Our exciting partnership with Ave Maria Press is coming to fruition with the release of Salvation Story!
All members can access this exclusive new free supplement for evangelists and catechists. This edition of our Evangelization Formation Series coordinates with Dr. John Bergsmaโs Bible Basics for Catholics.You can use it to teach the story of salvation history and walk people through the Bible in one hour. It will show you how to conclude your presentation with the kerygma and invite people to consider the Catholic faith. Reviewed and approved by Dr. John Bergsma and edited by Ave Maria Press, download this resource today!
Hello Brothers,Sisters In Christ and St Paul Street Evangelization ,Here is alittle info IM Daniel Moore ,Im on permanent Disability ,along with having a slight Learners disability iM knot sure were id be a good fit can you all please if possilbe help me out here alittle bit thank you .Im Sorry to Mention there No PLedge Money available what happens next thanks Godbless .