Chris in a centrally located space, B7. The event is 8:00 - 1:00, with setup anytime between 6:00 and 8:00.
Dennis has also joined our team, and will staff St Sebastian with Pete. Although we had hoped to be set up alongside The Legion of Mary's table, where we could help each other's evangelization efforts, operators of the flea market prefer we be in separate areas of the market because we represent separate organizations. We will be located in the back of the office-classroom complex at the start of Row F. We will have a tailgating tent for shade, and will lend our popup tent to The Legion. The event is 8:00 - 1:00, with setup anytime between 6:00 and 7:15. Operators require complete setup by 7:15.
God Bless your week, and fill us Holy Spirit.
St Sebastian Flea Markets
August 31, 2022
On August 17, 2022, St Sebastian's pastor, Father John Morrissey, gave Pete verbal authorization for us to operate on the parish. He authorized having a table at monthly parish flea markets (1st Saturday of month, Oct - Mar), and recruiting team members from the parish. Recruiting includes speaking to parishioners after all masses one weekend, and to members of small parish groups.
On August 30, 2022, Pete spoke to St Sebastian's Legion of Mary, which also operates an evangelization table at the monthly flea markets. They agree we could erect our table next to theirs so we could support each other in our efforts.
Team Development
August 22, 2022
Team Development. God bless you for your interest in the Sebastian Team, and our call to share the Good News. Here are some details on how this new team is developing, and to invite your participation. Because this is the first blog post, covering several months of activity, it is unusually long. I hope to keep future posts brief and infrequent to minimize reading.
Geographical Area. Sebastian is located in the Palm Beach Diocese on the border of the Orlando Diocese. Collaborative relationships have been established in writing with both diocese to garner support for this apostolate (detailed below). Our geographical area of operation will depend on team member agreement, but will primarily concentrate on the Melbourne – Sebastian – Vero Beach area.
Team Type. The Sebastian Team is an Individual Team, as opposed to a Parish Team or University Team. An Individual Team is a standard team anyone can start. A Parish Team is one connected to a local parish and has a pastor’s support. Our team will not be connected to any particular parish, but we will still seek pastor’s support when needed to operate on church property.
- At least two team members are needed to staff an official event. More are needed if it is a large event with a lot of foot traffic, or a long event for which shifts are needed. Since there are many large/long events available in this area, several team members are needed. If we only have two team members available, we will have to scale back participation. (Note: Events are said to be much less effective when staffed with only one person.)
- Though encouraged, you do not need to be an SPSE Certified Evangelist to participate. We can get you started right away.
- If you’re unsure about joining, you’re welcome to attend events as a Prayer Warrior observer, and see where the Holy Spirit leads you.
Team Roles available for assignment through our website and current team members include:
- Team Leader
- Pete
- SPSE Certified Evangelist
- Pete
- Evangelist
- Chris
- Ruth
- Prayer Warrior
- Deacon Greg
- Spiritual Advisor (Vacant)
- Station Leader, Community Relations Coordinator, and Team Communications Coordinator are additional roles available.
Event Scheduling and Attendance
- Any two team members can schedule an event. Just inform the Team Leader so it can be posted on our website, and equipment and supply logistics can be coordinated.
- Team members are under no obligation to attend a scheduled event, and are asked to inform the Team Leader as far in advance as able of one’s interest to attend or not attend. Events will be cancelled if there is insufficient interest.
Orlando Diocese. Bishop John Noonan issued a letter to Pete, dated 08/09/22, stating, “In reply to your petition, I grant you permission to minister in the Diocese of Orlando as an urban missionary under the apostolate of St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE). This permission is granted ad experimentum for a period of 3 years from the date of August 9, 2022.”
St Luke Parish (Orlando Diocese)
- Father Tony has provided enthusiastic support since approached about SPSE in April 2022. See our calendar for scheduled events at St Luke’s.
- A PowerPoint presentation was made to a men’s group May 2022.
- Unofficial evangelization events (due to only one person) were conducted outside St Luke’s Thrift Shop from 9:00 to 12:00, once each in July and August. There were a dozen contacts in July, but only three in August. This was just to test the location as a viable evangelization location. The shop is open weekly Thursday through Saturday, with considerable foot traffic from the public. It would be more viable for events during temperate weather.
- Deacon Greg will collaborate with us from time-to-time with regard to our activities at St Luke.
Palm Beach Diocese
- The Palm Beach Diocese issued a letter to Pete dated 06/27/22, stating, “Bishop Barbarito wishes to express his gratitude to you and the members of your apostolate for the good work that you do carrying the Gospel message of Our Lord to our brothers and sisters so that they may benefit from the truths of His teaching. You are assured of our prayerful support in your ministry.”
- The reply did not specifically mention SPSE because the Diocese was unfamiliar with Pete and our apostolate. Pete met with the Chancellor on 07/27/22 so he could get to know Pete and learn more about SPSE. The meeting went very well, and he provided further words of support. He emphasized that to operate on a parish property, we will still need the pastor’s approval.
Saint Sebastian Parish,
- Pete introduced SPSE to Father John on 08/17/22, and he gave verbal authorization to operate at their monthly flea markets, present to small groups, advertise from the pulpit at Masses one weekend, and staff a table after those Masses. See our calendar for scheduled events at St. Sebastian.
Equipment and Supplies. We are currently fully equipped and supplied through self-support.
Funding. We do not collect donations when off Church property, both for security reasons and to ensure we are not perceived as vendors. Rather, we are just citizens exercising our constitutional rights of free speech and practice of religion. Donation are best made through our team website where donations can be directed to either the national level or to our Sebastian Team. Team donations accumulate as credits for us on the online store, reducing the cost of our purchases.
- There will be a recruiting presentation to the St. Luke Ladies Guild, Tuesday, 09/6/22 at 5:30 p.m. in the parish hall, 5055 Micco Rd, Micco FL,
- Waiting to hear if we can have a recruiting table at this Thursday's Men's Night at Holy Name Catholic Church. Speaker is from 6:30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.