14 Books for the Aspiring Evangelist to Read in 2014

By Adam Janke, Program Director Not every book on this list is brand new, but anyone who wants to learn about the New Evangelization and the what people are talking about in the Church today would do well to explore these titles. Forming Intentional Disciples by...

Evangelii Gaudium in historical context

Get more articles like this & resources by becoming a supporting member at our Training & Member Website. by Adam Janke Background to the New Evangelization and Evangelii Gaudium 1.    1963 - Giovanni Montini is elected Pope Paul VI in June 1963. He becomes...

Jesus, Horus, and a Response to Zeitgeist the Movie

By Matt Fradd How should one respond to those who say that Jesus is just a spin-off of pagan deities? Before we look at some of these alleged parallels between Christianity and paganism (and why they’re false), it’s important to note that similarity does not imply...

Evangelii Gaudium: Overview

by Adam Janke, Program Director Get more articles like this & resources by becoming a supporting member at our Training & Member Website. Evangelii Gaudium is long, and it is helpful to briefly look over the structure of it before we delve in more deeply....

The Joyful News of Evangelii Gaudium

by Adam Janke, Program Director Get more articles like this & resources by becoming a supporting member at our Training & Member Website. Pope Francis released the first apostolic exhortation of his pontificate on November 26, 2013. The previous encyclical...