Why Protestants Believe Catholics Worship Statues

Part 2 of the “Why Protestants Believe” series By Jeffrey van Zuiden Since the Protestant Reformation, there has been a very popular propaganda tactic --- "Catholics worship statues! Look at them ... they even bow down to them!" Truth be told, for an outside observer,...

Mary’s perfect intercession in three easy steps

One of the biggest stumbling blocks that non-Catholics have when learning about the faith is the Catholic view of Mary's role as the "perfect intercessor" for us before God. This is a complex issue, because it often includes having to explain three concepts often...

Truth behind the clergy abuse scandal

by Jeffrey van Zuiden As the Catholic faithful, perhaps one of the toughest issues we  must answer for is the sex abuse scandal. At the very least it is certainly a touchy subject. At its very worst, it is an barrier between converts and reverts and the Church....

The Rise of Evangelical Catholicism

George Weigel Catholic Exchange FEBRUARY 19, 2013 For more than 30 years it’s been my privilege to explore the Catholic Church in all its extraordinary variety and diversity. I’ve traveled from inner-city parishes to the corridors of the Vatican; from the barrios of...

Giant of our faith, and humblest among us

Thoughts on Pope Benedict XVI's resignation By Jeffrey van Zuiden As a Protestant, I used to look upon Catholics with an eye of suspicion when I saw their devotion to the Pope. To me, he was analogous to a president. When Blessed Pope John Paul II died, I watched as...

How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice

Eddie O'Neill National Catholic Register Feb. 9th, 2013 If you are known as a well-informed Catholic whose faith goes beyond an hour on Sunday, it’s bound to happen. It could be at the company picnic or some family gathering. Inevitably, you will be asked to explain,...

Evangelization vs. proselytizing

by Stephen Spiteri How do you win hearts for Christ without anyone feeling like you’re cramming religion down their throat? It’s a fair question to ask and the same could be asked of evangelizers on the street, in the work place, or even within their own families. How...