In the Holy Father’s general audience yesterday he reminded all Christians that we have a duty to spread the Gospel everywhere in the world. For most of us that means through the circumstances of our every day life, where God has placed us in our homes, ministries, vocations, and jobs. Pope Francis points out that evangelization is done in unity with the Catholic Church, through evangelization we show the power and tenderness of God, and evangelization is not our own act, but the action of the Holy Spirit in us. We are called to become both missionaries and disciples of the Lord!
Rome – Dear Brothers and Sisters: When we profess the Creed, we affirm that the Church is catholic and apostolic. The word catholic signifies that she is universal. This means that the Church is found everywhere and teaches the whole truth regarding the heavens and the earth. The Church shows her catholicity by speaking all languages which is the effect of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit gave to the Apostles and the whole Church the gift of proclaiming the Good News of God’s salvation and love to all, even to the ends of the earth. The Church then is of her nature missionary, given to evangelization and encounter; that is, she is apostolic. Founded on the Apostles and in continuity with them, the Church is called to proclaim the Gospel to everyone, and to show the tenderness and power of God. This too flows from Pentecost. It is the Holy Spirit who prevents us from being self-absorbed, of thinking that the blessings of God are for us alone. Rather, the Spirit compels us to encounter our brothers and sisters, even those most distant from us in every way, to share with them the love, peace, and joy of the Risen Lord. May we always live in solidarity with all of humanity, and never closed in on ourselves. May we go out, in communion with the Successors of the Apostles, to announce Christ and his love to all. And may we always be a sign of the Church our Mother: holy, catholic and apostolic.
It start’s with us. Every one of us, amen.
MY dear holy Father… I love you much more than others …please bless me to be brave to go out and preach the Lord ‘s Word.. MAY THE LORD ALWAYS BE WITH YOU…OUR GOOD SHEPHERD
Holy father I will try to evangelise the good news of the gospel to all religions And especially the poor who I promise to pray for daily !!!!