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Back at it
January 18, 2025
We are back at it. I took a break from SPSE for a year or two due to mental health concerns, but my new friend TJ got me back into it. We went downtown in Stevens Point and talked to a few homeless people, shared some food with them, and tried our best to give them spiritual food too. It didn't seem like we had much luck, but that's not what evangelization is about.
Fourth Outing: My New Friend
February 21, 2022
Betti and I were evangelizing on my UWSP campus right before school started in the fall of 2021. Yes, this post is incredibly late! But I felt I finally had to write about it because this was how I met my best friend Wyatt, who at the time was Eastern Orthodox. I introduced him to the Rosary and we began talking a lot and quickly became best friends. Eventually, through conversation and much prayer, he decided to became Catholic and join the Byzantine Rite. Praise be to God! It is so amazing to think that Jesus could be using my tiny ministry to save even one soul.
Summer Outing
August 31, 2021
Betti and I evangelized at a local fair that took place during the summer. Not too much luck, but we did give some Rosaries to a few children. God works with what we give him.
Second Outing: Much Better
May 10, 2021
Brandon and I did our second outing on the Sixth Sunday of Easter 2021, May 9. We set up in front of the food center at our college, UW-Stevens Point. Right off the bat, we engaged a guy with the Rosary, and he talked with us for a while. He's had some bad experience with Catholicism, but he even accepted a "How to Pray the Rosary" pamphlet and gave me his phone number. We totally forgot to pray with him though unfortunately. I'll have to once I meet up with him again. A few other people accepted Rosaries too.
First Outing: Disaster
May 10, 2021
So my friend Brandon and I tried our first outing on Friday, May 7, 2021. It was quite disastrous. We for some reason got it in our heads that we didn't have to engage anyone but simply wait for them to come to us. Basically nothing happened. But we learned from our mistakes and were ready to make up for it in our second outing.