Here our evangelist Julian speaks to a fallen away Catholic about the importance of having a deep relationship with Jesus Christ in the Church that He Founded. The man was having hard times and seemed to lack joy and peace in his life. Julian was able to tell the man a bit of his own personal testimony, himself having previously lived a life sin and lacking the true joy that he has now.
Julian then went on to explain that God wants to be in relationship with him and that contrition, repentance and confession was all that was needed for the man to come back. The team was also able to plant seeds of faith in the man by proclaiming the Kerygma to him while leading him in a prayer consecrating his life back to Jesus Christ and repenting of his sins. When the conversation was over the man informed us that he felt the Holy Spirit come into him during the prayer and he left a changed person. Pray for this man as he continues his journey with the Lord.
The harvest is ripe but the laborers are very few. We are all called to evangelize, but most are scared or don’t know how. Get involved with us and we will help.
God Bless You for changing that mans life!