As always, when SPSE’s Dallas team hits the streets, their key concerns are 1) reaching fallen-away Catholics and other inactive Christians, 2) reaching people with no relationship with God, and 3) clearing up misconceptions about Catholicism.
The team talked with one woman who became Catholic years ago, when she married. Her 30-year-old son is also Catholic. However, her own understanding of the Faith is shaky and she told the SPSE team that she is “grilled all the time” about it by her non-Catholic relatives. For example, they ask her why Catholics believe in Purgatory. Evangelist Gene gave her a CD on that. The woman also accepted “all kinds of other CDs, literature, and — of course — a Rosary”. Plus, she agreed to look into the next RCIA program at her parish. She told the team she believed God put them there for her to find that day!
The family pictured is also Catholic, but not attending Mass. Evangelists Paul and Gene talked with them at length about how important it is for them to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), and then to begin attending Mass at least once a week to receive the Eucharist. The parents acknowledged their need for the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, and agreed to return and confess their sins so they could receive Him again. The team gave them literature and CDs for encouragement.
The team also encountered a family in which the wife was Catholic, but the husband was not — though he attends Mass with her. The team ask him why he wasn’t Catholic, but he didn’t really have a reason. He took literature and several CDs on “Why Be Catholic?” The family was happy to see the evangelists out sharing the Catholic Faith.
Thank you, Team Dallas! Do you know someone who has stopped practicing the Faith, or losing their grip on it? Or someone who wants to be invited to join the Church? Are YOU perhaps being called to reach out? SPSE’s training, literature, and other resources help you bring a peaceful Catholic presence to your community. If you’re not yet an SPSE member, please prayerfully consider joining us and sharing the joy.