After a recent SPSE Basic Evangelization Training in Phoenix, AZ, new evangelists got in some practice while the course was still fresh in their minds. The training is a hands-on, practical approach to learning how to share what God has done in your life and to lead people to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. Experienced evangelist Dave reported his story to SPSE.

After the training, Dave had some business that needed to be taken care of, and because the location of the Catholic street evangelization outing was out of his way, he hesitated about showing up for it. But he did.

When he offered a Rosary to a young family, he ended up sharing his story: nothing spectacular—just how faith in Jesus Christ has really grounded his life. But Dave felt that his story, as ordinary as it was, fostered a real connection between him and the husband. By the end of the conversation, Dave had offered them the opportunity to come with him to Mass, and they took Dave’s number so they could arrange to go the following weekend.

Dave shared with the team later that God clearly poured out his graces in a particular manner that evening — something that would not have occurred if he had not gone out of his way for Our Lord.