The Enterprise, AL, team had another busy day recently. First-time evangelist Gina Wong, who helped evangelize in Spanish, joined them this time. She was a natural and she loved it! Gina’s husband, Marcus Wong, also helped the team evangelize in Spanish.
In the photo, Gina is speaking to a gentleman about the Rosary and the importance of prayers that bring us closer to God. She explained the Saints and the reasons we use them as intercessors. Since we here on earth use each other in the same way, why not call on the help of those already in Heaven and who are face-to-face with the Almighty? Didn’t Moses intercede for the Israelites, Abraham for Sodom and Gomorrah, and so on? Then why not the Saints?
On the other side of the table, not pictured, the gentleman’s friend was being spoken with at the same time by veteran evangelist Mikey Torres. The woman was once married to a Catholic, was currently non-practicing, but had started to feel a pull to attend church again, and so was now searching for the right one.
“But with so many Christian churches (40,000+),” Mikey asked her, “all claiming to be the one true church, where would you go? How do you know which is the true church?”
Then Mikey spoke with her about what we know for certain from history: through Scripture (Matthew 16)—which records how Jesus Himself established His Church—and through the letters of the early Church—which all speak about the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
The woman was happy to learn this because no one had ever really explained these things to her before.
Keep up the good work, Team Enterprise!
Thank you for sharing
Where in Mathew 16 does it speak of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?
Catholic Bible search results “Catholic” (0 results) “Apostolic”(0 results) all iterations (0 results)
Not in the Revised Standard Catholic Edition – Not in the New American Bible either, not sure what bible that was being used to say this. I guess it is just assumed to be there.
It seems the post is referring to “the letters of the early Church” as speaking about the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, while Matthew 16 shows how Christ established his Church. However, the Scriptures certainly do give witness to the “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.” They envisage the Church as substantially one (one in faith, one Lord, one Spirit, one baptism, etc.), though it is made up of many local Churches. They envisage the Church as the Holy bride of Christ (Eph. 5, Rev 12ff.). They see it as Catholic (meaning universal – “Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…” Matt 28). And the Scriptures see the Church as Apostolic, that is, “built upon the foundations of the apostles…” (Eph 2). These are just some of the examples. Truthfully, it takes more than a simple (English!) word search to find out what the bible says about an idea.
The Church is One: Rom.12:5; 1Cor. 10:17, 12:13; CCC 813-822. The Church is Holy: Eph,5:25-27, Rev. 19: 7-8, CCC 823-829. The Church is Catholic: Matt. 28:19-20, Rev. 5:9-10, CCC 839-856. The Church is Apostolic: Eph. 2:19-20, CCC 857-865.
That is a great answer.