Colder weather is not stopping our Kingston Upon Hull team in the UK! Pictured with the evangelists are some young Catholic men from East Timor, a country on the eastern half of the island of Timor, north of Australia. Although the island may look like a tropical paradise, Catholics there have been violently persecuted since 1975 and as many as 100,000 are said to still be detained in prison.
What could possibly give people the COURAGE to keep declaring their Faith in CHRIST JESUS even when faced with a very real threat of loss to property, family, and life itself? Only what is Eternal is worth more than everything that can be found within time. Jim Eliot, a 20th century missionary martyr in Ecuador, explained: “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to win what he cannot lose.”
And this treasure is nothing less than Jesus Christ, Truth Himself (cf. John 14:6). HE is the Eternal Word, sent from the Father, sent into the world to truly save us from the eternal consequences of sin — but we must ACCEPT His gift (cf. John 3:16).
This is also the GOOD NEWS that our Kingston Upon Hull, UK, and other SPSE teams are out there sharing.
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