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Trinity - St. Peter the Apostle

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Joseph LaMacchia


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Toward the end of His earthly ministry Jesus prayed for the unity of all Christian believers. “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and thou in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me” (John 17:20-23).

But exactly how is this unity supposed to take place? Blessed Pope John Paul II wrote in his encyclical Ut Unum Sint: “The unity willed by God can be attained only by the adherence of all to the content of revealed faith in its entirety. In matters of faith, compromise is in contradiction with God who is Truth. In the Body of Christ, ‘the way, and the truth, and the life’ (Jn 14:6), who could consider legitimate a reconciliation brought about at the expense of the truth?” In other words, Christian unity cannot come about by compromising the truth, or by ignoring or pushing disagreements to the side. True Christian unity can only come about by adhering to the truth in its fullness. As Catholics, we believe that Christ has given to the Catholic Church that fullness of God’s truth, and it is that truth that we seek to share with all who will listen.

How can we know how to follow Jesus? How can we know what His commandments are? How can we know the teachings of Jesus? We can know these things by listening to the one Church that Jesus has founded. You see, Jesus hasn’t left us alone to simply try to figure it all out on our own. Instead, He speaks to us and teaches us through His Church, which the apostle Paul called the “pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). It is through this one Church that Jesus shares with us His eternal truth and the hope of salvation. That one Church that Jesus founded is the Catholic Church, which continues to be led by the successors of the apostles, who were Jesus’ first followers. And it is the Catholic Church that we would like to invite you to sincerely investigate by visiting the websites and resources below.

Resource List

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

This is a great website for non-Catholic Christians to learn more about Catholicism and the study of scripture. It is filled with tons of free resources, articles, and courses.

Questions and Answers

If you have doubts about the Catholic faith, they are welcome here. has a number of resources available, including a forum in which anyone can ask a question, but only pre-approved clergy and scholars can answer. You know the answer you will be getting is truly in line with Catholic teaching.

Catholic Answers has over 100 tracts on different questions that Protestants have about the Catholic faith. This website also has forums you can join, allowing you to ask questions or even engage in debate.


Eternal Word Television Network is the premier Catholic TV network in the United States. It broadcasts daily over the Internet with programming of great interest to non-Catholics who would like to learn more about the Church. The network often airs live events and ceremonies involving Pope Francis.

The Vatican

There is nothing like going straight to the source for information. The Vatican has a large network of websites of interest to anyone searching for more information on the Catholic faith.

Is it time to get off the bench and into the game? Find a Catholic Church near you. Every local Church has a staff on hand to answer your questions. RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the program to join if you are interested in becoming Catholic or just learning more. No one makes the assumption that because you are attending the class, you will receive the Sacraments. No pressure!

The Coming Home Network

The Coming Home Network specifically serves Protestant Pastors who want to become Catholic.

Catholic Culture

This site contains some of the best Catholic news, commentary, and free resources available on the Internet. Its unique website rating system will help you distinguish truly Catholic websites from imposters or ones containing errors.

National Catholic Register

This website features daily Catholic news and commentary about events around the globe.

Still have Questions?

Still didn’t find what you are looking for? Contact Adam Janke at He is a Catholic convert from the Baptist faith and now serves as our Program Director.