There are two general calls in the Christian life: to be holy, and to evangelize. One cannot exist without the other, for to be holy means, in part, to tell people about Jesus Christ and the salvation He won for us. Both of these calls are urgent! We can often be tempted to avoid our call to evangelize, using various excuses. Don’t fall prey to these temptations! Nothing can disqualify you from this urgent mission!
Presenter: Steve Dawson
After a powerful conversion to the Catholic faith in 2006, Steve has been active in various Catholic ministries and in leadership positions in the pro-life movement. Steve also spent time discerning religious life, spending 14 months with the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, before discerning his call to work for the Church as a layman. As Founder and President of St. Paul Street Evangelization, he has been featured on various television and radio programs, and is also the author of several books and articles on evangelization. He resides in Michigan with his wife, Maria, and five children.
Steve Dawson introduces viewers to this mini-course on the Christian call to evangelize.
Lesson 1: Holiness & the Twofold Commandment of Love
Steve Dawson explains how the call of evangelization is rooted in the call to holiness and love.
Lesson 2: Love & Evangelization
Steve goes deeper into how love is at the foundation of evangelization, leading us to proclaim salvation to all.
Lesson 3: The Harvest is Abundant & the Laborers Are Few
Steve talks about how Christians need to take the call to evangelization as a personal responsibility.
Lesson 4: Evangelization is Necessary, & You Are Not Disqualified
Steve goes into six reasons why Christians might think they are disqualified to evangelize.