Five evangelists joined the SPSE San Francisco’s recent Monday lunch-time outing to Civic Center Plaza. So many responded to SPSE evangelists Charlene, Mary, Stephen, Ted, and Robert that they ran out of Rosaries within the first two hours. They continued, though, to offer copies of the Gospel according to John, pamphlets, and religious medals for another hour. They talked with many people.
Evangelist Robert recognized “Kelly”, a woman they met during the outing two days earlier. She still wore the chain the team had given her, with its blessed Miraculous Medal and St. Benedict crucifix. Robert urged her again to return to church and receive the Sacraments.
Evangelists Mary and Ted spoke at length with a man, “Paul”, raised Catholic but now attending a non-Catholic Christian denomination. Interested in what the team did, he talked with them at length. He also accepted a Rosary and medals. Team members felt they planted a seed of change within him.
Throughout the session, evangelist Robert held up a Divine Mercy image. One young woman, “Vi”, seemed fascinated by it. Raised Catholic in Vietnam, she had attended Catholic school there. She talked with the team, left, then returned to gaze at the image of Jesus. She recognized and talked about the sanctifying red and white rays in the image, coming from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and representing the water and the blood. Vi accepted a Rosary, a chain with medals, and the Gospel. Twenty minutes later, she returned with “David” to show him the Divine Mercy image. He also accepted a Rosary, medal, and his own copy of the Gospel. Vi gazed at the Divine Mercy image again for a long time before leaving.
Thank you, San Francisco team! Jesus Christ is as alive today as He was on the Day of Resurrection. And He still seeks the lost. SPSE team members reached out with His love to Kelly, Paul, Vi, David, and many others. They also had the joy of seeing people begin to respond to that divine call. Have you joined the SPSE apostolate yet? If not, you can. Please pray about joining us today and being a part of this exciting work!