How to deal with anti-Catholics

by Jeffrey van Zuiden "Idol worshiper!" "Cult!" "You're going to Hell!" These are just a few of the verbal attacks we can suffer as Catholic Christians. Sometimes, you might as well paint a bull's-eye on your chest! So how do you handle the accusations? Preparedness....

A Biblical Principle of Evangelization

Ever notice how, in the Bible, whenever the Lord's servants are about to go out and conquer the world for Him, they first have a time of desert preparation? I am convinced that it is a biblical principle of evangelization - really, of all discipleship - that the...

We need words

We must use words when we share the Good News. Our acts do not speak clearly until we give them voice, our voice. One popular fake quote, falsely attributed to St. Francis, insists that we preach the Gospel always, and if necessary use words. It is easy to imagine an...

Hear what they mean, not just what they say

Few can say what they mean on the first try. When men use words carelessly because they don’t know how to use them carefully, they may mean something deeper than what they say. Look at it this way: Words often have a thrust more than a point. As this applies to normal...

Speak such that they hear

We must speak such that they hear. It does us no good, and we do not spread the Good News, if when we speak those we speak to do not hear us. It is for this reason that St. Paul Street Evangelization does not shout at those passing by. Shouting from a street corner,...