About every three weeks, SPSE’s San Francisco team takes the Faith to the streets. Pictured is evangelist Mary Fong giving Rosaries to a woman and child, and evangelist Stephen Bolin standing ready. Two other SPSE evangelists, Robert Seib and Ted Kirk, were also there. Here is a story from their report.
A man with a younger woman approached evangelist Robert Seib. The man, “Steven”, asked for prayer for “spiritual healing”. Robert immediately prayed for him, right there. Steven cried. He said he was a non-Catholic Christian. Then the woman, “Angel”, began to ask questions.
Robert asked if she was Catholic, but she said no. She had been raised as some kind of Christian, but couldn’t remember if she had been baptized. Steven soon wandered away, but Angel stayed for nearly a half hour. She asked about the Divine Mercy image that Robert held, how to pray the Rosary, and how to become Catholic. Before she left, evangelist Robert Seib had discussed RCIA with her at length. He reports, “The seed was definitely planted.”
Robert also reports that during most of the last two evangelization sessions, he had felt inspired simply to stand beside the Divine Mercy image and say “God Bless You” to each person passing by. Many people thanked him. Some smiled, and some even returned the blessing. Many, on hearing the blessing, began to examine the SPSE sign’s image of Jesus holding the Eucharist.
Such a simple, non-confrontational action —yet it drew such positive attention from so many toward Jesus Christ and toward the Church that He founded. Thank you, San Francisco team! Won’t you please pray for Angel and for all the people who encounter our evangelists?
And, did you notice how simple and easy it is to evangelize using the tools SPSE has developed? So, if you’re not already a member, please prayerfully consider joining us. The sign with the Divine Mercy image, as well as Divine Mercy holy cards, are both available in our member store. Many other resources are there as well. Become a member and find out how easily you become an effective Catholic street evangelist!