Sent By God!

Our Gaithersburg team couldn’t wait to “just get out there and begin!” Their first mission trip was to a local transit center for a half an hour. Immediately, they began to meet wonderful people who were very receptive to the Good News about Jesus and His love and...

The Apostolic Practice of Infant Baptism

Nick talked with this Protestant gentleman about being “Born Again” and the doctrine of infant baptism. This man said infant baptism was a heresy because infants were unable to have faith at that age and that you should only be Baptized after you have a “Born Again”...

Is the Church Invisible?

This non-Catholic Christian made the claim that we don’t need a visible Church to follow and instead everyone should just follow their conscience when it comes to morality. Nick pointed out that Jesus established a single, visible Church precisely to guide Christians...

Chastity, Impossible?

This man refused to take a Rosary because he said the Catholic Church was a greedy organization that didn’t help anyone. Steve told him that nothing could be further from the truth, especially since the Catholic Church was the largest charitable organization in the...

Evangelization in Vegas

A report from the Vegas team: This lady was a fallen-away Catholic. Did not get a chance to spend much time with her, but did give her a rosary, how to say it, and a pamphlet on “Ten Reasons to Return to the Catholic Church.” She said she would. There was...