July 22, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: In Dark Times, The Light of Christ is Needed All The More 2. New Lesson: Watch “Argument from Miracles” This Friday 3. Story from the Street: Fruit of Evangelization In Dark Times, The Light of Christ is...

Team Badges

Tech Tips Team Badges Team badges are our way of publicly recognizing our teams for their achievements and honoring our most active teams. Our most popular badges are the blog badge, which you can get by summarizing an outing on your team website, the calendar badge,...

July 15, 2020

Paul Assad (Riverside, CA)

Paul Assad (Riverside, CA)

• Riverside team leader • Started with SPSE in 2015 • Paul has a team of 5 who evangelize about every 2 weeks in downtown Riverside, CA. Paul writes the names of those they meet in a logbook so he can intercede and pray for them every day if possible. About once a...
Socorro Truchan (Kalamazoo, MI)

Socorro Truchan (Kalamazoo, MI)

• Regional Missionary in the Kalamazoo, MI area • Started with SPSE in 2014 • Socorro is a Regional Missionary in the Kalamazoo area. She has the gift of intercessory prayer and finds it to be an untiring work of the Holy spirit. She has formed a small SPSE prayer...