By: Christine Bordelon, The Clarion Herald

“It was a night game, and thousands upon thousands of fans of the New Orleans Saints and Dallas Cowboys walked down Girod Street to congregate at Champions Square before the Superdome doors opened. Along the way, many passed a lone table filled with blessed rosaries, medals and pamphlets about the Catholic faith. Phillip Bellini and Trevor Huster, two Catholic directors of religious education for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, stood by, ever ready to answer questions anybody might have.

Bellini and Huster are members of the recently formed New Orleans chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization, a nonprofit Catholic evangelization organization founded in Detroit in May 2012 to take the faith to the streets. This grassroots movement is now in 35 states, Washington, D.C., Australia, Canada and the Philippines.

‘The apostles went out two by two,” Bellini said. “We’re a duo, and other people are invited to join us.'”

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Our New Orleans team recently set up outside a Saints football game and was covered by the local Catholic newspaper, the Clarion Herald.  This is, in part was what was written:</p>
<p>"It was a night game, and thousands upon thousands of fans of the New Orleans Saints and Dallas Cowboys walked down Girod Street to congregate at Champions Square before the Superdome doors opened. Along the way, many passed a lone table filled with blessed rosaries, medals and pamphlets about the Catholic faith. Phillip Bellini and Trevor Huster, two Catholic directors of religious education for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, stood by, ever ready to answer questions anybody might have.</p>
<p>Bellini and Huster are members of the recently formed New Orleans chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization, a nonprofit Catholic evangelization organization founded in Detroit in May 2012 to take the faith to the streets. This grassroots movement is now in 35 states, Washington, D.C., Australia, Canada and the Philippines.</p>
<p>'The apostles went out two by two,” Bellini said. “We’re a duo, and other people are invited to join us.'"</p>
<p>Read the rest of the article here:</p>
<p>Get Involved! Start or join a team, become a Prayer Warrior, or sign up for online basic evangelization training on the website. Remember that SPSE Members get access to training and a variety of discounted and free resources that will help you evangelize effectively in your daily life. Get involved, you won't regret it!</p>