February 2021 - Team Leader News

Why Did the Church Kill People During the Crusades?

This month’s Whaddaya Say is about the Crusades. Among those who object to Catholicism because of the Crusades, some use it as evidence that religion in general is fanatical and violent. Others are religious but just think the Crusades are a historical blot on the Church and a mark of not being the true faith. How would you respond? [read more]

Click here to see last month’s responses.

Latest Buzz Reminder

Join us this Thursday Evening for the Latest Buzz

Topic: night prayer, updates, and stories from the street. [read more]

This is a great chance to meet other team leaders and evangelists so we can all share updates, stories, trivia and prayer! Everyone is invited to share the link with your evangelists. It's part of our ongoing effort build up our SPSE community. [read more]

Team Leader Highlights

Learn about our awesome team leaders and their teams! Today we are highlighting Christina Hiromoto (from Orlando, FL) and Louis Gonzales (from San Antonio, TX). [read more]

Team Leaders please complete your team leader profile so we can highlight you in the future. You can also contact beth@stpaulse.com to let us know if there is something special we should highlight about you or your team.

What's New!

Hi Team Leaders!!

In this video we talk about what is going on in January and pray for our teams. Latest Buzz: January 21 at 9 pm EST. Join us for night prayer and fellowship!

The Evangelist’s Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Set our hearts on fire with zeal for the Gospel, love for all people, and the desire for their salvation. Inspire us that we might proclaim the Gospel persuasively and with charity, giving witness with our words and our lives. Give us courage in proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Catholic faith. We beg you also to open the hearts of all people, helping them to know Your love and Your call to the fullness of life in Your Church. Through our holy patrons, Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Paul, we ask these graces for all the evangelists of St. Paul Street Evangelization, and we make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.


Whaddaya Say?

Tech Tips

Team Leader Highlights

Latest Buzz