Kimberly Colby (Kailua, HI)

Kimberly Colby (Kailua, HI)

• Kailua, HI team leader • Kailua/Honolulu, HI Regional Missionary • Started with SPSE in 2016 • As a Regional Missionary Kim works to build a culture of evangelization as she presents the SPSE mission to parishes with the “10 Great Ways” talk. She has also taught the...
Paul DeMartini (San Diego, CA)

Paul DeMartini (San Diego, CA)

• Regional Missionary in the San Diego area • Started with SPSE in 2016 • Describe your team – size, location and frequency of evangelization outings, other team gatherings As a regional missionary, Paul works with other teams in the San Diego area with a goal...

Why should I trust the Bible and not other religious texts like the Quran?

Whaddaya Say? Why should I trust the Bible and not other religious texts like the Quran? Thanks to everyone who submitted responses to the statement, “Praying the rosary is wrong. In Matthew 6:7, Jesus warns us against vain repetition” in last month’s...

August 26, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Our Virtual School Has You Covered 2. Story from the Street: Called To Christ Through His Church 3. Story from the Street: Refreshing Experience Our Virtual School Has You Covered From Coast to Coast The pandemic is...

August 19, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Our New West Coast Virtual School Brings the Classroom To You! 2. Story from the Street: We Trust The Good Lord 3. Story from the Street: His Mercies Are New Every Morning Our New West Coast Virtual School Brings the...