Being Instruments of Providence

SPSE’s National Director, Steve Dawson, joined the San Diego team as they evangelized this week on the Ocean Beach Municipal Pier. According to Steve, in the short time the team was out, they “talked with dozens — if not hundreds — of people and had lots of fun” doing...

I’ll never be good at sharing my faith.

Today our national director, Steve Dawson, talks about some of the misconceptions of evangelization, especially that evangelization means apologetics. Misconceptions about evangelization: Evangelization is primarily a work of apologetics. If a person knows apologetics...

Growing in the Spiritual Life this Lent

Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven. Saint Ephraem of Syria Have you experienced something like this? When...

Stumbling Blocks to Conversion

Often, behind giant lies are hidden a giant desire to justify one's sins. This man, who was nearly 7 feet tall, refused to take a Rosary because he said the Catholic Church was a greedy organization that didn’t help anyone. Our evangelist Steve told him that nothing...

Evangelization in a Strange World

As the saying around Portland goes, "Keep Portland Weird," we were not overly surprised to find out when we went out for evangelization that it was "No-Pants on the Subway Day," which means many people went around on public transit in their underwear. Though there is...

Catholicism is a Way of Life

SPSE’s Team Enterprise, AL, took advantage of a beautiful day to go out and do the Work of God, spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ and the salvation that comes through Him alone. As usual, the four evangelists started their session with prayer. A handful of...

Fr. Fox on the Story of Jesus

HOMILY, Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization ( The Greatest Story Ever I hope that each of you has had the chance, at one point or another, to meet someone who...

SPSE @ The Superbowl

Our Phoenix, Arizona team checks in! After a successful Basic Evangelization Training in Phoenix last year, the team is back in the news. This time, they evangelized on Superbowl weekend when thousands of visitors were in town. The Boston Globe ran an article about...