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Dothan - St. Columba

Country: United States
State or province: Alabama

Team Leader
Aileen Barreca

Team Badges

Rosaries for the Homeless

February 27, 2024

SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoThe St Paul Street Evangelization went out on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord to hand out rosaries, snack bags, and water to the homeless at the park on Lena St. Accompanying us was Carol, a protestant who is working on her masters in education and school counseling at Liberty University. For her Multicultural emersion project she chose Catholicism and asked if she could join us on one of our evangelization projects. She chose Catholicism because her son became Catholic.
SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoThe homeless joined us in praying the 1st Luminous mystery, The Baptism of the Lord, using scripture begore each Hail Mary.
Thank you also to Janice Nelson, Aileen Barreca, and Donna Elliot for participating.


Dinner for the House of Ruth

December 31, 2023

St Paul Street Evangelization made dinner for the House of Ruth providing chicken parmesan and rosaries blessed by Fr Dane. We served six women and ten children. A big thank you to Joey Bradley and his wife Michelle for their service.
Our next project will be dinner for the Rescue Mission Saturday, Jan 13th and dinner for The Harber Saturday, February 10th. If you are interested in helping to prepare and/or serve the meal please contact Aileen Barreca at 404/558/3276.SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team Photo


Rosaries for Thanksgiving Baskets

December 31, 2023

St Paul Street Evangelization teemed up with the rosary guild to send rosaries and rosary pamphlets to the families receiving Thanksgiving baskets from the Knights of Columbus.SPSE Team Photo


Dinner and Rosaries for Chrystalis

December 31, 2023

SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSt Paul Street Evangelization brought dinner to the girls at Chrystalis Girls Home on Saturday, Nov 4th. We served Chicken and Eggplant Parmesan and passed out rosaries blessed by Fr LaPointe and rosary pamphlets. Our next service projects are dinner for The House of Ruth Dec 2nd, dinner for the Dothan Rescue Mission Jan 6th, Dinner for The Harbor Feb 10th. We would love to have your family participate. Just contact Aileen Barreca at 404-558-3276.


Dinner for the Harbor

October 23, 2023

St Paul Street Evangelization made dinner for 90 people at The Harbor Saturday evening. We participated in their praise and worship and listened to Pastor Kevin speak on faith. Thank you to volunteers Trina Warrick, Kari Hart, and Aileen Barreca.
We were unable to handout Sacramentals or share about the Saints but I did have a conversation prior to the event with two of the pastors about “Faith Alone”. It is very difficult to convince them that they ate wrong even with the many scripture passages that don'tSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team Photosupport it.


Dinner for the Harbor

October 23, 2023

St Paul Street Evangelization made dinner for 90 people at The Harbor Saturday evening. We participated in their praise and worship and listened to Pastor Kevin speak on faith. Thank you to volunteers Trina Warrick, Kari Hart, and Aileen Barreca.
We were unable to handout Sacramentals or share about the Saints but I did have a conversation prior to the event with two of the pastors about “Faith Alone”. It is very difficult to convince them that they ate wrong even with the many scripture passages that don'tSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team Photosupport it.


Dinner for The House of Ruth

October 17, 2023

St Paul Street Evangelization made dinner for the House of Ruth, a shelter for battered women and their children. We served 10 adults and 9 children and handed out miraculous medals. The Belisomo family helped prepare the dinner. The kids enjoyed chopping green onions and rolling the meatballs for our oriental meatball dish. (Forgot to take pictures of them 🥲). Miss Hartliff of St John Enterprise made egg rolls.
SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team Photo


Dinner and Miraculous Medals at Chrystalis Home for Girls

July 17, 2023

SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSt Paul Street Evangelization served dinner to the girls at Chrystalis Home for Girls this Saturday. They were so sweet and well mannered. We served ten girls. They were all intetested in receiving a miraculous medal and hearing about St Catherine Laboure. We also gave them a little booklet about St Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the miraculous medal and shared a little bit about her life.
(We were not allowed to photograph the girls for their safety).


Service and sharing at Dothan Rescue Mission

June 7, 2023

We had our first mission at The Dothan Rescue Mission, a shelter in Dothan for the homless. We fed 30 people and Fabio Biasella read the Gospel for the day with a short meditation and he shared about the life of Padre Pio with them. They were very interested in Padre Pio and his stigmata. I walked aroung and showed them his picture.
We will soon be inviting families from our parish to join us in upcoming service projects. SPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team PhotoSPSE Team Photo