Teens from the Diocese of Lansing, MI, went to the national March for Life in Washington, DC, joining hundreds of thousands of others on the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision. The young Catholics were led by SPSE program director, Adam Janke, who has brought groups to the March for 7 years now.
Adam trained the teens to use our SPSE pro-life holy card and Miraculous Medal to evangelize on the streets of DC. Many of the young people did not already wear the Medal themselves and were grateful to receive one. In 2 days, they distributed nearly 1500 Miraculous Medals in the nation’s capital. Each time they gave one away, the teen evangelist shared the story of the Medal and the meaning of its being blessed. They found they were giving many of them away to fellow Catholics, who were at the March but unfamiliar with the devotion. They also gave many to local residents.
The teens also shared the Gospel with many residents of DC, telling them how God is working in their own lives. Many responded positively to the gifts. People were also impressed to see teens taking such an active interest in that intersection of culture & faith and thanked them. The March for Life offers a unique opportunity to exercise our responsibility to engage actively, as Catholics, in public life — seeking to change our culture through direct evangelization.
Diocesan and parish staff on the trip noted how empowering evangelization on a trip like this was, not only for those who were evangelized, but also for our Catholic young people who reached out.
Besides testifying to a culture of life through the March, the teens experienced Eucharistic Adoration. For some, it was a first. They stayed for more than 2 hours, by their own choice, praying and praising God, praying with each other, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and even “dropping their nets” to give their hearts to Jesus. Many teens also received healing for brokenness in their own lives.
Pray for these teens as they go home “pumped up” and ready to continue the important work of evangelization in our culture.
Thank you, teens, and thank you, Adam! And as for the rest of you, join us!
rSNTASTIC! Good for you! Way to be relevant and new! So glad to hear you shared a devotion new even to fellow Catholics. SCORE!
*FANTASTIC is what I meant. : ) Can you change?
Praise God! :-). I HOPE to see this post on facebook!