These people stopped by looking for some assistance with getting food for their family. Our teams often meet homeless people out on the street while they are evangelizing and so we make sure we know of the local outreaches in the area to point them two. (This team is blessed in Portland to have two Catholic parishes close by that have food and clothing pantries.)
That said, we must remember that the reason why the Church exists is to evangelize and all other works that the Church performs must be secondary to this mission. Sadly, many Catholics have fallen into the mindset that all that matters are material needs, when in reality the Church has always taught spiritual needs are primary. This is why preaching the Gospel must accompany the Corporal Works of Mercy. These people learned about the Rosary and were given prayer cards that they could use to help them through this difficult time.
Exactly! That’s why Our Lord Jesus Christ eagerly fed the hungry and healed the sick, but first and foremost announced His Kingdom and taught anyone who would listen.