Team Leader Highlights
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Patti Connors (Detroit, MI)
• Detroit-St. Leo's Soup Kitchen team leader • Started with SPSE in 2018 • Patti is a true rookie team leader at SPSE although she received training in the basic course about 2 years ago. Her parish serves lunch at St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen in Detroit once a month and...
David Brandt (Berkeley, CA)
• Berkley, CA team leader • Started with SPSE in 2014 • David gathered together a few friends to start the Berkley team about 6 years ago. Then others who heard about SPSE sought him out and joined the group and now there are about 10 on the team. You can find them...
Martha Beasley (Las Cruces, NM)
• Las Cruces team leader • With SPSE since 2019 • Martha first heard about SPSE when she read Catholic Street Evangelization by Steve Dawson in 2015 and was instantly drawn to the idea of Catholic Street Evangelization. It took a few years but eventually things fell...
Dorothea Creaven (Charlestown, WV)
• Charles Town, WV - St. James team leader and Regional Missionary • With SPSE since 2015 • Dorothea learned how to evangelize at the SPSE Leadership Training Institute in 2015 where she was able to evangelize on the streets of Detroit with the SPSE team. This...
Markus Bryant (Lorain County, OH)
• Lorain County, OH team leader • With SPSE since April 2019 • Markus leads a team of 5 evangelists who evangelize at some of the large community events in their county. They often partner with the Vermilion, OH team to help out at each other’s events. The two teams...
Stefan Siwko (Houston, TX)
• Central Houston team leader and regional missionary • Started with SPSE in 2015 • Stefan has been with SPSE for 5 years and has gathered a team of about six evangelists along with an intercessory prayer team. You can find them evangelizing each month in a downtown...
Joseph Carton (San Diego – East County)
• San Diego - East County team leader • Started team in 2015 • Joseph started an SPSE team with his wife Eileen after joining an existing SPSE team on an outing. Joseph’s team of evangelists has grown so much over the years that he was able to plant a second team...
Randy Grasso (Dallas Uptown, TX)
• Dallas Uptown team leader and Senior Regional Missionary • With SPSE since 2015 • Randy has been leading the Dallas Uptown Team since 2015 after taking the Basic Evangelization Training and other SPSE courses online. The team consists of 4 steady evangelists and 3...
Mark Baker (Suwanee, GA)
• Suwanee team leader • With SPSE since 2018 • Mark and about 4 other men (all part of a Regnum Christi Men's encounter team) decided to look into SPSE as a team apostolate about 3-4 years ago. Most of them had some experience with evangelization doing door to door...
Clarence Burkholder (Greater Atlanta)
• Greater Atlanta team leader • With SPSE since 2015 • Clarence is one of our veteran team leaders and also one of our most active. His team focuses on evangelizing at university campuses reaching about 20 different public colleges in four different states. The team...