Patti Connors (Detroit, MI)

Patti Connors (Detroit, MI)

• Detroit-St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen team leader • Started with SPSE in 2018 • Patti is a true rookie team leader at SPSE although she received training in the basic course about 2 years ago. Her parish serves lunch at St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen in Detroit once a month...
Stefan Siwko (Houston, TX)

Stefan Siwko (Houston, TX)

• Central Houston team leader and regional missionary • Started with SPSE in 2015 • Stefan has been with SPSE for 5 years and has gathered a team of about six evangelists along with an intercessory prayer team. You can find them evangelizing each month in a downtown...

June 24, 2020

June 17, 2020

June 10, 2020